blob: d989d18c1c21ce6491dc242ef0dd26770092b536 [file] [log] [blame]
lock, canlock, unlock,
qlock, canqlock, qunlock,
rlock, canrlock, runlock,
wlock, canwlock, wunlock,
rsleep, rwakeup, rwakeupall
incref, decref
\- spin locks, queueing rendezvous locks, reader-writer locks, rendezvous points, and reference counts
.ft L
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
.ft L
void lock(Lock *l)
int canlock(Lock *l)
void unlock(Lock *l)
.ft L
void qlock(QLock *l)
int canqlock(QLock *l)
void qunlock(QLock *l)
.ft L
void rlock(RWLock *l)
int canrlock(RWLock *l)
void runlock(RWLock *l)
.ft L
void wlock(RWLock *l)
int canwlock(RWLock *l)
void wunlock(RWLock *l)
.ft L
typedef struct Rendez {
QLock *l;
} Rendez;
.ft L
void rsleep(Rendez *r)
int rwakeup(Rendez *r)
int rwakeupall(Rendez *r)
.ft L
#include <thread.h>
.ft L
typedef struct Ref {
long ref;
} Ref;
.ft L
void incref(Ref*)
long decref(Ref*)
These routines are used to synchronize processes sharing memory.
.B Locks
are spin locks,
.B QLocks
.B RWLocks
are different types of queueing rendezvous locks,
.B Rendezes
are rendezvous points.
Locks and rendezvous points work in regular programs as
well as programs that use the thread library
.IR thread (3)).
The thread library replaces the
.IR rendezvous (3)
system call
with its own implementation,
.IR threadrendezvous ,
so that threads as well as processes may be synchronized by locking calls
in threaded programs.
Used carelessly, spin locks can be expensive and can easily generate deadlocks.
Their use is discouraged, especially in programs that use the
thread library because they prevent context switches between threads.
.I Lock
blocks until the lock has been obtained.
.I Canlock
is non-blocking.
It tries to obtain a lock and returns a non-zero value if it
was successful, 0 otherwise.
.I Unlock
releases a lock.
.B QLocks
have the same interface but are not spin locks; instead if the lock is taken
.I qlock
will suspend execution of the calling task until it is released.
.B Locks
are the more primitive lock, they have limitations; for example,
they cannot synchronize between tasks in the same
.IR proc .
.B QLocks
.B RWLocks
manage access to a data structure that has distinct readers and writers.
.I Rlock
grants read access;
.I runlock
releases it.
.I Wlock
grants write access;
.I wunlock
releases it.
.I Canrlock
.I canwlock
are the non-blocking versions.
There may be any number of simultaneous readers,
but only one writer.
if write access is granted no one may have
read access until write access is released.
All types of lock should be initialized to all zeros before use; this
puts them in the unlocked state.
.B Rendezes
are rendezvous points. Each
.B Rendez
.I r
is protected by a
.B QLock
.IB r -> l \fR,
which must be held by the callers of
.IR rsleep ,
.IR rwakeup ,
.IR rwakeupall .
.I Rsleep
atomically releases
.IB r -> l
and suspends execution of the calling task.
After resuming execution,
.I rsleep
will reacquire
.IB r -> l
before returning.
If any processes are sleeping on
.IR r ,
.I rwakeup
wakes one of them.
it returns 1 if a process was awakened, 0 if not.
.I Rwakeupall
wakes all processes sleeping on
.IR r ,
returning the number of processes awakened.
.I Rwakeup
.I rwakeupall
do not release
.IB r -> l
and do not suspend execution of the current task.
Before use,
.B Rendezes
should be initialized to all zeros except for
.IB r -> l
pointer, which should point at the
.B QLock
that will guard
.IR r .
.B Ref
contains a
.B long
that can be incremented and decremented atomically:
.I Incref
increments the
.I Ref
in one atomic operation.
.I Decref
atomically decrements the
.B Ref
and returns zero if the resulting value is zero, non-zero otherwise.
.B /usr/local/plan9/src/libc/port/lock.c
.B /usr/local/plan9/src/libc/9sys/qlock.c
.B /usr/local/plan9/src/libthread/ref.c
.I rfork
.IR fork (3)
.B Locks
are not strictly spin locks.
After each unsuccessful attempt,
.I lock
.B sleep(0)
to yield the CPU; this handles the common case
where some other process holds the lock.
After a thousand unsuccessful attempts,
.I lock
sleeps for 100ms between attempts.
Another another thousand unsuccessful attempts,
.I lock
sleeps for a full second between attempts.
.B Locks
are not intended to be held for long periods of time.
The 100ms and full second sleeps are only heuristics to
avoid tying up the CPU when a process deadlocks.
As discussed above,
if a lock is to be held for much more than a few instructions,
the queueing lock types should be almost always be used.