| '''\" @(#)dcs:csmacros 2.3 5/2/89 |
| '''\" registers |
| '''\" a - abstract continuation flag - 0 (no), >0 (yes - number of overflow pages) |
| '''\" b - mercury selections counter |
| '''\" c - distribution continuation flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
| '''\" d - distribution length calculation flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
| '''\" e - complete copy basic distribution length |
| '''\" g - complete copy overflow distribution length |
| '''\" h - cover sheet basic distribution length |
| '''\" i - cover sheet overflow distribution length |
| '''\" j - scratch |
| '''\" k - keyword flag - 0 (none), 1 (some) |
| '''\" l - number of vertical units per line - troff and nroff |
| '''\" m - memorandum type flag - 1 TM, 2 IM, 3 TC |
| '''\" n - document number counter |
| '''\" o - title flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes - vertical size of title diversion) |
| '''\" p - proprietary notice flag - 0 (none), 1 (default notice), 2(BR) |
| '''\" q - scratch |
| '''\" r - security flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
| '''\" s - software flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
| '''\" t - mark title position |
| '''\" u - author count |
| '''\" v - scratch |
| '''\" w - scratch |
| '''\" x - mark scratch position |
| '''\" y - mark scratch position |
| '''\" z - mark scratch position |
| '''\" ra - release to Lucent flag - 0 (no decision), 1 (yes), 2 (no) |
| '''\" an - length abstract footnote diversion |
| '''\" fn - length footnote diversion |
| '''\" as - "in abstract" flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
| '''\" ds - "in display" flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
| '''\" fs - "in footnote" flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
| '''\" bd - block center display flag - 0 (no), 1 (yes) |
| '''\" dv - device flag - 0 (default), 1 (APS-5), 2 (i10), 3 (xerox), 4 (i300), 5 (qms1200), 6 (postscript) |
| '''\" lp - lines per page (nroff - xerox) |
| '''\" tp - total pages (decimal) |
| '''\" tc - total pages (in small roman) |
| '''\" np - page number this page (decimal) |
| '''\" nc - page number this page (in small roman) |
| '''\" lt - vertical size of title diversion (in lines) |
| '''\" lo - vertical size of copy overflow trap (in lines) |
| '''\" la - vertical size of abstract diversion |
| '''\" a1 - vertical size of page 1 portion of abstract |
| '''\" a2 - vertical size of overflow page portion of abstract |
| '''\" ar - vertical size remainder of abstract |
| '''\" fi - save current fill/no-fill (.u) |
| '''\" in - save current indent (.i) |
| '''\" si - standard indent - ens (for paragraphs, displays & equations) |
| '''\" ps - initial point size (.s) |
| '''\" ts - temp point size (only in S macro) |
| '''\" vs - initial vertical spacing (.v) |
| '''\" tv - temp vertical spacing (only in S macro) |
| '''\" b1, b2 - scratch calculations |
| '''\" g1, g2, g3, g4, g5 - complete copy overflow - additional diversion lengths |
| '''\" i1, i2, i3, i4, i5 - cover sheet only overflow - additional diversionlengths |
| '''\" m1 - mark scratch position |
| '''\" :b, :c, :d, :e - scratch (lists only) |
| '''\" :h - SA macro only |
| '''\" ls - nested list level (lists only) |
| '''\" dt - display type (displays & equations) |
| '''\" fc - filing case flag |
| '''\" wp - work project number flag |
| '''\" en - entity flag - 1 (BL), 2 (IS), 3 (TI), 4 (CH) |
| '''\" lg - Lucent logo flag - 0 (not defined), 1 (defined) |
| '''\" oa - organizational approval name counter |
| '''\" aa - ship to itds |
| '''\" strings |
| '''\" a) - mercury info |
| '''\" b) - mercury info |
| '''\" c) - mercury info |
| '''\" e) - equation label |
| '''\" k) - keywords |
| '''\" m) - Mailing Label/DRAFT |
| '''\" n) - first document number |
| '''\" o) - proprietary classification heading |
| '''\" p) - proprietary string 1 |
| '''\" q) - " " 2 |
| '''\" r) - " " 3 |
| '''\" s) - timestamp string |
| '''\" t) - memo type (TM, IM, TC) |
| '''\" u) - trailing s if multiple author |
| '''\" v) - trailing s if multiple document number |
| '''\" w) - trailing s if multiple filing case |
| '''\" x) - trailing s if multiple work project number |
| '''\" y) - used in lists |
| '''\" z) - used in lists |
| '''\" a( - |
| '''\" e( - earlier document number |
| '''\" m( - authors 1-3 sig |
| '''\" n( - authors 4-6 sig |
| '''\" o( - authors 7-9 sig |
| '''\" p( - authors 10-12 sig |
| '''\" r( - responsible person |
| '''\" s( - S software string |
| '''\" t( - memo type ("for Technical Memorandum", etc.) |
| '''\" u( - organizational approval 1-3 sig |
| '''\" v( - organizational approval 4-6 sig |
| '''\" w( - organizational approval 7-9 sig |
| '''\" x( - organizational approval 10-12 sig |
| '''\" Tm - trademark |
| '''\" lG - Lucent logo |
| '''\" 10 - used in equations |
| '''\" ve - csmacros version |
| '''\" e1,e2,e3,e4 - entity info |
| '''\" diversions |
| '''\" aS - abstract |
| '''\" aV - author info section |
| '''\" cA - complete copy addressee primary |
| '''\" cO - complete copy addressee overflow |
| '''\" cU, cV, cW, cX, cY, cZ - complete copy addressee overflow (previously lost) |
| '''\" dA - cover sheet addressee primary |
| '''\" dO - cover sheet addressee overflow |
| '''\" dU, dV, dW, dX, dY, dZ - cover sheet only addressee overflow (previously lost) |
| '''\" dM - document number info |
| '''\" dS - display |
| '''\" eQ - equation |
| '''\" fB - filing case info |
| '''\" tI - title |
| '''\" wO - work project number info |
| '''\" aN - abstract footnote |
| '''\" fN - footnote |
| '''\" |
| '''\" macros to collect information |
| '''\" aC - Lucent company |
| '''\" tS - timestamp |
| '''\" TL - title |
| '''\" AU - author |
| '''\" FS - footnote start |
| '''\" FE - footnote end |
| '''\" AS - abstract start |
| '''\" AE - abstract end |
| '''\" OK - keyword info |
| '''\" MT - document type |
| '''\" dN - document number info |
| '''\" oA - organization approval name |
| '''\" eD - earlier document number |
| '''\" fC - filing case |
| '''\" fD - full date |
| '''\" wP - work project info |
| '''\" mE - mercury selections (7 argument version) |
| '''\" mC - mercury codes (three argument version) |
| '''\" Mc - mercury codes (one argument version) |
| '''\" PM - proprietary marking |
| '''\" gS - government security |
| '''\" rA - release to Lucent employees (superceded by fA) |
| '''\" fA - future Lucent distribution (supercedes rA) |
| '''\" sF - software-related |
| '''\" cC - complete copy addressee list start |
