| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2004 Russ Cox. See LICENSE. |
| */ |
| |
| /* /home/rsc/papers/elfXXelf.pdf */ |
| |
| typedef struct Elf Elf; |
| typedef struct ElfHdr ElfHdr; |
| typedef struct ElfSect ElfSect; |
| typedef struct ElfProg ElfProg; |
| typedef struct ElfNote ElfNote; |
| typedef struct ElfSym ElfSym; |
| |
| enum |
| { |
| ElfClassNone = 0, |
| ElfClass32, |
| ElfClass64, |
| |
| ElfDataNone = 0, |
| ElfDataLsb, |
| ElfDataMsb, |
| |
| ElfTypeNone = 0, |
| ElfTypeRelocatable, |
| ElfTypeExecutable, |
| ElfTypeSharedObject, |
| ElfTypeCore, |
| /* 0xFF00 - 0xFFFF reserved for processor-specific types */ |
| |
| ElfMachNone = 0, |
| ElfMach32100, /* AT&T WE 32100 */ |
| ElfMachSparc, /* SPARC */ |
| ElfMach386, /* Intel 80386 */ |
| ElfMach68000, /* Motorola 68000 */ |
| ElfMach88000, /* Motorola 88000 */ |
| ElfMach486, /* Intel 80486, no longer used */ |
| ElfMach860, /* Intel 80860 */ |
| ElfMachMips, /* MIPS RS3000 */ |
| ElfMachS370, /* IBM System/370 */ |
| ElfMachMipsLe, /* MIPS RS3000 LE */ |
| ElfMachParisc = 15, /* HP PA RISC */ |
| ElfMachVpp500 = 17, /* Fujitsu VPP500 */ |
| ElfMachSparc32Plus, /* SPARC V8+ */ |
| ElfMach960, /* Intel 80960 */ |
| ElfMachPower, /* PowerPC */ |
| ElfMachPower64, /* PowerPC 64 */ |
| ElfMachS390, /* IBM System/390 */ |
| ElfMachV800 = 36, /* NEC V800 */ |
| ElfMachFr20, /* Fujitsu FR20 */ |
| ElfMachRh32, /* TRW RH-32 */ |
| ElfMachRce, /* Motorola RCE */ |
| ElfMachArm, /* ARM */ |
| ElfMachAlpha, /* Digital Alpha */ |
| ElfMachSH, /* Hitachi SH */ |
| ElfMachSparc9, /* SPARC V9 */ |
| /* and the list goes on... */ |
| |
| ElfAbiNone = 0, |
| ElfAbiSystemV = 0, /* [sic] */ |
| ElfAbiHPUX, |
| ElfAbiNetBSD, |
| ElfAbiLinux, |
| ElfAbiSolaris = 6, |
| ElfAbiAix, |
| ElfAbiIrix, |
| ElfAbiFreeBSD, |
| ElfAbiTru64, |
| ElfAbiModesto, |
| ElfAbiOpenBSD, |
| ElfAbiARM = 97, |
| ElfAbiEmbedded = 255, |
| |
| /* some of sections 0xFF00 - 0xFFFF reserved for various things */ |
| ElfSectNone = 0, |
| ElfSectProgbits, |
| ElfSectSymtab, |
| ElfSectStrtab, |
| ElfSectRela, |
| ElfSectHash, |
| ElfSectDynamic, |
| ElfSectNote, |
| ElfSectNobits, |
| ElfSectRel, |
| ElfSectShlib, |
| ElfSectDynsym, |
| |
| ElfSectFlagWrite = 0x1, |
| ElfSectFlagAlloc = 0x2, |
| ElfSectFlagExec = 0x4, |
| /* 0xF0000000 are reserved for processor specific */ |
| |
| ElfSymBindLocal = 0, |
| ElfSymBindGlobal, |
| ElfSymBindWeak, |
| /* 13-15 reserved */ |
| |
| ElfSymTypeNone = 0, |
| ElfSymTypeObject, |
| ElfSymTypeFunc, |
| ElfSymTypeSection, |
| ElfSymTypeFile, |
