| .TH MAN 7 |
| .SH NAME |
| man \- macros to typeset manual |
| .B nroff -man |
| .I file ... |
| .PP |
| .B troff -man |
| .I file ... |
| These macros are used to format pages of this manual. |
| .PP |
| Except in |
| .L .LR |
| and |
| .L .RL |
| requests, any text argument denoted |
| .I t |
| in the request summary may be zero to six words. |
| Quotes |
| \fL"\fP ... \fL"\fP |
| may be used to include blanks in a `word'. |
| If |
| .I t |
| is empty, |
| the special treatment is applied to |
| the next text input line (the next line that doesn't begin with dot). |
| In this way, for example, |
| .B .I |
| may be used to italicize a line of more than 6 words, or |
| .B .SM |
| followed by |
| .B .B |
| to make small letters in `bold' font. |
| .PP |
| A prevailing indent distance is remembered between |
| successive indented paragraphs, |
| and is reset to default value upon reaching a non-indented paragraph. |
| Default units for indents |
| .I i |
| are ens. |
| .PP |
| The fonts are |
| .TP |
| .B R |
| roman, the main font, preferred for diagnostics |
| .PD 0 |
| .TP |
| .B I |
| italic, preferred for parameters, short names of commands, |
| names of manual pages, |
| and naked function names |
| .TP |
| .L B |
| `bold', actually the constant width font, |
| preferred for examples, file names, declarations, keywords, names of |
| .B struct |
| members, and literals |
| (numbers are rarely literals) |
| .TP |
| .B L |
| also the constant width font. |
| In |
| .I troff |
| .BR L = B ; |
| in |
| .I nroff |
| arguments of the macros |
| .BR .L , |
| .BR .LR , |
| and |
| .B .RL |
| are printed in quotes; |
| preferred only where quotes really help (e.g. lower-case literals and |
| punctuation). |
| .PD |
| .LP |
| Type font and size are reset to default values |
| before each paragraph, and after processing |
| font- or size-setting macros. |
| .PP |
| The |
| .B -man |
| macros admit equations and tables in the style of |
| .IR eqn (1) |
| and |
| .IR tbl (1), |
| but do not support arguments on |
| .B .EQ |
| and |
| .B .TS |
| macros. |
| .PP |
| These strings are predefined by |
| .BR -man : |
| .TP |
| .B \e*R |
| .if t `\*R', `(Reg)' in |
| .if t .IR nroff . |
| .if n `(Reg)', trademark symbol in |
| .if n .IR troff . |
| .br |
| .ns |
| .TP |
| .B \e*S |
| Change to default type size. |
| .B /sys/lib/tmac/tmac.an |
| .IR troff (1), |
| .IR man (1) |
| .ta \w'.TH n c x 'u +\w'Cause 'u +\w'Argument\ 'u |
| .di xx |
| \ka |
| .br |
| .di |
| .in \nau |
| .ti0 |
| Request Cause If no Explanation |
| .ti0 |
| Break Argument |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.B\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR=n.t.l.* Text |
| .I t |
| is `bold'. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.BI\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR=n.t.l. Join |
| words of |
| .I t |
| alternating bold and italic. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.BR\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR=n.t.l. Join |
| words of |
| .I t |
| alternating bold and Roman. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.DT\fR no Restore default tabs. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.EE\fR yes End displayed example |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.EX\fR yes Begin displayed example |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.HP\fR \fIi\fR yes \fIi\fR=p.i.* Set prevailing indent to |
| .IR i . |
| Begin paragraph with hanging indent. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.I\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR=n.t.l. Text |
| .I t |
| is italic. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.IB\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR=n.t.l. Join |
| words of |
| .I t |
| alternating italic and bold. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.IP\fR \fIx i\fR yes \fIx\fR="" Same as \fL.TP\fP with tag |
| .IR x . |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.IR\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR=n.t.l. Join |
| words of |
| .I t |
| alternating italic and Roman. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.L\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR=n.t.l. Text |
| .I t |
| is literal. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.LP\fR yes Same as \fL.PP\fP. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.LR\fR \fIt\fR no Join 2 |
| words of |
| .I t |
| alternating literal and Roman. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.PD\fR \fId\fR no \fId\fR=\fL.4v\fP Interparagraph distance is |
| .IR d . |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.PP\fR yes Begin paragraph. |
| Set prevailing indent to default. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.RE\fR yes End of relative indent. |
| Set prevailing indent to amount of starting \fL.RS\fP. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.RI\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR=n.t.l. Join |
| words of |
| .I t |
| alternating Roman and italic. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.RL\fR \fIt\fR no Join 2 or 3 |
| words of |
| .I t |
| alternating Roman and literal. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.RS\fR \fIi\fR yes \fIi\fR=p.i. Start relative indent, |
| move left margin in distance |
| .IR i . |
| Set prevailing indent to default for nested indents. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.SH\fR \fIt\fR yes \fIt\fR="" Subhead; reset paragraph distance. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.SM\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR=n.t.l. Text |
| .I t |
| is small. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.SS\fR \fIt\fR no \fIt\fR="" Secondary subhead. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.TF\fR \fIs\fR yes Prevailing indent is wide as |
| string |
| .I s |
| in font |
| .BR L ; |
| paragraph distance is 0. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.TH\fR \fIn c x\fR yes Begin page named |
| .I n |
| of chapter |
| .IR c; |
| .I x |
| is extra commentary, e.g. `local', for page head. |
| Set prevailing indent and tabs to default. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.TP\fR \fIi\fR yes \fIi\fR=p.i. Set prevailing indent to |
| .IR i . |
| Restore default indent if |
| .IR i =0. |
| Begin indented paragraph |
| with hanging tag given by next text line. |
| If tag doesn't fit, place it on separate line. |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.1C\fR yes Equalize columns and return to 1-column output |
| .ti0 |
| \&\fL.2C\fR yes Start 2-column nofill output |
| .PP |
| .ti0 |
| * n.t.l. = next text line; p.i. = prevailing indent |
| .SH BUGS |
| There's no way to fool |
| .I troff |
| into handling literal double quote marks |
| .B \&" |
| in font-alternation macros, such as |
| .LR .BI . |
| .br |
| There is no direct way to suppress column widows in 2-column |
| output; the column lengths may be adjusted by inserting |
| .L .sp |
| requests before the closing |
| .LR .1C . |