| '''\" cD - complete copy overflow |
| '''\" cS - cover sheet only addressee list start |
| '''\" cT - cover sheet only overflow |
| '''\" zZ - complete copy overflow (previously lost) |
| '''\" fF - complete copy overflow (aux) |
| '''\" wW - cover sheet overflow (previously lost) |
| '''\" gG - cover sheet only overflow (aux) |
| '''\" cE - addressee list end |
| '''\" eE - addressee list end (aux) |
| '''\" macros to help format document |
| '''\" B - change to bold font |
| '''\" I - change to italic font |
| '''\" R - change to roman font |
| '''\" S - set point size and vertical spacing |
| '''\" sP - space 1 vertical space |
| '''\" P - paragraph |
| '''\" HC - set hyphenation indicator |
| '''\" iN - font and size re-initialization |
| '''\" DS - display start |
| '''\" DE - display end |
| '''\" EQ - equation start |
| '''\" EN - equation end |
| '''\" VL - variable-item list |
| '''\" ML - marked list |
| '''\" LI - list item |
| '''\" LE - list end |
| '''\" hD - header |
| '''\" fO - footer |
| '''\" yY - abstract overflow |
| '''\" aT - abstract overflow trap |
| '''\" tK - thick lines |
| '''\" bE - empty box |
| '''\" bX - box with X |
| '''\" tH - title heading |
| '''\" cH - continuation header |
| '''\" dH - distribution list headers |
| '''\" oH - overflow distribution list headers |
| '''\" eP - eject distribution continuation page |
| '''\" cP - continuation page |
| '''\" dP - continuation page (aux) |
| '''\" tP - compute pages and diversion lengths |
| '''\" t1 - " " |
| '''\" dL - compute basic distribution length |
| '''\" CS - output cover sheet |
| '''\" initialization |
| '''\" |
| '''\" registers |
| .nr a 0 1 |
| .nr b 0 1 |
| .nr c 0 |
| .nr d 0 |
| .nr e 0 |
| .nr g 0 |
| .nr g1 0 |
| .nr g2 0 |
| .nr g3 0 |
| .nr g4 0 |
| .nr g5 0 |
| .nr h 6 |
| .nr i 0 |
| .nr i1 0 |
| .nr i2 0 |
| .nr i3 0 |
| .nr i4 0 |
| .nr i5 0 |
| .nr j 0 |
| .nr k 0 |
| .nr m 0 |
| .nr n 0 1 |
| .nr o 0 |
| .nr p 1 |
| .nr q 0 |
| .nr r 0 |
| .nr s 0 |
| .nr t 0 |
| .nr u 0 1 |
| .nr v 0 |
| .nr w 0 |
| .nr x 0 |
| .nr y 0 |
| .nr z 0 |
| .nr an 0 |
| .nr fn 0 |
| .nr as 0 |
| .nr ds 0 |
| .nr fs 0 |
| .nr bd 0 |
| .nr tp 0 |
| .nr tc 0 |
| .af tc i |
| .nr np 2 |
| .nr nc 2 |
| .af nc i |
| .nr la 0 |
| .nr a1 0 |
| .nr a2 0 |
| .nr ar 0 |
| .nr fi 0 |
| .nr in 0 |
| .nr :b 0 |
| .nr :c 0 |
| .nr :d 0 |
| .nr :e 0 |
| .nr :h 0 |
| .nr ls 0 1 |
| .nr dt 0 |
| .nr fc 0 1 |
| .nr wp 0 1 |
| .nr en 1 |
| .nr lg 0 |
| .nr ra 0 |
| .nr oa 0 1 |
| '''\" initialize lines per page |
| .nr lp 66 |
| .if n .nr lp 65 |
| '''\" initialize device register |
| .nr dv 0 |
| .if '\*(.T'aps' .nr dv 1 |
| .if '\*(.T'i10' .nr dv 2 |
| .if '\*(.T'X97.tim10p' .nr dv 3 |
| .if '\*(.T'X97.tim12p' .nr dv 3 |
| .if '\*(.T'X97.ti10p' .nr dv 3 |
| .if '\*(.T'X97.ti12p' .nr dv 3 |
| .if '\*(.T'i300' .nr dv 4 |
| .if '\*(.T'qms' .nr dv 5 |
| .if '\*(.T'post' .nr dv 6 |
| '''\" initialize font positions |
| .ie \n(dv=3 \{\ |
| .fp 1 R |
| .fp 2 I |
| .fp 3 B |
| .fp 4 I \} |
| .el .ie \n(dv=5 \{\ |
| .fp 1 R |
| .fp 2 I |
| .fp 3 B |
| .fp 4 S \} |
| .el \{\ |
| .fp 1 H |
| .fp 2 HI |
| .fp 3 HB |
| .fp 4 HX \} |
| '''\" initialize units per vertical space |
| .if t .nr l 120 |
| .if \n(dv=2 .nr l 40 |
| .if \n(dv=3 .nr l 50 |
| .if \n(dv=5 .nr l 50 |
| .if n .nr l 40 |
| '''\" initialize standard indent |
| .nr si 5 |
| '''\" diversions |
| .di aV |
| .di |
| .di dM |
| .di |
| .di cA |
| .di |
| .di cO |
| .di |
| .di cU |
| .di |
| .di cV |
| .di |
| .di cW |
| .di |
| .di cX |
| .di |
| .di cY |
| .di |
| .di cZ |
| .di |
| .di dA |
| .di |
| .di dO |
| .di |
| .di dU |
| .di |
| .di dV |
| .di |
| .di dW |
| .di |
| .di dX |
| .di |
| .di dY |
| .di |
| .di dZ |
| .di |
| .di fB |
| .di |
| .di wO |
| .di |
| '''\" initialize Lucent logo |
| '''\" eventually substitute LH for Lb (DWB 2) |
| .ie \n(dv=5 .ds lG \s10\f(ATx\fP\f\\nv\fP\s0 |
| .el .ds lG \s36\(LH\s0 |
| '''\" initialize entity strings |
| .ds e1 "LUCENT-BL |
| .ds e2 "LUCENT |
| .ds e4 "Department Head |
| '''\" initialize trademark symbol string |
| .if t .ds Tm \v'-0.5m'\s-4TM\s+4\v'0.5m' |
| .if n .ds Tm \uTM\d |
| '''\" initialize timestamp string |
| .ds s) 0 |
| '''\" initialize responsible person string |
| .ds r( 0 |
| '''\" initialize earlier document number string |
| .ds e( 0 |
| '''\" initialize csmacro version string |
| .ds ve MCS (04/30/89) |
| '''\" initialize point size, vertical space & indent |
| .nr ps 10 |
| .ps \\n(ps |
| .nr vs 12 |
| .if t .vs \\n(vsp |
| .in 0 |
| '''\" |
| '''\" macros to collect information |
| '''\" |
| .de aC \" macro for Lucent company (entity) |
| . \" set en=1 if BL (default) |
| . \" set en=2 if IS |
| . \" set en=3 if TI |
| . \" set en=4 if CH (Corporate Headquarters) |
| .if '\\$1'BL' .nr en 1 |
| .if '\\$1'IS' .nr en 2 |
| .if '\\$1'TI' .nr en 3 |
| .if '\\$1'CH' .nr en 4 |
| .if \\n(en=1 \{\ |
| .ds e1 "LUCENT-BL |
| .ds e2 "LUCENT |
| .ds e4 "Department Head |
| .br\} |
| .if \\n(en=2 \{\ |
| .ds e1 "LUCENT-IS |
| .ds e2 "LUCENT |
| .ds e4 "Department Head |
| .br\} |
| .if \\n(en=3 \{\ |
| .ds e1 "Lucent Technologies, Inc. |
| .ds e2 "Lucent |
| .ds e4 "Manager |
| .br\} |
| .if \\n(en=4 \{\ |
| .ds e1 "Lucent |
| .ds e2 "Lucent |
| .ds e3 " Lucent |
| .ds e4 "Department Head |
| .br \} |
| .rm aC |
| .. |
| .de tS \" macro for timestamp |
| '''\" if timestamp string=0, store arg #1 if non-empty. |
| .if '\\*(s)'0' \{\ |
| .if !'\\$1'' \{\ |
| .ie '\\$2'1' .ds s) "D R A F T |
| .el .ds s) "Timestamp: \\$1 \} \} |
| .. |
| .de TL \" macro for title |
| .if \\nu>0 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: coversheet file set up incorrectly - document title must be supplied before author |
| .ab \} |
| .br |
| .fi |
| .nr aa 1 \" set default to send cover to ITDS |
| .ie !'\\n(.F'stdin' \{\ |
| . ie !'\\n(.F'-' \{\ |
| . sy /usr/lib/tmac/timestamp \\n(.F>/tmp/tp\\n($$ |
| . so /tmp/tp\\n($$ |
| . sy /bin/rm /tmp/tp\\n($$ |
| . br \} \" don't remove br - gets around troff bug |
| . el \{\ |
| . nr aa 0 |
| . tm Coversheet not sent to library. input is '-' \} \} |
| .el \{\ |
| . nr aa 0 |
| . tm Coversheet not sent to library. input is 'stdin' \} |
| .ie '\\$1'' \{\ |
| . ds m) "Mailing Label \} |
| .el \{ |
| . nr aa 0 |
| . tm Coversheet not sent to library. DRAFT document |
| . ds m) \\s+2DRAFT\\s-2 \} \} |
| .ll 6.0i |
| '''\" diversion for title |
| .di tI |
| .rm TL |
| .. |
| .de AU \" macro for author info |
| '''\" don't count author unless non-empty |
| .if !\\$1 .nr u \\n+u |
| .if \\nu=1 \{\ |
| .br |
