| #ifndef __AUTH_H__ |
| #define __AUTH_H__ 1 |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| /* |
| #pragma src "/sys/src/libauth" |
| #pragma lib "libauth.a" |
| */ |
| AUTOLIB(auth) |
| |
| /* |
| * Interface for typical callers. |
| */ |
| |
| typedef struct AuthInfo AuthInfo; |
| typedef struct Chalstate Chalstate; |
| typedef struct Chapreply Chapreply; |
| typedef struct MSchapreply MSchapreply; |
| typedef struct UserPasswd UserPasswd; |
| typedef struct AuthRpc AuthRpc; |
| |
| struct CFid; |
| |
| enum |
| { |
| MAXCHLEN= 256, /* max challenge length */ |
| MAXNAMELEN= 256, /* maximum name length */ |
| MD5LEN= 16, |
| |
| ARok = 0, /* rpc return values */ |
| ARdone, |
| ARerror, |
| ARneedkey, |
| ARbadkey, |
| ARwritenext, |
| ARtoosmall, |
| ARtoobig, |
| ARrpcfailure, |
| ARphase, |
| |
| AuthRpcMax = 4096, |
| }; |
| |
| struct AuthRpc |
| { |
| int afd; |
| struct CFid *afid; |
| char ibuf[AuthRpcMax]; |
| char obuf[AuthRpcMax]; |
| char *arg; |
| uint narg; |
| }; |
| |
| struct AuthInfo |
| { |
| char *cuid; /* caller id */ |
| char *suid; /* server id */ |
| char *cap; /* capability (only valid on server side) */ |
| int nsecret; /* length of secret */ |
| uchar *secret; /* secret */ |
| }; |
| |
| struct Chalstate |
| { |
| char *user; |
| char chal[MAXCHLEN]; |
| int nchal; |
| void *resp; |
| int nresp; |
| |
| /* for implementation only */ |
| AuthRpc *rpc; /* to factotum */ |
| char userbuf[MAXNAMELEN]; /* temp space if needed */ |
| int userinchal; /* user was sent to obtain challenge */ |
| }; |
| |
| struct Chapreply /* for protocol "chap" */ |
| { |
| uchar id; |
| char resp[MD5LEN]; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MSchapreply /* for protocol "mschap" */ |
| { |
| char LMresp[24]; /* Lan Manager response */ |
| char NTresp[24]; /* NT response */ |
| }; |
| |
| struct UserPasswd |
| { |
| char *user; |
| char *passwd; |
| }; |
| |
| extern int newns(char*, char*); |
| extern int addns(char*, char*); |
| |
| extern int noworld(char*); |
| extern int amount(int, char*, int, char*); |
| |
| /* these two may get generalized away -rsc */ |
| extern int login(char*, char*, char*); |
| extern int httpauth(char*, char*); |
| |
| typedef struct Attr Attr; |
| enum { |
| AttrNameval, /* name=val -- when matching, must have name=val */ |
| AttrQuery, /* name? -- when matching, must be present */ |
| AttrDefault, /* name:=val -- when matching, if present must match INTERNAL */ |
| }; |
| struct Attr |
| { |
| int type; |
| Attr *next; |
| char *name; |
| char *val; |
| }; |
| |
| typedef int AuthGetkey(char*); |
| |
| int _attrfmt(Fmt*); |
| Attr *_copyattr(Attr*); |
| Attr *_delattr(Attr*, char*); |
| Attr *_findattr(Attr*, char*); |
| void _freeattr(Attr*); |
| Attr *_mkattr(int, char*, char*, Attr*); |
| Attr *_parseattr(char*); |
| char *_strfindattr(Attr*, char*); |
| /* |
| #pragma varargck type "A" Attr* |
| */ |
| |
| extern AuthInfo* fauth_proxy(int, AuthRpc *rpc, AuthGetkey *getkey, char *params); |
| extern AuthInfo* auth_proxy(int fd, AuthGetkey *getkey, char *fmt, ...); |
| extern AuthInfo* fsfauth_proxy(struct CFid*, AuthRpc *rpc, AuthGetkey *getkey, char *params); |
| extern AuthInfo* fsauth_proxy(struct CFid*, AuthGetkey *getkey, char *fmt, ...); |
| extern int auth_getkey(char*); |
| extern int (*amount_getkey)(char*); |
| extern void auth_freeAI(AuthInfo *ai); |
| extern int auth_chuid(AuthInfo *ai, char *ns); |
| extern Chalstate *auth_challenge(char*, ...); |
| extern AuthInfo* auth_response(Chalstate*); |
| extern int auth_respond(void*, uint, char*, uint, void*, uint, AuthGetkey *getkey, char*, ...); |
| extern void auth_freechal(Chalstate*); |
| extern AuthInfo* auth_userpasswd(char *user, char *passwd); |
| extern UserPasswd* auth_getuserpasswd(AuthGetkey *getkey, char*, ...); |
| extern AuthInfo* auth_getinfo(AuthRpc *rpc); |
| extern AuthRpc* auth_allocrpc(void); |
| extern Attr* auth_attr(AuthRpc *rpc); |
| extern void auth_freerpc(AuthRpc *rpc); |
| extern uint auth_rpc(AuthRpc *rpc, char *verb, void *a, int n); |
| extern int auth_wep(char*, char*, ...); |
| /* |
| #pragma varargck argpos auth_proxy 3 |
| #pragma varargck argpos auth_challenge 1 |
| #pragma varargck argpos auth_respond 3 |
| #pragma varargck argpos auth_getuserpasswd 2 |
| */ |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } |
| #endif |
| #endif |