venti, now with documentation!
diff --git a/man/man1/venti.1 b/man/man1/venti.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a40eebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man1/venti.1
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+read, write, copy \- simple Venti clients
+.B venti/read
+.B -h
+.I host
+.B -t
+.I type
+.I score
+.B venti/write
+.B -z
+.B -h
+.I host
+.B -t
+.I type
+.B venti/copy
+.B -fir
+.B -t
+.I type
+.I srchost
+.I dsthost
+.I score
+Venti is a SHA1-addressed block storage server.
+.IR venti (7)
+for a full introduction.
+.I Read
+reads a block with the given
+.I score
+and numeric
+.I type
+from the server
+.I host
+and prints the block to standard output.
+If the
+.B -h
+option is omitted,
+.I read
+consults the environment variable
+.B $venti
+for the name of the Venti server.
+If the
+.B -t
+option is omitted,
+.I read
+will try each type, one at a time, until it finds
+one that works.
+It prints the corresponding
+.B read
+.B -t
+command to standard error
+to indicate the type of the block.
+.I Write
+writes at most 56 kilobytes of data from standard input
+to the server
+.I host
+and prints the resulting score to standard output.
+If the
+.B -t
+option is omitted,
+.I write
+uses type 0,
+denoting a data block.
+If the
+.B -z
+option is given,
+.I write
+truncates the block before writing it to the server.
+.I Copy
+.I score
+to be the score of a
+.B VtRoot
+It copies the entire tree of blocks reachable from
+the root block from the server
+.I srchost
+to the server
+.IR dsthost .
+.B -f
+option causes
+.I copy
+to run in `fast' mode,
+assuming that if a block already exists on the
+destination Venti server, all its children also
+exist and need not be checked.
+.B -i
+.B -r
+option control
+.IR copy 's
+behavior upon encountering errors while reading
+from srchost.
+.I Copy
+always prints information to standard error
+about each read error.
+By default,
+.I copy
+immediately exits after printing the first error.
+If the
+.B -i
+option is given, read errors are ignored.
+This is dangerous behavior because it breaks the
+assumption made by `fast' mode.
+If the
+.B -r
+option is given,
+.I copy
+replaces pointers to unreadable blocks with
+pointers to the zero block.
+It writes the new root score to standard output.
+.B \*9/src/cmd/venti/cmd
+.IR vac (1),
+.IR vbackup (1),
+.IR venti (3),
+.IR vacfs (4),
+.IR vnfs (4),
+.IR venti (7),
+.IR venti (8)
+There should be programs to read and write
+streams and directories.
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-cache.3 b/man/man3/venti-cache.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdd18ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-cache.3
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+VtBlock, VtCache,
+vtlocaltoglobal \- Venti block cache
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+.ta +\w'\fLxxxx 'u
+typedef struct VtBlock
+ uchar *data;
+ uchar type;
+ uchar score[VtScoreSize];
+ u32int addr;
+ ...
+} VtBlock;
+.ta +\w'\fLVtBlock* 'u +\w'\fLxxxxxxxx'u
+VtCache* vtcachealloc(VtConn *z, int blocksize, ulong nblocks, int mode);
+void vtcachefree(VtCache *c);
+u32int vtcacheblocksize(VtCache *c);
+ int (*write)(VtConn*, uchar[VtScoreSize], uint, uchar*, int));
+u32int vtglobaltolocal(uchar score[VtScoreSize])
+void vtlocaltoglobal(u32int local, uchar score[VtScoreSize])
+VtBlock* vtcacheallocblock(VtCache *c, int type);
+VtBlock* vtcachelocal(VtCache *c, u32int addr, int type);
+VtBlock* vtcacheglobal(VtCache *c, uchar[VtScoreSize], int type);
+void vtblockput(VtBlock *b);
+void vtblockduplock(VtBlock *b);
+int vtblockwrite(VtBlock *b);
+void vtcachesetwrite(VtCache *c,
+VtBlock* vtblockcopy(VtBlock *b);
+int vtblockdirty(VtBlock *b);
+These functions provide access to a simple in-memory
+cache of blocks already stored on a Venti server
+and blocks that will eventually be stored on a Venti server.
+.I Vtcachealloc
+allocates a new cache using the client connection
+.I z
+.IR venti-conn (3)
+.IR venti-client (3)),
+with room for
+.I nblocks
+of maximum block size
+.I blocksize .
+.I Vtcachefree
+frees a cache and all the associated blocks.
+.I Vtcacheblocksize
+XXX global vs local blocks
+.I Vtcacheallocblock
+allocates a new local block with the given
+.IR type .
+.I Vtcachelocal
+retrieves the local block at address
+.I addr
+from the cache.
+The given
+.I type
+must match the type of the block found at
+.IR addr .
+.I Vtcacheglobal
+retrieves the block with the given
+.I score
+.I dtype
+from the cache, consulting the Venti server
+if necessary.
+If passed a local score,
+.I vtcacheglobal
+behaves as
+.IR vtcachelocal .
+The block references returned by
+.IR vtcacheallocblock ,
+.IR vtcachelocal ,
+.I vtcacheglobal
+must be released when no longer needed.
+.I Vtblockput
+releases such a reference.
+It is occasionally convenient to have multiple variables
+refer to the same block.
+.I Vtblockduplock
+increments the block's reference count so that
+an extra
+.I vtblockput
+will be required in order to release the block.