| '''\" end title diversion on first author |
| .di |
| .nr lt (\\n(dn)/(\\nl) |
| .nr o \\n(dn |
| .ll |
| .nf \} |
| .ta 0.3i 2.6i 3.0i 4.0i 5.4i |
| .br |
| '''\" append to author list |
| .da aV |
| \\$1 \\$3 \\$6 \\$5 \\$7 |
| .br |
| .da |
| '''\" end append; info for signature lines |
| .if \\nu=1 .ds m( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=2 .as m( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=3 .as m( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=4 .ds n( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=5 .as n( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=6 .as n( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=7 .ds o( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=8 .as o( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=9 .as o( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=10 .ds p( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=11 .as p( \\$1 |
| .if \\nu=12 .as p( \\$1 |
| .. |
| .de rP \" macro for responsible person |
| .if !'\\$1'' .ds r( \\$1 |
| .rm rP |
| .. |
| .de FS \" macro for footnote start |
| .if \\n(fs>0 \{\ |
| .tm Footnote within footnote - illegal. |
| .FE \} |
| .if \\n(ds>0 \{\ |
| .tm Footnote within display - illegal. |
| .FE \} |
| .nr fs 1 |
| .ev 1 |
| .br |
| .ll 6.4i |
| .ps 8 |
| .if t .vs 10p |
| .fi |
| .ie \\n(as>0 .da aN |
| .el \{\ |
| .da fN |
| .if \\n(fn=0 \{\ |
| .br |
| .if n __________ |
| .if t \l'1i' |
| .br \} \} |
| .if \\n(.$=1 \\$1 |
| .. |
| .de FE \" macro for footnote end |
| .br |
| .da |
| .ie \\n(as>0 .nr an \\n(dn+\\n(an |
| .el .nr fn \\n(dn+\\n(fn |
| .ev |
| .nr fs 0 |
| .. |
| .de AS \" macro for abstract info |
| .nr as 1 |
| .br |
| .fi |
| .ll 7.0i |
| .ta 0.5i 1.0i 1.5i |
| .di aS |
| .rm AS |
| .. |
| .de AE \" macro for end of abstract info |
| .br |
| .di |
| .nr la \\n(dn |
| .iN |
| .if \\n(an>0 \{\ |
| .br |
| .da aS |
| .br |
| .if n __________ |
| .if t \l'1i' |
| .br |
| .nf |
| .aN |
| .rm aN |
| .br |
| .da |
| .nr la \\n(la+\\n(dn \} |
| .iN |
| .rm iN |
| .ll |
| .nf |
| .nr as 0 |
| .rm dS eQ |
| .rm B I R S sP P |
| .rm FS FE AE |
| .. |
| .de OK \" macro for keyword info |
| .ds k) |
| .if !\\$1 .as k) \\$1 |
| .if !\\$2 .as k); \\$2 |
| .if !\\$3 .as k); \\$3 |
| .if !\\$4 .as k); \\$4 |
| .if !\\$5 .as k); \\$5 |
| .if !\\$6 .as k); \\$6 |
| .if !\\$7 .as k); \\$7 |
| .if !\\$8 .as k); \\$8 |
| .if !\\$9 .as k); \\$9 |
| '''\" set k flag if we have some keywords |
| .ie !\\*(k) .nr k 1 |
| .el .nr k 0 |
| .rm OK |
| .. |
| .de MT \" macro for document type |
| .if '\\$1'1' \{\ |
| .nr m 1 |
| .ds t) TM |
| .ds t( "for Technical Memorandum\} |
| .if '\\$1'2' \{\ |
| .nr m 2 |
| .ds t) IM |
| .ds t( "for Internal Memorandum\} |
| .if '\\$1'3' \{\ |
| .nr m 3 |
| .ds t) TC |
| .ds t( "for Technical Correspondence\} |
| .rm MT |
| .. |
| .de dN \" macro for document number info |
| .ie \\ns=1 .ds s( S |
| .el .ds s( |
| .ta 0.8i |
| .br |
| .da dM |
| .if !'\\$1'' \{\ |
| \\$1\\*(t)\\*(s( |
| .nr n \\n+n |
| '''\" \" save first document number |
| .if \\nn=1 .ds n) \\$1\\*(t)\\*(s( \} |
| .br |
| .da |
| .. |
| .de oA \" macro for organizational approval names(s) |
| .nr oa \\n+(oa |
| .if \\n(oa=1 .ds u( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=2 .as u( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=3 .as u( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=4 .ds v( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=5 .as v( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=6 .as v( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=7 .ds w( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=8 .as w( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=9 .as w( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=10 .ds x( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=11 .as x( \\$1 |
| .if \\n(oa=12 .as x( \\$1 |
| .. |
| .de fC \" macro for filing case info |
| .ta 3.5i |
| .br |
| .da fB |
| .if !'\\$1'' \{\ |
| .nr fc \\n+(fc |
| \\$1 \} |
| .br |
| .da |
| .. |
| .de fD \" macro for full date info |
| .if !'\\$1'' .fC \\$1 \" use .fC macro underneath |
| .. |
| .de wP \" macro for work project info |
| .ta 5.5i |
| .br |
| .da wO |
| .if !'\\$1'' \{\ |
| .nr wp \\n+(wp |
| \\$1 \} |
| .br |
| .da |
| .. |
| .de mC \" macro for mercury selections - three argument version |
| .if !'\\$1'' .Mc \\$1 |
| .if !'\\$2'' .Mc \\$2 |
| .if !'\\$3'' .Mc \\$3 |
| .. |
| .de Mc \" macro for mercury selections - one argument |
| .ds c) |
| .if \\nb<3 \{\ |
| .ie '\\$1'CHM' .ds c) " CHM - Chemistry and Materials |
| .el .ie '\\$1'chm' .ds c) " CHM - Chemistry and Materials |
| .el .ie '\\$1'CMM' .ds c) " CMM - Communications |
| .el .ie '\\$1'cmm' .ds c) " CMM - Communications |
| .el .ie '\\$1'CMP' .ds c) " CMP - Computing |
| .el .ie '\\$1'cmp' .ds c) " CMP - Computing |
| .el .ie '\\$1'ELC' .ds c) " ELC - Electronics |
| .el .ie '\\$1'elc' .ds c) " ELC - Electronics |
| .el .ie '\\$1'LFS' .ds c) " LFS - Life Sciences |
| .el .ie '\\$1'lfs' .ds c) " LFS - Life Sciences |
| .el .ie '\\$1'MAN' .ds c) " MAN - Manufacturing |
| .el .ie '\\$1'man' .ds c) " MAN - Manufacturing |
| .el .ie '\\$1'MAS' .ds c) " MAS - Mathematics and Statistics |
| .el .ie '\\$1'mas' .ds c) " MAS - Mathematics and Statistics |
| .el .ie '\\$1'MKT' .ds c) " MKT - Marketing |
| .el .ie '\\$1'mkt' .ds c) " MKT - Marketing |
| .el .ie '\\$1'PHY' .ds c) " PHY - Physics |
| .el .ie '\\$1'phy' .ds c) " PHY - Physics |
| .el .ie '\\$1'STD' .ds c) " STD - Standards |
| .el .ie '\\$1'std' .ds c) " STD - Standards |
| .el .ie '\\$1'PRP' .ds c) " PRP - Product Realization Process |
| .el .ie '\\$1'prp' .ds c) " PRP - Product Realization Process |
| .el .ie '\\$1'QLT' .ds c) " QLT - Quality |
| .el .if '\\$1'qlt' .ds c) " QLT - Quality |
| .ie '\\*(c)'' .tm WARNING: \\$1 - unknown mercury selection |
| .el \{\ |
| .nr b \\n+b |
| .if t .as a) \\*(c) |
| .if n \{\ |
| .ie \\nb=3 \{\ |
| .rn a) b) |
| .ds a) \\*(c) \} |
| .el .as a) \\*(c)\}\}\} |
| .. |
| .de mE \" macro for mercury selections |
| .ds a) |
| .ds b) |
| .ds c) |
| '''\" either 'y' or '1' arguments honored |
| .nr q 0 |
| .if '\\$1'y' .nr q 1 |
| .if '\\$1'1' .nr q 1 |
| .if \\nq=1 \{\ |
| .as a) " CHM - Chemistry and Materials |
| .nr b \\n+b \} |
| .nr q 0 |
| .if '\\$2'y' .nr q 1 |
| .if '\\$2'1' .nr q 1 |
| .if \\nq=1 \{\ |
| .as a) " CMM - Communications |
| .nr b \\n+b |
| .if n \{\ |
| .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \} |
| .nr q 0 |
| .if '\\$3'y' .nr q 1 |
| .if '\\$3'1' .nr q 1 |
| .if \\nq=1 \{\ |
