blob: 2985c5ffc392b965eada90f4506dd97a21f7a30a [file] [log] [blame]
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include <flate.h>
#include <draw.h>
#include "imagefile.h"
int debug;
enum{ IDATSIZE=1000000,
/* filtering algorithms, supposedly increase compression */
FilterNone = 0, /* new[x][y] = buf[x][y] */
FilterSub = 1, /* new[x][y] = buf[x][y] + new[x-1][y] */
FilterUp = 2, /* new[x][y] = buf[x][y] + new[x][y-1] */
FilterAvg = 3, /* new[x][y] = buf[x][y] + (new[x-1][y]+new[x][y-1])/2 */
FilterPaeth= 4, /* new[x][y] = buf[x][y] + paeth(new[x-1][y],new[x][y-1],new[x-1][y-1]) */
FilterLast = 5,
PropertyBit = 1<<5
typedef struct ZlibW{
uchar *chan[4]; /* Rawimage channels */
uchar *scan; /* new scanline */
uchar *pscan; /* previous scanline */
int scanl; /* scan len */
int scanp; /* scan pos */
int nchan; /* number of input chans */
int npix; /* pixels read so far */
int chanl; /* number of bytes allocated to chan[x] */
int scanpix;
int bpp; /* bits per sample */
int palsize;
int row; /* current scanline number */
uchar palette[3*256];
} ZlibW;
typedef struct ZlibR{
Biobuf *bi;
uchar *buf;
uchar *b; /* next byte to decompress */
uchar *e; /* past end of buf */
ZlibW *w;
} ZlibR;
static ulong *crctab;
static uchar PNGmagic[] = {137,80,78,71,13,10,26,10};
static char memerr[] = "ReadPNG: malloc failed: %r";
static ulong
get4(uchar *a)
return (a[0]<<24) | (a[1]<<16) | (a[2]<<8) | a[3];
static int inited;
inited = 1;
crctab = mkcrctab(0xedb88320);
if(crctab == nil)
sysfatal("mkcrctab error");
pngmalloc(ulong n, int clear)
void *p;
p = malloc(n);
if(p == nil)
memset(p, 0, n);
return p;
static int
getchunk(Biobuf *b, char *type, uchar *d, int m)
uchar buf[8];
ulong crc = 0, crc2;
int n, nr;
if(Bread(b, buf, 8) != 8)
return -1;
n = get4(buf);
memmove(type, buf+4, 4);
type[4] = 0;
if(n > m)
sysfatal("getchunk needed %d, had %d", n, m);
nr = Bread(b, d, n);
if(nr != n)
sysfatal("getchunk read %d, expected %d", nr, n);
crc = blockcrc(crctab, crc, type, 4);
crc = blockcrc(crctab, crc, d, n);
if(Bread(b, buf, 4) != 4)
sysfatal("getchunk tlr failed");
crc2 = get4(buf);
if(crc != crc2)
sysfatal("getchunk crc failed");
return n;
static int
zread(void *va)
ZlibR *z = va;
char type[5];
int n;
if(z->b >= z->e){
z->b = z->buf;
n = getchunk(z->bi, type, z->b, IDATSIZE);
if(n < 0 || strcmp(type, "IEND") == 0)
return -1;
z->e = z->b + n;
if(!strcmp(type,"PLTE")) {
if (n < 3 || n > 3*256 || n%3)
sysfatal("invalid PLTE chunk len %d", n);
memcpy(z->w->palette, z->b, n);
z->w->palsize = n/3;
goto refill_buffer;
if(type[0] & PropertyBit)
goto refill_buffer; /* skip auxiliary chunks for now */
if(strcmp(type,"IDAT")) {
sysfatal("unrecognized mandatory chunk %s", type);
goto refill_buffer;
return *z->b++;
static uchar
paeth(uchar a, uchar b, uchar c)
int p, pa, pb, pc;
p = (int)a + (int)b - (int)c;
pa = abs(p - (int)a);
pb = abs(p - (int)b);
pc = abs(p - (int)c);
if(pa <= pb && pa <= pc)
return a;
else if(pb <= pc)
return b;
return c;
static void
unfilter(int alg, uchar *buf, uchar *up, int len, int bypp)
int i;
case FilterNone:
case FilterSub:
for (i = bypp; i < len; ++i)
buf[i] += buf[i-bypp];
case FilterUp:
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
buf[i] += up[i];
case FilterAvg:
for (i = 0; i < bypp; ++i)
buf[i] += (0+up[i])/2;
for (; i < len; ++i)
buf[i] += (buf[i-bypp]+up[i])/2;
case FilterPaeth:
for (i = 0; i < bypp; ++i)
buf[i] += paeth(0, up[i], 0);
for (; i < len; ++i)
buf[i] += paeth(buf[i-bypp], up[i], up[i-bypp]);
sysfatal("unknown filtering scheme %d\n", alg);
static void
convertpix(ZlibW *z, uchar *pixel, uchar *r, uchar *g, uchar *b)
int off;
switch (z->nchan) {
case 1: /* gray or indexed */
case 2: /* gray+alpha */
if (z->bpp < 8)
pixel[0] >>= 8-z->bpp;
if (pixel[0] > z->palsize)
sysfatal("index %d out of bounds %d", pixel[0], z->palsize);
off = 3*pixel[0];
*r = z->palette[off];
*g = z->palette[off+1];
*b = z->palette[off+2];
case 3: /* rgb */
case 4: /* rgb+alpha */
*r = pixel[0];
*g = pixel[1];
*b = pixel[2];
sysfatal("bad number of channels: %d", z->nchan);
static void
scan(ZlibW *z)
uchar *p;
int i, bit, n, ch, nch, pd;
uchar cb;
uchar pixel[4];
p = z->scan;
nch = z->nchan;
unfilter(p[0], p+1, z->pscan+1, z->scanl-1, (nch*z->bpp+7)/8);
* Adam7 interlace order.
