blob: a79227638e80f976ac2ac8c7145bb9bdd3e0292e [file] [log] [blame]
awk ' # gen.key
# Input: Each input line has one of the following two forms:
# string (tab) numlist
# string " %key " sort.key (tab) numlist
# Output: Each output line has the form:
# sort.key (tab) string (tab) numlist
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
/ %key / { # use sort.key if it is provided
i = index($1, " %key ")
print substr($1, i+6), substr($1, 1, i-1), $2
{ # generate sort.key (in $2, by modifying string) if it is not provided
$3 = $2
$2 = $1
#Modify sort.key
# Remove some troff commands
gsub(/\\f\(..|\\f.|\\s[+-][0-9]|\\s[0-9][0-9]?/, "", $2)
# underscore -> 0, so "foo_gorp" sorts before "food"
gsub(/_/, "0", $2)
# quote character is %, space character is ~
quoted = 0
if ($2 ~ /%/) { # hide quoted literals in Q
quoted = 1
gsub(/%%/, "QQ0QQ", $2)
gsub(/%\[/, "QQ1QQ", $2)
gsub(/%\]/, "QQ2QQ", $2)
gsub(/%\{/, "QQ3QQ", $2)
gsub(/%\}/, "QQ4QQ", $2)
gsub(/%~/, "QQ5QQ", $2)
gsub(/%e/, "\\", $2) # implement troff escape
gsub(/~/, " ", $2) # remove tildes
gsub(/[%\[\]\{\}]/, "", $2) # remove % and font-changing []{}
if (quoted) { # restore literals but without escape charcter
gsub(/QQ0QQ/, "%", $2)
gsub(/QQ1QQ/, "[", $2)
gsub(/QQ2QQ/, "]", $2)
gsub(/QQ3QQ/, "{", $2)
gsub(/QQ4QQ/, "}", $2)
gsub(/QQ5QQ/, "~", $2)
if ($2 ~ /^[^a-zA-Z]+$/) # purely nonalphabetic lines go first
$2 = " " $2
else if ($2 ~ /^[0-9]/) # lines with eading digits come next
$2 = " " $2
# otherwise whatever final.sort does
{ print $2, $1, $3 }
' $*