| .as a) " CMP - Computing |
| .nr b \\n+b |
| .if t \{\ |
| .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \} |
| .if n \{\ |
| .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \} |
| .nr q 0 |
| .if '\\$4'y' .nr q 1 |
| .if '\\$4'1' .nr q 1 |
| .if \\nq=1 \{\ |
| .as a) " ELC - Electronics |
| .nr b \\n+b |
| .if t \{\ |
| .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \} |
| .if n \{\ |
| .if \\nb=4 \{\ |
| .rn b) c) |
| .rn a) b) \} |
| .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \} |
| .nr q 0 |
| .if '\\$5'y' .nr q 1 |
| .if '\\$5'1' .nr q 1 |
| .if \\nq=1 \{\ |
| .as a) " LFS - Life Sciences |
| .nr b \\n+b |
| .if t \{\ |
| .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \} |
| .if n \{\ |
| .if \\nb=4 \{\ |
| .rn b) c) |
| .rn a) b) \} |
| .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \} |
| .nr q 0 |
| .if '\\$6'y' .nr q 1 |
| .if '\\$6'1' .nr q 1 |
| .if \\nq=1 \{\ |
| .as a) " MAS - Mathematics and Statistics |
| .nr b \\n+b |
| .if t \{\ |
| .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \} |
| .if n \{\ |
| .if \\nb=4 \{\ |
| .rn b) c) |
| .rn a) b) \} |
| .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \} |
| .if \\nb<6 \{\ |
| .nr q 0 |
| .if '\\$7'y' .nr q 1 |
| .if '\\$7'1' .nr q 1 |
| .if \\nq=1 \{\ |
| .as a) " PHY - Physics |
| .nr b \\n+b |
| .if t \{\ |
| .if \\nb=3 .rn a) b) \} |
| .if n \{\ |
| .if \\nb=4 \{\ |
| .rn b) c) |
| .rn a) b) \} |
| .if \\nb=2 .rn a) b) \} \} \} |
| .if t \{\ |
| .if \\nb=3 .rn b) a) \} |
| .if n \{\ |
| .if \\nb=4 \{\ |
| .rn b) a) |
| .rn c) b) \} |
| .if \\nb=2 .rn b) a) \} |
| .rm mE |
| .. |
| .de eD \" macro for earlier document number |
| .if !'\\$1'' .ds e( \\$1 |
| .rm eD |
| .. |
| .de PM \" macro for proprietary marking |
| . \" arg 1 - RS or BR or IR or TR or R - restricted |
| .if '\\$1'RS' .nr p 2 |
| .if '\\$1'BR' .nr p 2 |
| .if '\\$1'IR' .nr p 2 |
| .if '\\$1'TR' .nr p 2 |
| .if '\\$1'R' .nr p 2 |
| .rm PM |
| .. |
| .de gS \" macro for government security classified |
| .nr r 1 |
| .rm gS |
| .. |
| .de rA \" macros for release to Lucent employees |
| . \" superceded by .fA macro 072087 |
| .nr ra 1 |
| .rm rA |
| .. |
| .de fA \" macro for future Lucent distribution |
| . \" arg 1 = 'y' or 'Y' or 'n' or 'N' |
| .if '\\$1'y' .nr ra 1 |
| .if '\\$1'Y' .nr ra 1 |
| .if '\\$1'n' .nr ra 2 |
| .if '\\$1'N' .nr ra 2 |
| .rm fA |
| .. |
| .de sF \" macro for software-related document |
| .nr s 1 |
| .rm sF |
| .. |
| .de cI |
| .rm cI |
| .. |
| .de dL \" macro for calculating basic distribution length |
| '''\" call once only - from .cC, .cS, or .CS |
| .if \\nd=0 \{\ |
| .nr d 1 |
| '''\" calculate space considerations |
| '''\" basic distribution length - to be tailored - set e and h |
| .if \\nr=0 .nr e \\ne+2 |
| .if \\nu<=3 .nr e \\ne+3 |
| .if \\nu<=6 .nr e \\ne+3 |
| .if \\nu<=9 .nr e \\ne+3 |
| .if (((\\n(oa>0)&(\\n(oa<=3)):((\\nn<=3)&(\\n(oa=0))) .nr e \\ne+3 |
| .if (((\\n(oa>0)&(\\n(oa<=6)):((\\nn<=6)&(\\n(oa=0))) .nr e \\ne+3 |
| .if (((\\n(oa>0)&(\\n(oa<=9)):((\\nn<=9)&(\\n(oa=0))) .nr e \\ne+3 |
| '''\" nroff: if p=2, 1 extra line under Org Approval |
| .if n .if \\np=2 .nr e \\ne-1 |
| '''\" Future Lucent Distribution handling |
| .if ((\\n(ra<2)&(\\np=2)) \{\ |
| .nr ra 2 |
| .tm WARNING: Future Lucent Distribution by ITDS - PROPRIETARY (RESTRICTED) document MAY NOT BE RELEASED without appropriate approval for each request; coversheet has been modified accordingly\} |
| .if \\n(ra=0 \{\ |
| .tm WARNING: Future Lucent Distribution by ITDS: missing or invalid .fA macro; indicate desired action by checking yes or no box on page 2 of coversheet; next time include .fA macro with y or n argument \} |
| '''\" at least 3 lines for Future Lucent Distribution section (more for nroff negative and ra=0) |
| '''\" \" next 2 lines for yes/no boxes; remove when .fA macro becomes mandatory |
| .if t .if \\n(ra=0 .nr e \\ne-4 |
| .if n .if \\n(ra=0 .nr e \\ne-5 |
| .if \\n(ra=1 .nr e \\ne-3 |
| .if t .if \\n(ra=2 .nr e \\ne-3 |
| .if n .if \\n(ra=2 .nr e \\ne-4 |
| '''\" increment number on next two lines to drop text lower on page 2 |
| .if t .nr e \\ne+23 |
| .if n .nr e \\ne+21 |
| .if n \{\ |
| '''\" if page 2 text changes, change values in next 3 lines |
| .if \\ne<4 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: insufficient space to format cover sheet; use "docsend -Taps" \ |
| for APS-5, "docsend -Ti10" for imagen, or "docsend -TX97" - \ |
| or use stockroom cover sheet |
| .ab \} |
| .ie \\ne<8 .nr e 0 |
| .el .nr e \\ne-7 \} |
| .nr h \\ne |
| .br \} |
| .rm dL |
| .. |
| .de cC \" macro for handling complete copy addressees |
| .dL |
| .ta 2.0i |
| .nf |
| .br |
| .ie \\ne>0 \{\ |
| .da cA |
| .dt \\nev cD \} |
| .el .da cO |
| .rm cC |
| .. |
| .de cD \" macro for handling complete copy address overflow |
| .ta 2.0i |
| .br |
| .da |
| .da cO |
| .nr lo 56-\\n(lt |
| .dt \\n(lo zZ |
| .. |
| .de zZ \" macro for handling previously lost complete copy address overflow |
| . \" provide 5 additional continuation pages (6 in all - approx 350 names) |
| .ie "\\n(.z"cO" .fF "g" "cU" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cU" .fF "g1" "cV" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cV" .fF "g2" "cW" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cW" .fF "g3" "cX" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cX" .fF "g4" "cY" |
| .el .if "\\n(.z"cY" .fF "g5" "cZ" |
| .. |
| .de fF \" aux macro for handling previously lost complete copy address overflow |
| .ta 2.0i |
| .br |
| .da |
| .ie \\n(dn>0 \{\ |
| .nr \\$1 (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4 |
| .da \\$2 |
| .nr lo 56-\\n(lt |
| .dt \\n(lo zZ \} |
| .el \{\ |
| .nr \\$1 0 |
| .da cZ \} |
| .. |
| .de cS \" macro for handling cover sheet only addresses |
| .dL |
| .ta 2.0i |
| .nf |
| .br |
| .ie \\nh>0 \{\ |
| .da dA |
| .dt \\nhv cT \} |
| .el .da dO |
| .rm cS |
| .. |
| .de cT \" macro for handling cover sheet address overflow |
| .ta 2.0i |
| .br |
| .da |
| .da dO |
| .nr lo 56-\\n(lt |
| .dt \\n(lo wW |
| .. |
| .de wW \" macro for handling previously lost cover sheet only address overflow |
| . \" provide 5 additional continuation pages (6 in all - approx 350 names) |
| .ie "\\n(.z"dO" .gG "i" "dU" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dU" .gG "i1" "dV" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dV" .gG "i2" "dW" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dW" .gG "i3" "dX" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dX" .gG "i4" "dY" |
| .el .if "\\n(.z"dY" .gG "i5" "dZ" |
