blob: c1571d776e948509d08b54b409e899b10c1b1da4 [file] [log] [blame]
fn text {
if(~ $winid [0-9]*)
9p read acme/$winid/body
if not if(~ $text9term unix!*)
dial -e $text9term </dev/null
if not
PROMPT='[^ ]*[%;$#][ ]+'
fn cmds {
text | 9 grep '^'$PROMPT'[^"]' | sed 's/^/ /'
switch($#*) {
case 0
cmds | tail -1
case *
cmds | 9 grep '^ '$PROMPT^$"* | {echo; cat} |
pr -t -n | sort -nr | sort -u +1 | sort -n |
9 sed 's/^ *[0-9]+ //' | grep .
# the silly {echo; cat} gets around pr printing "empty file" when
# presented with no input.