| .TH MP 3 |
| .SH NAME |
| |
| mpsetminbits, mpnew, mpfree, mpbits, mpnorm, mpcopy, mpassign, mprand, strtomp, mpfmt,mptoa, betomp, mptobe, letomp, mptole, mptoui, uitomp, mptoi, itomp, uvtomp, mptouv, vtomp, mptov, mpdigdiv, mpadd, mpsub, mpleft, mpright, mpmul, mpexp, mpmod, mpdiv, mpcmp, mpextendedgcd, mpinvert, mpsignif, mplowbits0, mpvecdigmuladd, mpvecdigmulsub, mpvecadd, mpvecsub, mpveccmp, mpvecmul, mpmagcmp, mpmagadd, mpmagsub, crtpre, crtin, crtout, crtprefree, crtresfree \- extended precision arithmetic |
| .B #include <u.h> |
| .br |
| .B #include <libc.h> |
| .br |
| .B #include <mp.h> |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* mpnew(int n) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpfree(mpint *b) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpsetminbits(int n) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpbits(mpint *b, int n) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpnorm(mpint *b) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* mpcopy(mpint *b) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpassign(mpint *old, mpint *new) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* mprand(int bits, void (*gen)(uchar*, int), mpint *b) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* strtomp(char *buf, char **rptr, int base, mpint *b) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| char* mptoa(mpint *b, int base, char *buf, int blen) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mpfmt(Fmt*) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* betomp(uchar *buf, uint blen, mpint *b) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mptobe(mpint *b, uchar *buf, uint blen, uchar **bufp) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* letomp(uchar *buf, uint blen, mpint *b) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mptole(mpint *b, uchar *buf, uint blen, uchar **bufp) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| uint mptoui(mpint*) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* uitomp(uint, mpint*) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mptoi(mpint*) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* itomp(int, mpint*) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* vtomp(vlong, mpint*) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| vlong mptov(mpint*) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint* uvtomp(uvlong, mpint*) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| uvlong mptouv(mpint*) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpmagadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *diff) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpmagsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *diff) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpleft(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpright(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpmul(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *prod) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpexp(mpint *b, mpint *e, mpint *m, mpint *res) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpmod(mpint *b, mpint *m, mpint *remainder) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpdiv(mpint *dividend, mpint *divisor, mpint *quotient, mpint *remainder) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mpcmp(mpint *b1, mpint *b2) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mpmagcmp(mpint *b1, mpint *b2) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpextendedgcd(mpint *a, mpint *b, mpint *d, mpint *x, mpint *y) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpinvert(mpint *b, mpint *m, mpint *res) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mpsignif(mpint *b) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mplowbits0(mpint *b) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpdigdiv(mpdigit *dividend, mpdigit divisor, mpdigit *quotient) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpvecadd(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *sum) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpvecsub(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *diff) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpvecdigmuladd(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mpvecdigmulsub(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void mpvecmul(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *p) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| int mpveccmp(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| CRTpre* crtpre(int nfactors, mpint **factors) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| CRTres* crtin(CRTpre *crt, mpint *x) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void crtout(CRTpre *crt, CRTres *r, mpint *x) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void crtprefree(CRTpre *cre) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| void crtresfree(CRTres *res) |