| .. |
| .de gG \" aux macro for handling previously lost cover sheet only address overflow |
| .ta 2.0i |
| .br |
| .da |
| .ie \\n(dn>0 \{\ |
| .nr \\$1 (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4 |
| .da \\$2 |
| .nr lo 56-\\n(lt |
| .dt \\n(lo wW \} |
| .el \{\ |
| .nr \\$1 0 |
| .da dZ \} |
| .. |
| .de cE \" macro for ending all distribution diversions |
| .br |
| .ie "\\n(.z"cA" \{\ |
| .da |
| .rm cD \} |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cO" .eE "g" "cD" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cU" .eE "g1" "cD" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cV" .eE "g2" "cD" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cW" .eE "g3" "cD" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cX" .eE "g4" "cD" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cY" .eE "g5" "cD" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"cZ" \{\ |
| .da |
| .rm cD \} |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dA" \{\ |
| .da |
| .rm cT \} |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dO" .eE "i" "cT" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dU" .eE "i1" "cT" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dV" .eE "i2" "cT" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dW" .eE "i3" "cT" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dX" .eE "i4" "cT" |
| .el .ie "\\n(.z"dY" .eE "i5" "cT" |
| .el .if "\\n(.z"dZ" \{\ |
| .da |
| .rm cT \} |
| .. |
| .de eE \" aux macro for ending all distribution diversions |
| .da |
| .ie \\n(dn>0 .nr \\$1 (\\n(dn)/\\nl+4 |
| .el .nr \\$1 0 |
| .rm \\$2 |
| .. |
| '''\" |
| '''\" macros to help format document |
| '''\" |
| .deB |
| .ie\\n(.$ .nr ;G \\n(.f |
| .el.ft 3 |
| .if\\n(.$ .if !\\n(.$-2 \&\f3\\$1\fP\\$2 |
| .if\\n(.$-2 \{.ds }i |
| .if\\n(.f2 .ds }i \^ |
| .ds}I \&\f3\\$1\fP\\$2\\*(}i |
| 'br\} |
| .if\\n(.$-2 .if !\\n(.$-4 \\*(}I\f3\\$3\fP\\$4 |
| .if\\n(.$-4 .if !\\n(.$-6 \\*(}I\f3\\$3\fP\\$4\\*(}i\f3\\$5\fP\\$6 |
| .if\\n(.$ .ft \\n(;G |
| .. |
| .deI |
| .ie\\n(.$ .nr ;G \\n(.f |
| .el.ft 2 |
| .if\\n(.$ .if !\\n(.$-1 \&\f2\\$1 |
| .if\\n(.$-1 \{.ds }i \^ |
| .if\\n(.f2 .ds }i |
| .ds}I \& |
| .if\w\\$1 .ds }I \&\f2\\$1\fP\\*(}i |
| 'br\} |
| .if\\n(.$-1 .if !\\n(.$-3 \\*(}I\\$2\f2\\$3 |
| .if\\n(.$-3 .if !\\n(.$-5 \\*(}I\\$2\f2\\$3\fP\\*(}i\\$4\f2\\$5 |
| .if\\n(.$-5 \\*(}I\\$2\f2\\$3\fP\\*(}i\\$4\f2\\$5\fP\\*(}i\\$6 |
| .if\\n(.$ .ft \\n(;G |
| .. |
| .deRI |
| .nr;G \\n(.f |
| .}S 1 2 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" |
| .. |
| .deRB |
| .nr;G \\n(.f |
| .}S 1 3 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" |
| .. |
| .deIR |
| .nr;G \\n(.f |
| .}S 2 1 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" |
| .. |
| .deIB |
| .nr;G \\n(.f |
| .}S 2 3 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" |
| .. |
| .deBR |
| .nr;G \\n(.f |
| .}S 3 1 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" |
| .. |
| .deBI |
| .nr;G \\n(.f |
| .}S 3 2 \& "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" |
| .. |
| .de}S |
| .ds}i |
| .if\\$12 .if !\\$5 .ds }i\^ |
| .ie!\\$4 .}S \\$2 \\$1 "\\$3\f\\$1\\$4\\*(}i" "\\$5" "\\$6" "\\$7" "\\$8" "\\$9" |
| .el\\$3 |
| .ft\\n(;G |
| .. |
| .deR |
| .ft1 |
| .ul0 |
| .. |
| .de S \" set point size and vertical spacing |
| .ie \\n(.$=0 \{\ |
| .ps |
| .if t .vs \} |
| .el \{\ |
| .ie \w\(ts\\$1\(ts \{\ |
| .ie 0\\$1-99 .nr ts \\n(ps |
| .el .nr ts \\$1 \} |
| .el .nr ts \\n(.s |
| .ps \\n(ts |
| .if \\n(.$=1 .if t \{\ |
| .nr tv \\n(.s+2 |
| .vs \\n(tvp \} |
| .if \\n(.$>1 .if t \{\ |
| .ie \w\(ts\\$2\(ts \{\ |
| .ie 0\\$2-99 .nr tv \\n(.s+2 |
| .el .nr tv \\$2 \} |
| .el .nr tv \\n(.v |
| .vs \\n(tvp \} \} |
| .. |
| .de sP \" space 1 blank line (vertical space) |
| .if n .sp 1 |
| .if t .sp 0.5 |
| .. |
| .de P \" paragraph - (default - left-adjusted) |
| . \" arg #1=0 - left-adjusted |
| . \" arg #1=1 - indent standard amount |
| .ne 1.1 |
| .sP |
| .if (\\n(.$>0)&(0\\$1=1) .ti +\\n(sin |
| .. |
| .de HC \" set hyphenation indicator |
| .ev0 |
| .hc\\$1 |
| .ev |
| .ev1 |
| .hc\\$1 |
| .ev |
| .ev2 |
| .hc\\$1 |
| .ev |
| .. |
| .de SA \" macro for right-adjustment |
| .if \\n(.$ \{\ |
| .if \\$1-1 .tm WARNING: SA: bad arg:\\$1 |
| .nr :h 0\\$1 \} |
| 'na |
| .if \\n(:h 'ad |
| .. |
| .de iN \" macro for font and size re-initialization |
| .ft 1 |
| .ps \\n(ps |
| .if t .vs \\n(vsp |
| .. |
| .de DS \" macro for display start |
| .if \\n(ds>0 \{\ |
| .tm Display within display - illegal. |
| .DE \} |
| .if \\n(fs>0 \{\ |
| .tm Display within footnote - illegal. |
| .FE \} |
| .nr in \\n(.i |
| .nr fi \\n(.u |
| .br |
| .ev 2 |
| .br |
| .ll 7.0i |
| .nf |
| .in \\n(inu |
| .sP |
| .if \\n(.$>1 \{\ |
| .if '\\$2'F' .nr dt 4 |
| .if '\\$2'1' .nr dt 4 |
| .if \\n(dt=4 .fi \} |
| .if \\n(.$>2 .ll-0\\$3 |
| .nr dt 0 |
| .nr bd 0 |
| .if '\\$1'I' .nr dt 1 |
| .if '\\$1'1' .nr dt 1 |
| .if \\n(dt=1 .in \\n(sin |
| .if '\\$1'C' .nr dt 2 |
| .if '\\$1'2' .nr dt 2 |
| .if \\n(dt=2 .ce 1000 |
| .if '\\$1'CB' .nr dt 3 |
| .if '\\$1'3' .nr dt 3 |
| .if \\n(dt=3 \{\ |
| .nr bd 1 |
| .di dS \} |
| .nr ds 1 |
| .. |
| .de DE \" macro for display end |
| .br |
| .ie \\n(ds=0 .tm DE: no active DS |
| .el \{\ |
| .ce 0 |
| .if \\n(bd>0 \{\ |
| .di |
| .if \\n(dl>\\n(bd .nr bd \\n(dl |
| .if \\n(bd<\\n(.l .in (\\n(.lu-\\n(bdu)/2u |
| .nr dt \\n(.l-\\n(.i |
| .ta \\n(dtuR |
| .dS |
| .br \} |
| .nr bd 0 |
| .nr ds 0 |
| .nr dt 0 |
| .ev |
| .in \\n(inu |
| .sP |
| .ie \\n(fi=0 .nf |
| .el .fi \} |
| .. |
| .de EQ \" macro for equation start |
| .ds e) \\$1 |
| .di eQ |
| .. |
| .de EN \" macro for equation end |
| \!.br |
| .br |
| .di |
| .lt \\n(.lu |
| .pc |
| .if \w\(ts\\*(10\\*(e)\(ts \{\ |
| .ie \\n(bd>0 \{\ |
| .if \\n(bd<\w\(ts\\*(10\(ts .nr bd \w\(ts\\*(10\(ts |
| \!\\*(10\h'\\\\n(.lu-\w\(ts\\*(10\\*(e)u\(ts-\\\\n(.iu'\\*(e) |
| .br \} |
| .el .ie \\n(dt=2 .tl \(ts\(ts\\*(10\(ts\\*(e)\(ts |
| .el .ie \\n(dt=1 .tl \(ts\h'\\n(sin'\\*(10\(ts\(ts\\*(e)\(ts |
| .el .if \\n(dt=0 .tl \(ts\\*(10\(ts\(ts\\*(e)\(ts |
| 'br\} |
| .pc% |
| .lt |
| .. |
| .de VL \" macro for variable-item lists |
| .if \\n(ls>0 \{\ |
| .tm VL: lists may not be nested |
| .LE \} |
| .ie \\n(.$<1 .tm WARNING: VL: text-indent not defined |
| .el \{\ |
| .nr in \\n(.i |
| .nr :b \\n(.iu+0\\$1n |
| .nr :c \\n(.iu+0\\$2n |
| .ds y) \& |
| .ie \\n(.$=3 .nr :d 1 |
| .el .nr :d 0 |
| .if \\n(:d=1 .sP |
| .fi |
| .nr ls +1 |
| .br \} |
| .. |
| .de ML \" macro for marked list |
| .if \\n(ls>0 \{\ |
| .tm ML: lists may not be nexted |
| .LE \} |
| .ie \\n(.$<1 .tm ML: mark not defined |