* 1 6 4 6 2 6 4 6
* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
* 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6
* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
* 3 6 4 6 3 6 4 6
* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
* 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6
* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
ch = 0;
n = 0;
cb = 128;
pd = z->row * z->scanpix;
for (i = 1; i < z->scanl; ++i)
for (bit = 128; bit > 0; bit /= 2) {
pixel[ch] &= ~cb;
if (p[i] & bit)
pixel[ch] |= cb;
cb >>= 1;
if (++n == z->bpp) {
cb = 128;
n = 0;
if (ch == nch) {
if (z->npix++ < z->chanl)
if (pd % z->scanpix == 0)
goto out;
ch = 0;
out: ;
static int
zwrite(void *va, void *vb, int n)
ZlibW *z = va;
uchar *buf = vb;
int i, j;
j = z->scanp;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
z->scan[j++] = buf[i];
if (j == z->scanl) {
uchar *tp;
tp = z->scan;
z->scan = z->pscan;
z->pscan = tp;
j = 0;
z->scanp = j;
return n;
static Rawimage*
readslave(Biobuf *b)
ZlibR zr;
ZlibW zw;
Rawimage *image;
char type[5];
uchar *buf, *h;
int k, n, nrow, ncol, err, bpp, nch;
zr.w = &zw;
buf = pngmalloc(IDATSIZE, 0);
Bread(b, buf, sizeof PNGmagic);
if(memcmp(PNGmagic, buf, sizeof PNGmagic) != 0)
sysfatal("bad PNGmagic");
n = getchunk(b, type, buf, IDATSIZE);
if(n < 13 || strcmp(type,"IHDR") != 0)
sysfatal("missing IHDR chunk");
h = buf;
ncol = get4(h); h += 4;
nrow = get4(h); h += 4;
if(ncol <= 0 || nrow <= 0)
sysfatal("impossible image size nrow=%d ncol=%d", nrow, ncol);
fprint(2, "readpng nrow=%d ncol=%d\n", nrow, ncol);
bpp = *h++;
nch = 0;
switch (*h++) {
case 0: /* grey */
nch = 1;
case 2: /* rgb */
nch = 3;
case 3: /* indexed rgb with PLTE */
nch = 1;
case 4: /* grey+alpha */
nch = 2;
case 6: /* rgb+alpha */
nch = 4;
sysfatal("unsupported color scheme %d", h[-1]);
/* generate default palette for grayscale */
zw.palsize = 256;
if (nch < 3 && bpp < 9)
zw.palsize = 1<<bpp;
for (k = 0; k < zw.palsize; ++k) {
zw.palette[3*k] = (k*255)/(zw.palsize-1);
zw.palette[3*k+1] = (k*255)/(zw.palsize-1);
zw.palette[3*k+2] = (k*255)/(zw.palsize-1);
if(*h++ != 0)
sysfatal("only deflate supported for now [%d]", h[-1]);
if(*h++ != FilterNone)
sysfatal("only FilterNone supported for now [%d]", h[-1]);
if(*h != 0)
sysfatal("only non-interlaced supported for now [%d]", h[-1]);
image = pngmalloc(sizeof(Rawimage), 1);
image->r = Rect(0, 0, ncol, nrow);
image->cmap = nil;
image->cmaplen = 0;
image->chanlen = ncol*nrow;
image->fields = 0;
image->gifflags = 0;
image->gifdelay = 0;
image->giftrindex = 0;
image->chandesc = CRGB;
image->nchans = 3;
zw.chanl = ncol*nrow;
zw.npix = 0;
for(k=0; k<4; k++)
image->chans[k] = zw.chan[k] = pngmalloc(ncol*nrow, 1); = b;
zr.buf = buf;
zr.b = zr.e = buf + IDATSIZE;
zw.scanp = 0;
zw.row = 0;
zw.scanpix = ncol;
zw.scanl = (nch*ncol*bpp+7)/8+1;
zw.scan = pngmalloc(zw.scanl, 1);
zw.pscan = pngmalloc(zw.scanl, 1);
zw.nchan = nch;
zw.bpp = bpp;
err = inflatezlib(&zw, zwrite, &zr, zread);
if (zw.npix > zw.chanl)
fprint(2, "tried to overflow by %d pix\n", zw.npix - zw.chanl);
sysfatal("inflatezlib %s\n", flateerr(err));
image->chans[3] = nil;
return image;
Breadpng(Biobuf *b, int colorspace)
Rawimage *r, **array;
char buf[ERRMAX];
buf[0] = '\0';
if(colorspace != CRGB){
errstr(buf, sizeof buf); /* throw it away */
werrstr("ReadPNG: unknown color space %d", colorspace);
return nil;
array = malloc(2*sizeof(*array));
return nil;
errstr(buf, sizeof buf); /* throw it away */
r = readslave(b);
array[0] = r;
array[1] = nil;
return array;
readpng(int fd, int colorspace)
Rawimage** a;
Biobuf b;
if(Binit(&b, fd, OREAD) < 0)
return nil;
a = Breadpng(&b, colorspace);
return a;