| %% This file changes the IP Address on the Xante Accel-a-Writer
| %%Setting the IP Address will restart the printer!!
| %(%IP%) <</IPAddress (>> setdevparams
| %(%IP%) <</NetworkMask (>> setdevparams
| %(%IP%) <</BroadcastAddress (>> setdevparams
| %(%IP%) <</GatewayAddress (>> setdevparams
| %serverdict begin 0 exitserver
| %systemdict /quit get exec
| %% Print out the IP address
| %%To print out the current IP Address, comment out the
| %%above commands under Set The IP Address with a percent
| %%sign. Uncomment the lines below by removing the leading % sign.
| /Courier findfont 24 scalefont setfont
| /BroadcastAddress get show |