| .el \{\ |
| .nr in \\n(.i |
| .ds y) \\$1 |
| .ie (\\n(.$>1)&(\\$2>0) .nr :b \\n(.iu+0\\$2n |
| .el .nr :b \\n(.iu+\w\(ts\\*(y)\(tsu+1n |
| .nr :c \\n(:bu-1n-\w\(ts\\*(y)\(tsu |
| .ie \\n(.$=3 .nr :d 1 |
| .el .nr :d 0 |
| .if \\n(:d=1 .sP |
| .fi |
| .in \\n(:bu |
| .nr ls +1 |
| .br \} |
| .. |
| .de BL \" macro for bullet list - using marked list |
| .ie \\n(.$=2 .ML \\(bu \\$1 \\$2 |
| .el .ie \\n(.$=1 .ML \\(bu \\$1 |
| .el .ML \\(bu |
| .. |
| .de LI \" macro for list item |
| .ie \\n(ls=0 .tm LI: no active lists |
| .el \{\ |
| .ds z) \\*(y) |
| .if \\n(.$=1 .ds z) \\$1 |
| .if \\n(.$=2 .ds z) \\$1\&\\*(z) |
| .if \\n(:d=0 .sP |
| .in \\n(:bu |
| .ti \\n(:cu |
| .nr :e \w\(ts\\*(z)\(ts |
| \\*(z)\h'\\n(:bu-\\n(:cu-\\n(:eu'\c \} |
| .. |
| .de LE \" macro for list end |
| .ie \\n(ls=0 .tm LE: no active list |
| .el \{\ |
| .br |
| .nr ls -1 |
| 'in \\n(inu |
| 'ti \\n(inu |
| .if \\n(.$>0 .sP \} |
| .. |
| .de hD \" header macro |
| '''\" page offset 0.6i for XEROX & DASI; 0.25i for all other devices |
| '''\" cut marks for APS only |
| .po 0.25i |
| .if \\n(dv=3 .po 0.6i |
| .if n .po 0.6i |
| .if \\n(dv=1 .tl '\(rn''\(rn' |
| .if t 'sp|0.2i |
| .if n 'sp|1 |
| .. |
| .de fO \" footer macro |
| .if t .pl 11.0i |
| .if n .pl \\n(lp |
| 'bp |
| .. |
| .de yY \" macro for abstract overflow - line -1 |
| .aT |
| .rm yY |
| .. |
| .de aT \" macro for abstract overflow trap |
| . \" register a counts overflow pages |
| .if \\na>0 \{\ |
| .ft 2 |
| .ce |
| (continued) |
| .ft 1 \} |
| .if t .pl 11.0i |
| .if n .pl \\n(lp |
| .nr a \\n+a |
| .rn aT xX |
| 'bp |
| .rn xX aT |
| .if n .wh -2 aT |
| .if t .wh -0.55i aT |
| .cH |
| .tH |
| .if t 'sp 0.05i |
| .ce |
| .ft 3 |
| Abstract (continued) |
| .ft 1 |
| .in 0.2i |
| 'sp 1 |
| .. |
| .de tK \" macro for thick lines |
| .ps 24 |
| \l'7.5i' |
| .ps |
| .. |
| .de bE \" macro for empty box |
| .ps 12 |
| .if t \\(sq |
| .if n [ ] |
| .ps |
| .. |
| .de bX \" macro for box with x |
| .ps 12 |
| .if t \\o'\(mu\(sq' |
| .if n [x] |
| .ps |
| .. |
| .de tH \" macro for Title heading and text |
| . \" called from aT and eP and CS |
| .tK |
| .if t 'sp 0.05i |
| '''\" mark t - Title heading |
| .mk t |
| .ft 3 |
| Title: |
| .ft 1 |
| 'sp|\\ntu |
| .in 0.7i |
| .tI |
| .in 0 |
| .ta 0.5i |
| .nr q \\no/\\nl |
| .ie \\nq>2 'sp|\\ntu+\\nq |
| .el 'sp|\\ntu+2 |
| .tK |
| . \" m1 - mark end of title section - save |
| .mk m1 |
| .. |
| .de cH \" macro for abstract or distribution list continuation header |
| . \" called from aT and eP |
| . \" calculate this page number |
| .nr np \\n(np+1 |
| .nf |
| .in 0 |
| .ft 3 |
| .ta 7.5iR |
| .nr tc \\n(tp |
| .nr nc \\n(np |
| \\*(n)\f2 (page \\n(nc of \\n(tc) |
| .ft1 |
| .if t 'sp 0.1i |
| .. |
| .de dH \" macro for distribution list headers |
| . \" called from cP and CS |
| .ft 3 |
| .ta 1.0i 4.75i |
| \\$1 \\$2 |
| .if t .sp 0.05i |
| .ft 1 |
| .ta 0.5i 1.0i |
| .. |
| .de oH \" macro for final overflow distribution list headers |
| . \" called from cP |
| .if \\$1>4 .if \\$2>4 .dH "Complete Copy (continued)" "Cover Sheet Only (continued)" |
| .if \\$1>4 .if !\\$2>4 .dH "Complete Copy (continued)" "" |
| .if !\\$1>4 .if \\$2>4 .dH "" "Cover Sheet Only (continued)" |
| .. |
| .de eP \" macro for ejecting distribution continuation page |
| . \" called from cP |
| 'bp |
| .wh 0 hD |
| '''\" put out continuation page header & title section |
| .cH |
| .tH |
| .. |
| .de cP \" macro for continuation (distribution list) page |
| . \" called from CS |
| . \" if any distribution overflow will fit before next trap, set v=2 |
| .ie \\nv<=\\n(.t .nr v 1 |
| .el .nr v 0 |
| .if \\nv=1 .if \\nw<=\\n(.t .nr v 2 |
| . \" check whether continuation page needs to be ejected |
| .in 0 |
| .if \\nc=1 \{\ |
| . \" - if no abstract overflow |
| .if \\na=0 .eP |
| .if \\na>0 \{\ |
| . \" - or if abstract overflow - but not enough room for list overflow |
| .ie \\nv<2 .eP |
| . \" just a thick line if abstract overflow AND enough room for list |
| .el .tK \} |
| .ie \\ne=0 \{\ |
| .if \\ng>4 .if \\ni>4 .dH "Complete Copy" "Cover Sheet Only" |
| .if \\ng>4 .if !\\ni>4 .dH "Complete Copy" "" |
| .if !\\ng>4 .if \\ni>4 .dH "" "Cover Sheet Only" \} |
| .el .oH \\ng \\ni |
| .mk z |
| .nr q \\n(.t/\\nl |
| '''\" put out complete copy list overflow |
| .in 0.2i |
| .cO |
| .in 0 |
| .rm cO |
| .if !\\n(g1=0 \{\ |
| .ft 2 |
| .ti 1.25i |
| (continued) |
| .ft 1 \} |
| .mk x |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .in 4.0i |
| '''\" put out cover sheet list overflow |
| .dO |
| .rm dO |
| .if !\\n(i1=0 \{\ |
| .ft 2 |
| .ti 5.00i |
| (continued) |
| .ft 1 \} |
| .mk y |
| .if ((\\n(g1>0):(\\n(i1>0)) .dP "\\n(g1" "\\n(i1" "cU" "\\n(g2" "dU" "\\n(i2" |
| .if ((\\n(g2>0):(\\n(i2>0)) .dP "\\n(g2" "\\n(i2" "cV" "\\n(g3" "dV" "\\n(i3" |
| .if ((\\n(g3>0):(\\n(i3>0)) .dP "\\n(g3" "\\n(i3" "cW" "\\n(g4" "dW" "\\n(i4" |
| .if ((\\n(g4>0):(\\n(i4>0)) .dP "\\n(g4" "\\n(i4" "cX" "\\n(g5" "dX" "\\n(i5" |
| .if ((\\n(g5>0):(\\n(i5>0)) \{\ |
| .eP |
| .oH \\n(g5 \\n(i5 |
| .mk z |
| .in 0.2i |
| .cY |
| .in 0 |
| .rm cY |
| .mk x |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .in 4.0i |
| .dY |
| .rm dY |
| .mk y \} |
| .in 0 |
| .if \\nx-\\ny .sp|\\nxu |
| .tK \} |
| .. |
| .de dP \" macro to handle one continuation page |
| .eP |
| .oH \\$1 \\$2 |
| .mk z |
| .in 0.2i |
| .\\$3 |
| .in 0 |
| .rm \\$3 |
| .if !\\$4=0 \{\ |
| .ft 2 |
| .ti 1.25i |
| (continued) |
| .ft 1 \} |
| .mk x |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .in 4.0i |
| .\\$5 |
| .rm \\$5 |
| .if !\\$6=0 \{\ |
| .ft 2 |
| .ti 5.00i |
| (continued) |
| .ft 1 \} |
| .mk y |
| .. |
| .de tP \" macro to compute total pages and diversion lengths |
| '''\" calculate vert. units needed to handle cc overflow (if any) |
| '''\" called from CS macro |
| .ie \\ng>4 .nr v (\\ng)*\\nl |
| .el .nr v 0 |
| '''\" also for cs overflow (if any) |
| .ie \\ni>4 .nr w (\\ni)*\\nl |
| .el .nr w 0 |
| .ie \\nv>\\nw .nr j \\nv |
| .el .nr j \\nw |
| . \" set c=1 if either g or i >0 |
| .if \\ng>4 .nr c 1 |
| .if \\ni>4 .nr c 1 |
| . \" calculate total pages in job (default 2) |
| .nr tp 2 |
| . \" a1 - page 1 portion abstract (units) |
| .nr a1 \\nyu-\\nxu-1v |
| .ie \\n(la>\\n(a1 \{\ |
| . \" ar - remainder abstract (units) |
| .nr ar \\n(la-\\n(a1 |
| .nr tp \\n(tp+1 |
| . \" a2 - available continuation page space |
| . \" m1 is mark after thick line following title/date |
| . \" 2v are lines for Abstract (continued) and one blank line |
| .if t .nr a2 11.0i-\\n(m1-3v |
| .if n .nr a2 \\n(lpv-\\n(m1-3v |
