blob: 75592ee9b216b2cd9b4a791199f3386fdfdb3023 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _THREAD_H_
#define _THREAD_H_ 1
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* basic procs and threads
int proccreate(void (*f)(void *arg), void *arg, unsigned int stacksize);
int threadcreate(void (*f)(void *arg), void *arg, unsigned int stacksize);
void threadexits(char *);
void threadexitsall(char *);
void threadsetname(char*, ...);
void threadsetstate(char*, ...);
char *threadgetname(void);
int threadyield(void);
void _threadready(_Thread*);
void _threadswitch(void);
void _threadsetsysproc(void);
void _threadsleep(Rendez*);
_Thread *_threadwakeup(Rendez*);
#define yield threadyield
* I am tired of making this mistake.
#define exits do_not_call_exits_in_threaded_programs
#define _exits do_not_call__exits_in_threaded_programs
* signals
void threadnotify(int(*f)(void*,char*), int);
* daemonize
void threaddaemonize(void);
* per proc and thread data
void **procdata(void);
void **threaddata(void);
* supplied by user instead of main.
* mainstacksize is size of stack allocated to run threadmain
void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern int mainstacksize;
* channel communication
typedef struct Alt Alt;
typedef struct _Altarray _Altarray;
typedef struct Channel Channel;
struct Alt
Channel *c;
void *v;
uint op;
_Thread *thread;
Alt *xalt;
struct _Altarray
Alt **a;
uint n;
uint m;
struct Channel
uint bufsize;
uint elemsize;
uchar *buf;
uint nbuf;
uint off;
_Altarray asend;
_Altarray arecv;
char *name;
/* [Edit .+1,./^$/ |cfn -h $PLAN9/src/libthread/channel.c] */
int chanalt(Alt *alts);
Channel* chancreate(int elemsize, int elemcnt);
void chanfree(Channel *c);
int chaninit(Channel *c, int elemsize, int elemcnt);
int channbrecv(Channel *c, void *v);
void* channbrecvp(Channel *c);
ulong channbrecvul(Channel *c);
int channbsend(Channel *c, void *v);
int channbsendp(Channel *c, void *v);
int channbsendul(Channel *c, ulong v);
int chanrecv(Channel *c, void *v);
void* chanrecvp(Channel *c);
ulong chanrecvul(Channel *c);
int chansend(Channel *c, void *v);
int chansendp(Channel *c, void *v);
int chansendul(Channel *c, ulong v);
void chansetname(Channel *c, char *fmt, ...);
#define alt chanalt
#define nbrecv channbrecv
#define nbrecvp channbrecvp
#define nbrecvul channbrecvul
#define nbsend channbsend
#define nbsendp channbsendp
#define nbsendul channbsendul
#define recv chanrecv
#define recvp chanrecvp
#define recvul chanrecvul
#define send chansend
#define sendp chansendp
#define sendul chansendul
* reference counts
typedef struct Ref Ref;
struct Ref {
Lock lock;
long ref;
long decref(Ref *r);
long incref(Ref *r);
* slave i/o processes
typedef struct Ioproc Ioproc;
/* [Edit .+1,/^$/ |cfn -h $PLAN9/src/libthread/io*.c] */
void closeioproc(Ioproc *io);
long iocall(Ioproc *io, long (*op)(va_list*), ...);
int ioclose(Ioproc *io, int fd);
int iodial(Ioproc *io, char *addr, char *local, char *dir, int *cdfp);
void iointerrupt(Ioproc *io);
int ioopen(Ioproc *io, char *path, int mode);
Ioproc* ioproc(void);
long ioread(Ioproc *io, int fd, void *a, long n);
int ioread9pmsg(Ioproc*, int, void*, int);
long ioreadn(Ioproc *io, int fd, void *a, long n);
int iorecvfd(Ioproc *, int);
int iosendfd(Ioproc*, int, int);
int iosleep(Ioproc *io, long n);
long iowrite(Ioproc *io, int fd, void *a, long n);
* exec external programs
void threadexec(Channel*, int[3], char*, char *[]);
void threadexecl(Channel*, int[3], char*, ...);
int threadspawn(int[3], char*, char*[]);
int threadspawnl(int[3], char*, ...);
Channel* threadwaitchan(void);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* _THREADH_ */