blob: b28b3b0cf7ad426450b0bf65bcf5298d34c5cb0d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ip.h>
static Ipifc**
_readoldipifc(char *buf, Ipifc **l, int index)
char *f[200];
int i, n;
Ipifc *ifc;
Iplifc *lifc, **ll;
/* allocate new interface */
*l = ifc = mallocz(sizeof(Ipifc), 1);
if(ifc == nil)
return l;
l = &ifc->next;
ifc->index = index;
n = tokenize(buf, f, nelem(f));
if(n < 2)
return l;
strncpy(ifc->dev, f[0], sizeof ifc->dev);
ifc->dev[sizeof(ifc->dev) - 1] = 0;
ifc->mtu = strtoul(f[1], nil, 10);
ll = &ifc->lifc;
for(i = 2; n-i >= 7; i += 7){
/* allocate new local address */
*ll = lifc = mallocz(sizeof(Iplifc), 1);
ll = &lifc->next;
parseip(lifc->ip, f[i]);
parseipmask(lifc->mask, f[i+1]);
parseip(lifc->net, f[i+2]);
ifc->pktin = strtoul(f[i+3], nil, 10);
ifc->pktout = strtoul(f[i+4], nil, 10);
ifc->errin = strtoul(f[i+5], nil, 10);
ifc->errout = strtoul(f[i+6], nil, 10);
return l;
static char*
findfield(char *name, char **f, int n)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
if(strcmp(f[i], name) == 0)
return f[i+1];
return "";
static Ipifc**
_readipifc(char *file, Ipifc **l, int index)
int i, n, fd, lines;
char buf[4*1024];
char *line[32];
char *f[64];
Ipifc *ifc;
Iplifc *lifc, **ll;
/* read the file */
fd = open(file, OREAD);
if(fd < 0)
return l;
n = 0;
while((i = read(fd, buf+n, sizeof(buf)-1-n)) > 0 && n < sizeof(buf) - 1)
n += i;
buf[n] = 0;
if(strncmp(buf, "device", 6) != 0)
return _readoldipifc(buf, l, index);
/* allocate new interface */
*l = ifc = mallocz(sizeof(Ipifc), 1);
if(ifc == nil)
return l;
l = &ifc->next;
ifc->index = index;
lines = getfields(buf, line, nelem(line), 1, "\n");
/* pick off device specific info(first line) */
n = tokenize(line[0], f, nelem(f));
strncpy(ifc->dev, findfield("device", f, n), sizeof(ifc->dev));
ifc->dev[sizeof(ifc->dev)-1] = 0;
if(ifc->dev[0] == 0){
return l;
ifc->mtu = strtoul(findfield("maxmtu", f, n), nil, 10);
ifc->sendra6 = atoi(findfield("sendra", f, n));
ifc->recvra6 = atoi(findfield("recvra", f, n));
ifc->rp.mflag = atoi(findfield("mflag", f, n));
ifc->rp.oflag = atoi(findfield("oflag", f, n));
ifc->rp.maxraint = atoi(findfield("maxraint", f, n));
ifc->rp.minraint = atoi(findfield("minraint", f, n));
ifc->rp.linkmtu = atoi(findfield("linkmtu", f, n));
ifc->rp.reachtime = atoi(findfield("reachtime", f, n));
ifc->rp.rxmitra = atoi(findfield("rxmitra", f, n));
ifc->rp.ttl = atoi(findfield("ttl", f, n));
ifc->rp.routerlt = atoi(findfield("routerlt", f, n));
ifc->pktin = strtoul(findfield("pktin", f, n), nil, 10);
ifc->pktout = strtoul(findfield("pktout", f, n), nil, 10);
ifc->errin = strtoul(findfield("errin", f, n), nil, 10);
ifc->errout = strtoul(findfield("errout", f, n), nil, 10);
/* now read the addresses */
ll = &ifc->lifc;
for(i = 1; i < lines; i++){
n = tokenize(line[i], f, nelem(f));
if(n < 5)
/* allocate new local address */
*ll = lifc = mallocz(sizeof(Iplifc), 1);
ll = &lifc->next;
parseip(lifc->ip, f[0]);
parseipmask(lifc->mask, f[1]);
parseip(lifc->net, f[2]);
lifc->validlt = strtoul(f[3], nil, 10);
lifc->preflt = strtoul(f[4], nil, 10);
return l;
static void
_freeifc(Ipifc *ifc)
Ipifc *next;
Iplifc *lnext, *lifc;
if(ifc == nil)
for(; ifc; ifc = next){
next = ifc->next;
for(lifc = ifc->lifc; lifc; lifc = lnext){
lnext = lifc->next;
readipifc(char *net, Ipifc *ifc, int index)
int fd, i, n;
Dir *dir;
char directory[128];
char buf[128];
Ipifc **l;
l = &ifc;
ifc = nil;
if(net == 0)
net = "/net";
snprint(directory, sizeof(directory), "%s/ipifc", net);
if(index >= 0){
snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%d/status", directory, index);
_readipifc(buf, l, index);
} else {
fd = open(directory, OREAD);
if(fd < 0)
return nil;
n = dirreadall(fd, &dir);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(strcmp(dir[i].name, "clone") == 0)
if(strcmp(dir[i].name, "stats") == 0)
snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s/status", directory, dir[i].name);
l = _readipifc(buf, l, atoi(dir[i].name));
return ifc;