| .t1 \} |
| .el .if \\nc>0 .nr tp \\n(tp+1 |
| .if ((\\n(g1>4):(\\n(i1>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1 |
| .if ((\\n(g2>4):(\\n(i2>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1 |
| .if ((\\n(g3>4):(\\n(i3>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1 |
| .if ((\\n(g4>4):(\\n(i4>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1 |
| .if ((\\n(g5>4):(\\n(i5>4)) .nr tp \\n(tp+1 |
| .. |
| .de t1 |
| .ie \\n(ar>\\n(a2 \{\ |
| .nr ar \\n(ar-\\n(a2 |
| .nr tp \\n(tp+1 |
| .t1 \} |
| .el .if \\n(ar+\\nj>\\n(a2 .nr tp \\n(tp+1 |
| .. |
| '''\" |
| '''\" main macro to handle output of cover sheet |
| '''\" |
| .de CS |
| .if \\nu=0 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: author must be supplied |
| .ab \} |
| .if \\no=0 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: document title must be supplied |
| .ab \} |
| .if \\nm=0 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: memorandum type undefined or unknown |
| .ab \} |
| .if ((\\nm=1)&(\\np=1)) .if \\nb=0 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: must have at least one mercury classification with technical memorandum |
| .ab \} |
| .if \\nn=0 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: document number must be supplied |
| .ab \} |
| .if \\n(la=0 .if \\nm<3 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: abstract must be supplied for technical and internal memoranda |
| .ab \} |
| .if \\nb>3 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: no more than 3 mercury classifications may be selected |
| .ab \} |
| .if \\n(fc=0 \{\ |
| .if \\n(en<3 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: filing case must be supplied |
| .ab \} |
| .if \\n(en=3 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: full date must be supplied |
| .ab \}\} |
| .if \\n(wp=0 \{\ |
| .tm ERROR: work project number must be supplied |
| .ab \} |
| .dL |
| .ll 7.5i |
| .iN |
| .if \\n(nl .bp |
| .in 0 |
| .hD |
| '''\" put out 1 blank line where timestamp used to be |
| .sp1 |
| .if t .sp 0.05i |
| .nf |
| .ps 16 |
| .ft 3 |
| . \" put out page 1 heading |
| '''\" if Lucent logo not defined, put out Lucent string |
| '''\" also put out memorandum type |
| .ie ((\\n(dv=5)) \{\ |
| .ie '\f(AT'' .nr lg 0 |
| .el .nr lg 1 \} |
| .el \{\ |
| .ie '\*(lG'' .nr lg 0 |
| .el .nr lg 1 \} |
| .ie ((\\n(lg=0)) \{\ |
| .ta 7.5iR |
| \\*(e2 Document Cover Sheet |
| .wh 0 hD |
| .if t .sp 0.1i |
| \\*(t(\} |
| .el \{\ |
| .ta 7.5iR |
| Document Cover Sheet |
| .wh 0 hD |
| .if t .sp 0.1i |
| .if \\n(dv=5 \{\ |
| .ft P |
| .nr v \n(.f |
| .ft P \} |
| .ta 0.25i 7.5iR |
| \\*(lG \\*(t(\} |
| .ft 1 |
| .ps 10 |
| .tH |
| .if t .sp 0.05i |
| .ft 3 |
| .ie \\nu>1 .ds u) s |
| .el .ds u) |
| .if !\\n(en=3 \{\ |
| .ta 0.5i 2.75i 4.0i 4.7i |
| Author\\*(u) Location Ext. Company (if other than \\*(e1) |
| .br \} |
| .if \\n(en=3 \{\ |
| .ta 0.5i 2.75i 4.0i 5.0i |
| Author\\*(u) Location Ext. Company (if other than |
| .if t \\*(e3) |
| .if n \\*(e3) |
| .br \} |
| .ft 1 |
| '''\" output author info |
| .aV |
| .if !'\\*(r('0' \{\ |
| .ta 0.3i 2.6i |
| \\*(r( (Responsible \\*(e1 Person)\} |
| .rm aV AU |
| .tK |
| .if t .sp 0.05i |
| .ft 3 |
| .ie \\nn>1 .ds v) s |
| .el .ds v) |
| .ie \\n(fc>1 .ds w) s |
| .el .ds w) |
| .ie \\n(wp>1 .ds x) s |
| .el .ds x) |
| .ta 1.0i 3.3i 5.55i |
| .if \\n(en=1 \{\ |
| Document No\\*(v). Filing Case No\\*(w). Project No\\*(x). |
| .br \} |
| .if \\n(en=2 \{\ |
| Document No\\*(v). Filing Case No\\*(w). Project No\\*(x). |
| .br \} |
| .if \\n(en=3 \{\ |
| .if t .ta 1.0i 3.4i 4.7i |
| .if n .ta 1.0i 3.4i 4.5i |
| Document No\\*(v). Full Date Time Charge (or Project Code) No\\*(x). |
| .br \} |
| .if \\n(en=4 \{\ |
| .if t .ta 1.0i 3.4i 5.2i |
| .if n .ta 1.0i 3.4i 5.0i |
| Document No\\*(v). Filing Case No\\*(w). Time Charge (or Case) No\\*(x). |
| .br \} |
| .ft 1 |
| .if t .sp 0.05i |
| .mk t |
| '''\" output document number |
| .dM |
| .rm dN dM |
| .mk x |
| .sp|\\ntu |
| '''\" output filing case info (or full date) |
| .fB |
| .rm fB fC |
| .mk y |
| .sp|\\ntu |
| '''\" output work project number info |
| .wO |
| .rm wO wP |
| .mk z |
| .if \\ny>\\nx .nr x \\ny |
| .if \\nz>\\nx .nr x \\nz |
| .sp|\\nxu |
| .tK |
| '''\" output keywords if they exist |
| .if \\nk>0 \{\ |
| .ft 3 |
| Keywords: |
| .ft 1 |
| .if t .sp 0.05i |
| .in 0.2i |
| .fi |
| \\*(k) |
| .nf |
| .in 0 |
| .tK \} |
| '''\" output mercury info if it exists |
| .if \\nb>0 \{\ |
| .ft 3 |
| MERCURY Announcement Bulletin Sections |
| .ft 1 |
| .if t \{\ |
| .sp 0.05i |
| .ta 0.6i 3.1i 5.6i |
| .ps 8 |
| \\*(a) |
| .ps \} |
| .if n \{\ |
| .ta 0.5i 4.1i |
| .if \\nb>2 \\*(b) |
| \\*(a) |
| .ps \} |
| .tK \} |
| .ps 10 |
| .ft 3 |
| Abstract |
| .ft 1 |
| .mk x |
| .if t \{\ |
| .nr b1 \\nx/\\n(.v+1 |
| .nr b2 (\\n(b1*\\n(.v)-\\nx |
| .sp \\n(b2u |
| .mk x \} |
| '''\" calculate position (19v includes 2v to print version at bottom of page) |
| '''\" followed by timestamp and 1v line |
| .nr y \\n(lpv-19v-\\n(fnu |
| .sp|\\nyu |
| .sp -1 |
| .tP |
| '''\" handle abstract page 1 continuation |
| .ie \\n(la>\\n(a1 \{\ |
| .ce |
| .ft2 |
| (continued on page iii) |
| .ft1 |
| .br \} |
| .el .sp1 |
| .tK |
| .ps 8 |
| .if t .vs 10p |
| .nr z 0 |
| .if '\\$1'' .nr z 1 |
| .if !'\\$2'' .nr z 1 |
| .if !'\\$3'' .nr z 1 |
| .if !'\\$4'' .nr z 1 |
| .if !'\\$5'' .nr z 1 |
| .if !'\\$6'' .nr z 1 |
| .if \\nz=1 \{\ |
| .tm WARNING: provide total document page count in first argument of .CS macro; all other arguments ignored; do NOT include coversheet pages in this count. \} |
| .nr z 0 |
| .if !'\\$1'' .nr z \\nz+\\$1 |
| .nr z \\nz+\\n(tp |
| .tm Total Pages = \\nz |
| .ie '\*(.T'X97.tim10p'\{\ |
| Total Pages (including document cover sheet): \\s+2\\nz\\s-2 |
| .if !\\*(e('0' \{\ |
| Supersedes or amends document number \\*(e(. \} |
| .el .sp1 \} |
| .el \{\ |
| \f3Total Pages\f1 (including document cover sheet): \\s+2\\nz\\s-2 |
| .if !'\\*(e('0' \{\ |
| \f3Supersedes\f1 or amends document number \\*(e(. \} |
| .el .sp1 \} |
| .ps |
| .if t .vs |
| .if \\n(fn>0 \{\ |
| .br |
| .nf |
| .fN |
| .rm fN |
| .br \} |
| .mk z |
| .if t .sp 0.67i |
| .if n .sp 4 |
| '''\" output proprietary notice if it exists |
| .if \\np=1 \{\ |
| .ds p) "Use pursuant to Company Instructions |
| .ds q) |
| .ds r) |
| .ft 2 |
| .if n .ti 14 |
| .if t .ti 1.65i |
| \\*(o) |
| .ft 1 |
| .if n .ti 5 |
| .if t .ti 1.25i |
| \\*(p) \} |
| .if \\np=2 \{\ |
| .ds p) "Solely for authorized persons having a need to know |
| .ds q) "pursuant to Company Instructions |