| .PP |
| .B |
| mpint *mpzero, *mpone, *mptwo |
| .PP |
| These routines perform extended precision integer arithmetic. |
| The basic type is |
| .BR mpint , |
| which points to an array of |
| .BR mpdigit s, |
| stored in little-endian order: |
| .sp |
| .EX |
| typedef struct mpint mpint; |
| struct mpint |
| { |
| int sign; /* +1 or -1 */ |
| int size; /* allocated digits */ |
| int top; /* significant digits */ |
| mpdigit *p; |
| char flags; |
| }; |
| .EE |
| .PP |
| The sign of 0 is +1. |
| .PP |
| The size of |
| .B mpdigit |
| is architecture-dependent and defined in |
| .BR /$cputype/include/u.h . |
| .BR Mpint s |
| are dynamically allocated and must be explicitly freed. Operations |
| grow the array of digits as needed. |
| .PP |
| In general, the result parameters are last in the |
| argument list. |
| .PP |
| Routines that return an |
| .B mpint |
| will allocate the |
| .B mpint |
| if the result parameter is |
| .BR nil . |
| This includes |
| .IR strtomp , |
| .IR itomp , |
| .IR uitomp , |
| and |
| .IR btomp . |
| These functions, in addition to |
| .I mpnew |
| and |
| .IR mpcopy , |
| will return |
| .B nil |
| if the allocation fails. |
| .PP |
| Input and result parameters may point to the same |
| .BR mpint . |
| The routines check and copy where necessary. |
| .PP |
| .I Mpnew |
| creates an |
| .B mpint |
| with an initial allocation of |
| .I n |
| bits. |
| If |
| .I n |
| is zero, the allocation will be whatever was specified in the |
| last call to |
| .I mpsetminbits |
| or to the initial value, 1056. |
| .I Mpfree |
| frees an |
| .BR mpint . |
| .I Mpbits |
| grows the allocation of |
| .I b |
| to fit at least |
| .I n |
| bits. If |
| .B b->top |
| doesn't cover |
| .I n |
| bits it increases it to do so. |
| Unless you are writing new basic operations, you |
| can restrict yourself to |
| .B mpnew(0) |
| and |
| .BR mpfree(b) . |
| .PP |
| .I Mpnorm |
| normalizes the representation by trimming any high order zero |
| digits. All routines except |
| .B mpbits |
| return normalized results. |
| .PP |
| .I Mpcopy |
| creates a new |
| .B mpint |
| with the same value as |
| .I b |
| while |
| .I mpassign |
| sets the value of |
| .I new |
| to be that of |
| .IR old . |
| .PP |
| .I Mprand |
| creates an |
| .I n |
| bit random number using the generator |
| .IR gen . |
| .I Gen |
| takes a pointer to a string of uchar's and the number |
| to fill in. |
| .PP |
| .I Strtomp |
| and |
| .I mptoa |
| convert between |
| and |
| .B mpint |
| representations using the base indicated. |
| Only the bases 10, 16, 32, and 64 are |
| supported. Anything else defaults to 16. |
| .IR Strtomp |
| skips any leading spaces or tabs. |
| .IR Strtomp 's |
| scan stops when encountering a digit not valid in the |
| base. If |
| .I rptr |
| is not zero, |
| .I *rptr |
| is set to point to the character immediately after the |
| string converted. |
| If the parse pterminates before any digits are found, |
| .I strtomp |
| return |
| .BR nil . |
| .I Mptoa |
| returns a pointer to the filled buffer. |
| If the parameter |
| .I buf |
| is |
| .BR nil , |
| the buffer is allocated. |
| .I Mpfmt |
| can be used with |
| .IR fmtinstall (3) |
| and |
| .IR print (3) |
| to print hexadecimal representations of |
| .BR mpint s. |
| .PP |
| .I Mptobe |
| and |
| .I mptole |
| convert an |
| .I mpint |
| to a byte array. The former creates a big endian representation, |
| the latter a little endian one. |
| If the destination |
| .I buf |
| is not |
| .BR nil , |
| it specifies the buffer of length |
| .I blen |
| for the result. If the representation |
| is less than |
| .I blen |
| bytes, the rest of the buffer is zero filled. |
| If |
| .I buf |
| is |
| .BR nil , |
| then a buffer is allocated and a pointer to it is |
| deposited in the location pointed to by |
| .IR bufp . |
| Sign is ignored in these conversions, i.e., the byte |
| array version is always positive. |
| .PP |
| .IR Betomp , |
| and |
| .I letomp |
| convert from a big or little endian byte array at |
| .I buf |
| of length |
| .I blen |
| to an |
| .IR mpint . |
| If |
| .I b |
| is not |
| .IR nil , |
| it refers to a preallocated |
| .I mpint |
| for the result. |
| If |
| .I b |
| is |
| .BR nil , |
| a new integer is allocated and returned as the result. |
| .PP |
| The integer conversions are: |
| .TF Mptouv |
| .TP |
| .I mptoui |
| .BR mpint -> "unsigned int" |
| .TP |
| .I uitomp |
| .BR "unsigned int" -> mpint |
| .TP |
| .I mptoi |
| .BR mpint -> "int" |
| .TP |
| .I itomp |
| .BR "int" -> mpint |
| .TP |
| .I mptouv |
| .BR mpint -> "unsigned vlong" |
| .TP |
| .I uvtomp |
| .BR "unsigned vlong" -> mpint |
| .TP |
| .I mptov |