| /* 13-15 reserved */ |
| |
| ElfSymShnNone = 0, |
| ElfSymShnAbs = 0xFFF1, |
| ElfSymShnCommon = 0xFFF2, |
| /* 0xFF00-0xFF1F reserved for processors */ |
| /* 0xFF20-0xFF3F reserved for operating systems */ |
| |
| ElfProgNone = 0, |
| ElfProgLoad, |
| ElfProgDynamic, |
| ElfProgInterp, |
| ElfProgNote, |
| ElfProgShlib, |
| ElfProgPhdr, |
| |
| ElfProgFlagExec = 0x1, |
| ElfProgFlagWrite = 0x2, |
| ElfProgFlagRead = 0x4, |
| |
| ElfNotePrStatus = 1, |
| ElfNotePrFpreg = 2, |
| ElfNotePrPsinfo = 3, |
| ElfNotePrTaskstruct = 4, |
| ElfNotePrAuxv = 6, |
| ElfNotePrXfpreg = 0x46e62b7f, /* for gdb/386 */ |
| }; |
| |
| struct ElfHdr |
| { |
| uchar magic[4]; |
| uchar class; |
| uchar encoding; |
| uchar version; |
| uchar abi; |
| uchar abiversion; |
| u32int type; |
| u32int machine; |
| u32int entry; |
| u32int phoff; |
| u32int shoff; |
| u32int flags; |
| u32int ehsize; |
| u32int phentsize; |
| u32int phnum; |
| u32int shentsize; |
| u32int shnum; |
| u32int shstrndx; |
| u16int (*e2)(uchar*); |
| u32int (*e4)(uchar*); |
| u64int (*e8)(uchar*); |
| }; |
| |
| struct ElfSect |
| { |
| char *name; |
| u32int type; |
| u32int flags; |
| u32int addr; |
| u32int offset; |
| u32int size; |
| u32int link; |
| u32int info; |
| u32int align; |
| u32int entsize; |
| uchar *base; |
| }; |
| |
| struct ElfProg |
| { |
| u32int type; |
| u32int offset; |
| u32int vaddr; |
| u32int paddr; |
| u32int filesz; |
| u32int memsz; |
| u32int flags; |
| u32int align; |
| }; |
| |
| struct ElfNote |
| { |
| u32int namesz; |
| u32int descsz; |
| u32int type; |
| char *name; |
| uchar *desc; |
| u32int offset; /* in-memory only */ |
| }; |
| |
| struct ElfSym |
| { |
| char* name; |
| u32int value; |
| u32int size; |
| uchar bind; |
| uchar type; |
| uchar other; |
| u16int shndx; |
| }; |
| |
| struct Elf |
| { |
| int fd; |
| ElfHdr hdr; |
| ElfSect *sect; |
| uint nsect; |
| ElfProg *prog; |
| uint nprog; |
| char *shstrtab; |
| |
| int nsymtab; |
| ElfSect *symtab; |
| ElfSect *symstr; |
| int ndynsym; |
| ElfSect *dynsym; |
| ElfSect *dynstr; |
| ElfSect *bss; |
| ulong dynamic; /* offset to elf dynamic crap */ |
| |
| int (*coreregs)(Elf*, ElfNote*, uchar**); |
| int (*corecmd)(Elf*, ElfNote*, char**); |
| }; |
| |
| Elf* elfopen(char*); |
| Elf* elfinit(int); |
| ElfSect *elfsection(Elf*, char*); |
| void elfclose(Elf*); |
| int elfsym(Elf*, int, ElfSym*); |
| int elfsymlookup(Elf*, char*, ulong*); |
| int elfmap(Elf*, ElfSect*); |
| |
| struct Fhdr; |
| void elfcorelinux386(struct Fhdr*, Elf*, ElfNote*); |
| void elfdl386mapdl(int); |