| .ft 2 |
| .if n .ti 10 |
| .if t .ti 1.25i |
| \\*(o) |
| .ft 1 |
| .if n .ti 0 |
| .if t .ti 0.875i |
| \\*(p) |
| .if n .ti 10 |
| .if t .ti 1.375i |
| \\*(q) \} |
| '''\" output csmacros version |
| .sp |\\nzu+11v |
| .ta 7.5iR |
| \\s8\\*(ve\\s0 |
| '''\" put out timestamp (if non-empty) and company identifier |
| .ie !'\\*(s)'0' \{\ |
| \\s8\\*(s)\\s0 \\*(e3 \} |
| .el " \\*(e3 |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .sp1 |
| .ft 3 |
| .ti 5.25i |
| \\*(m) |
| .ft 1 |
| .sp|\\nxu |
| .in 0.2i |
| .nf |
| '''\" abstract |
| .if \\n(la>\\n(a1 \{\ |
| .if n .wh -1 yY |
| .if t .wh -0.25i yY \} |
| .pl \\nyu |
| .ta 0.5i 1.0i 1.5i 2.0i 2.5i |
| '''\" output the abstract |
| .aS |
| .rm aS |
| .if !\\n(la>\\n(a1 .sp-1 |
| .rn aT xX |
| .if t .wh -0.25i fO |
| .if n .wh -1 fO |
| '''\" output continuation pages |
| .cP |
| 'bp |
| .ft 1 |
| .in 0 |
| .wh 0 hD |
| .nf |
| .ft 3 |
| .ta 7.5iR |
| .nr tc \\n(tp |
| Initial Distribution Specifications \\*(n)\f2 (page ii of \\n(tc)\f3 |
| .ft 1 |
| .tK |
| .if \\ne>0 \{\ |
| .dH " Complete Copy" " Cover Sheet Only" |
| .mk z |
| '''\" put out complete copy list |
| .in 0.2i |
| .cA |
| .in 0 |
| .rm cA |
| .if !\\ng=0 \{\ |
| .ft 2 |
| .ti 1.25i |
| (continued) |
| .ft 1 \} |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .in 4.0i |
| '''\" put out cover sheet list |
| .dA |
| .rm dA |
| .if !\\ni=0 \{\ |
| .ft 2 |
| .ti 5.00i |
| (continued) |
| .ft 1 \} |
| .in 0 |
| '''\" starter space value - then tailor according to basic distribution length |
| .sp|5 |
| .sp \\ne |
| .tK \} |
| '''\" put out security section if selected |
| .if \\nr=1 \{\ |
| \f3Government Security Classified\f1 |
| .ft 1 |
| .if t .sp -0.05i |
| .tK \} |
| \f3Future Lucent Distribution by ITDS\f1 |
| .if \\n(ra>0 \{\ |
| .ti 0.5i |
| .if t .sp 0.05i |
| .ie \\n(ra=2 \{\ |
| .if t \f3DO NOT RELEASE\f1 to any Lucent employee without appropriate approval for each request. |
| .if n \{\ |
| \f3DO NOT RELEASE\f1 to any Lucent employee without appropriate approval |
| .br |
| .ti 1.0i |
| for each request.\}\} |
| .el \{\ |
| \f3RELEASE\f1 to any Lucent employee (excluding contract employees). |
| .br \}\} |
| '''\" next 41 lines for yes/no boxes; remove when .fA macro becomes mandatory |
| .if \\n(ra=0 \{\ |
| .if t \{\ |
| .mk z |
| .ti 0.1i |
| .bE |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .ti 0.25i |
| Yes, \f3RELEASE\f1 to any Lucent employee (excluding |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .ti 4.1i |
| .bE |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .ti 4.25i |
| No, \f3DO NOT RELEASE\f1 to any Lucent employee |
| .mk z |
| .ti 0.35i |
| contract employees). |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .ti 4.35i |
| without obtaining appropriate approval.\} |
| .if n \{\ |
| .mk z |
| .ti 0.1i |
| .bE |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .ti 0.4i |
| Yes, \f3RELEASE\f1 to any Lucent employee |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .ti 4.1i |
| .bE |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| .ti 4.4i |
| No, \f3DO NOT RELEASE\f1 to any Lucent |
| .mk z |
| .ti 0.5i |
| (except contract employees). |
| .ti 4.5i |
| .sp|\\nzu |
| employee without obtaining |
| .ti 4.5i |
| appropriate approval.\}\} |
| .if t .sp -0.05i |
| .tK |
| .ft 3 |
| Author Signature\\*(u) |
| .ft 1 |
| .sp1 |
| .ta 2.625i 5.25i |
| \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' |
| .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i |
| \\*(m( |
| .if \\nu>3 \{\ |
| .sp1 |
| .ta 2.635i 5.25i |
| \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' |
| .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i |
| \\*(n( \} |
| .if \\nu>6 \{\ |
| .sp1 |
| .ta 2.635i 5.25i |
| \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' |
| .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i |
| \\*(o( \} |
| .if \\nu>9 \{\ |
| .sp1 |
| .ta 2.635i 5.25i |
| \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' |
| .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i |
| \\*(p( \} |
| .if t .sp -0.1i |
| .tK |
| '''\" output organizational approval section |
| .ie \\np>1 \{\ |
| .if t \{\ |
| \f3Organizational Approval\f1 (\\*(e4 approval \f3required\f1 for \f2\\*(o)\f1.) \} |
| .if n \{\ |
| \f3Organizational Approval\f1 |
| .ti 0.5i |
| \\*(e4 approval \f3required\f1 for \f2\\*(o)\f1. \} |
| .br \} |
| .el \{\ |
| \f3Organizational Approval\f1 (Optional) \} |
| .sp 1 |
| .ta 2.625i 5.25i |
| \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' |
| .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i |
| \\*(u( |
| .if ((\\n(oa>3):((\\nn>3)&(\\n(oa=0))) \{\ |
| .sp1 |
| .ta 2.625i 5.25i |
| \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' |
| .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i |
| \\*(v( \} |
| .if ((\\n(oa>6):((\\nn>6)&(\\n(oa=0))) \{\ |
| .sp 1 |
| .ta 2.625i 5.25i |
| \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' |
| .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i |
| \\*(w( \} |
| .if ((\\n(oa>9):((\\nn>9)&(\\n(oa=0))) \{\ |
| .sp 1 |
| .ta 2.625i 5.25i |
| \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' \l'2.25i' |
| .ta 0.25i 2.875i 5.5i |
| \\*(x( \} |
| .if t .sp -0.1i |
| .tK |
| '''\" recipient section always output |
| .ft 3 |
| For Use by Recipient of Cover Sheet: |
| .ft 1 |
| .if t \{\ |
| .ps-3 |
| .vs-4 |
| .sp1 |
| .mk z |
| Computing network users may order copies via the \f2library -1\f1 command; |
| for information, type \f2man library\f1 after the UNIX\(rg system prompt. |
| .sp1 |
| .rn fo xx |
| Otherwise: |
| Enter PAN if Lucent-BL (or SS# if non-Lucent-BL). \l'1.5i' |
| Return this sheet to any ITDS location. |
| .sp|\\nzu |
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| .if n \{\ |
| Computing network users may order copies via the \f2library -1\f1 command; |
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| .rn fo xx |
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| ( ) ALC 1B-102 ( ) MV 3L-19 |
| ( ) CB 1L-220 ( ) WH 3E-204 |
| ( ) HO 4F-112 \} |
| .if \\n(en=2 \{\ |
| ( ) DR 2F-19 |
| ( ) INH 1C-114 |
| ( ) IW 2Z-156 |
| ( ) MT 2C-131 \} |
| .if \\n(en=3 \{\ |
| ( ) NW-ITDS \} |
| .if \\n(en=4 \{\ |
| ( ) PR5-2120 \} |
| .br \} |
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| . sy echo "/usr/lib/tmac/sendcover" \\n(.F \\n(qq >>/tmp/sc\\n($$ |
| . sy echo "rm" /tmp/sx\\n($$ /tmp/sc\\n($$>>/tmp/sc\\n($$ |
| . sy sh /tmp/sc\\n($$& |
| . br \} |
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| '''\" end of csmacros |