| .BR mpint -> "vlong" |
| .TP |
| .I vtomp |
| .BR "vlong" -> mpint |
| .PD |
| .PP |
| When converting to the base integer types, if the integer is too large, |
| the largest integer of the appropriate sign |
| and size is returned. |
| .PP |
| The mathematical functions are: |
| .TF mpmagadd |
| .TP |
| .I mpadd |
| .BR "sum = b1 + b2" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpmagadd |
| .BR "sum = abs(b1) + abs(b2)" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpsub |
| .BR "diff = b1 - b2" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpmagsub |
| .BR "diff = abs(b1) - abs(b2)" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpleft |
| .BR "res = b<<shift" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpright |
| .BR "res = b>>shift" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpmul |
| .BR "prod = b1*b2" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpexp |
| if |
| .I m |
| is nil, |
| .BR "res = b**e" . |
| Otherwise, |
| .BR "res = b**e mod m" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpmod |
| .BR "remainder = b % m" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpdiv |
| .BR "quotient = dividend/divisor" . |
| .BR "remainder = dividend % divisor" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpcmp |
| returns -1, 0, or +1 as |
| .I b1 |
| is less than, equal to, or greater than |
| .IR b2 . |
| .TP |
| .I mpmagcmp |
| the same as |
| .I mpcmp |
| but ignores the sign and just compares magnitudes. |
| .PD |
| .PP |
| .I Mpextendedgcd |
| computes the greatest common denominator, |
| .IR d , |
| of |
| .I a |
| and |
| .IR b . |
| It also computes |
| .I x |
| and |
| .I y |
| such that |
| .BR "a*x + b*y = d" . |
| Both |
| .I a |
| and |
| .I b |
| are required to be positive. |
| If called with negative arguments, it will |
| return a gcd of 0. |
| .PP |
| .I Mpinverse |
| computes the multiplicative inverse of |
| .I b |
| .B mod |
| .IR m . |
| .PP |
| .I Mpsignif |
| returns the bit offset of the left most 1 bit in |
| .IR b . |
| .I Mplowbits0 |
| returns the bit offset of the right most 1 bit. |
| For example, for 0x14, |
| .I mpsignif |
| would return 4 and |
| .I mplowbits0 |
| would return 2. |
| .PP |
| The remaining routines all work on arrays of |
| .B mpdigit |
| rather than |
| .BR mpint 's. |
| They are the basis of all the other routines. They are separated out |
| to allow them to be rewritten in assembler for each architecture. There |
| is also a portable C version for each one. |
| .TF mpvecdigmuladd |
| .TP |
| .I mpdigdiv |
| .BR "quotient = dividend[0:1] / divisor" . |
| .TP |
| .I mpvecadd |
| .BR "sum[0:alen] = a[0:alen-1] + b[0:blen-1]" . |
| We assume alen >= blen and that sum has room for alen+1 digits. |
| .TP |
| .I mpvecsub |
| .BR "diff[0:alen-1] = a[0:alen-1] - b[0:blen-1]" . |
| We assume that alen >= blen and that diff has room for alen digits. |
| .TP |
| .I mpvecdigmuladd |
| .BR "p[0:n] += m * b[0:n-1]" . |
| This multiplies a an array of digits times a scalar and adds it to another array. |
| We assume p has room for n+1 digits. |
| .TP |
| .I mpvecdigmulsub |
| .BR "p[0:n] -= m * b[0:n-1]" . |
| This multiplies a an array of digits times a scalar and subtracts it fromo another array. |
| We assume p has room for n+1 digits. It returns +1 is the result is positive and |
| -1 if negative. |
| .TP |
| .I mpvecmul |
| .BR "p[0:alen*blen] = a[0:alen-1] * b[0:blen-1]" . |
| We assume that p has room for alen*blen+1 digits. |
| .TP |
| .I mpveccmp |
| This returns -1, 0, or +1 as a - b is negative, 0, or positive. |
| .PD |
| .PP |
| .IR mptwo , |
| .I mpone |
| and |
| .I mpzero |
| are the constants 2, 1 and 0. These cannot be freed. |
| .SS "Chinese remainder theorem |
| .PP |
| When computing in a non-prime modulus, |
| .IR n, |
| it is possible to perform the computations on the residues modulo the prime |
| factors of |
| .I n |
| instead. Since these numbers are smaller, multiplication and exponentiation |
| can be much faster. |
| .PP |
| .I Crtin |
| computes the residues of |
| .I x |
| and returns them in a newly allocated structure: |
| .EX |
| typedef struct CRTres CRTres; |
| { |
| int n; // number of residues |
| mpint *r[n]; // residues |
| }; |
| .EE |
| .PP |
| .I Crtout |
| takes a residue representation of a number and converts it back into |
| the number. It also frees the residue structure. |
| .PP |
| .I Crepre |
| saves a copy of the factors and precomputes the constants necessary |
| for converting the residue form back into a number modulo |
| the product of the factors. It returns a newly allocated structure |
| containing values. |
| .PP |
| .I Crtprefree |
| and |
| .I crtresfree |
| free |
| .I CRTpre |
| and |
| .I CRTres |
| structures respectively. |
| .B /usr/local/plan9/src/libmp |