+.I Vtblockwrite
+writes a local block to the Venti server,
+changing the block to a global block.
+It calls the cache's
+.I write
+to write the block to the server.
+The default
+.I write
+function is
+.I vtwrite
+.IR venti-client (3));
+.I vtsetcachewrite
+sets it.
+.I Vtsetcachewrite
+is used by clients to install replacement functions
+that run writes in the background or perform other
+additional processing.
+.I Vtblockcopy
+copies a block in preparation for modifying its contents.
+The old block may be a local or global block,
+but the new block will be a local block.
+The cache only evicts global blocks.
+Local blocks can only leave the cache via
+.IR vtblockwrite ,
+which turns them into global blocks, making them candidates for
+If a new cache block must be allocated (for
+.IR vtcacheallocblock ,
+.IR vtcachelocal ,
+.IR vtcacheglobal ,
+.IR vtblockcopy ),
+but the cache is filled (with local blocks and blocks that
+have not yet been released with
+.IR vtblockput ),
+the library prints the score and reference count of
+every block in the cache and then aborts.
+A full cache indicates either that the cache is too small,
+or, more commonly, that cache blocks are being leaked.
+.B \*9/src/libventi
+.IR venti (1),
+.IR venti (3),
+.IR venti-client (3),
+.IR venti-conn (3),
+.IR venti-file (3)
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-client.3 b/man/man3/venti-client.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec18fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-client.3
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+vtconnect, vthello, vtread, vtwrite, vtreadpacket, vtwritepacket, vtsync, vtping, vtrpc, ventidoublechecksha1 \- Venti client
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+.ta +\w'\fLextern int 'u +\w'\fLxxxxxxxx'u
+Packet* vtrpc(VtConn *z, Packet *p)
+int vthello(VtConn *z)
+int vtconnect(VtConn *z)
+int vtread(VtConn *z, uchar score[VtScoreSize],
+ uint type, uchar *buf, int n)
+int vtwrite(VtConn *z, uchar score[VtScoreSize],
+ uint type, uchar *buf, int n)
+Packet* vtreadpacket(VtConn *z, uchar score[VtScoreSize],
+ uint type, int n)
+int vtwritepacket(VtConn *z, uchar score[VtScoreSize],
+ uint type, Packet *p)
+int vtsync(VtConn *z)
+int vtping(VtConn *z)
+extern int ventidoublechecksha1; /* default 1 */
+These routines execute the client side of the
+.IR venti (7)
+.I Vtrpc
+executes a single Venti RPC transaction, sending the request
+.IR p
+and then waiting for and returning the response packet.
+.I Vtrpc
+will set the tag in the packet.
+.I Vtrpc
+.IR p ,
+even on error.
+.I Vtrpc
+is typically called only indirectly, via the functions below.
+.I Vthello
+executes a
+.B hello
+.IR venti (7)), setting
+.IB z -> sid
+to the name used by the server.
+.I Vthello
+is typically called only indirectly, via
+.IR vtconnect .
+.I Vtconnect
+.I vtversion
+.IR venti-conn (3))
+.IR vthello ,
+in that order, returning success only
+if both succeed.
+This sequence (calling
+.I vtversion
+and then
+.IR vthello )
+must be done before the functions below can be called.
+.I Vtread
+reads the block with the given
+.I score
+.I type
+from the server,
+writes the returned data
+.IR buf ,
+and returns the number of bytes retrieved.
+If the stored block has size larger than
+.IR n ,
+.I vtread
+does not modify
+.I buf
+returns an error.
+.I Vtwrite
+writes the
+.I n
+bytes in
+.I buf
+with type
+.IR type ,
+.IR score .
+.I Vtreadpacket
+.I vtwritepacket
+are like
+.I vtread
+.I vtwrite
+but return or accept the block contents in the
+form of a
+.BR Packet .
+They avoid making a copy of the data.
+.I Vtsync
+causes the server to flush all pending write requests
+to disk before returning.
+.I Vtping
+executes a ping transaction with the server.
+By default,
+.I vtread
+.I vtreadpacket
+check that the SHA1 hash of the returned data
+matches the requested
+.IR score ,
+.I vtwrite
+.I vtwritepacket
+check that the returned
+.I score
+matches the SHA1 hash of the written data.
+.I ventidoublechecksha1
+to zero disables these extra checks,
+mainly for benchmarking purposes.
+Doing so in production code is not recommended.
+These functions can be called from multiple threads
+or procs simultaneously to issue requests
+in parallel.
+Programs that issue requests from multiple threads
+in the same proc should start separate procs running
+.I vtsendproc
+.I vtrecvproc
+as described in
+.IR venti-conn (3).
+.B \*9/src/libventi
+.IR venti (1),
+.IR venti (3),
+.IR venti-conn (3),
+.IR venti-packet (3),
+.IR venti (7)
+.I Vtrpc
+.I vtpacket
+return nil on error.
+The other routines return \-1 on error.
+.I Vtwrite
+returns 0 on success,
+meaning it wrote the entire block.
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-conn.3 b/man/man3/venti-conn.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc2de00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-conn.3
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+VtConn, vtconn, vtdial, vtfreeconn, vtsend, vtrecv, vtversion,
+vtdebug, vthangup \- Venti network connections
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+.ft L
+.ta +\w'\fL 'u
+typedef struct VtConn {
+ int debug;
+ char *version;
+ char *uid;
+ char *sid;
+ char addr[256];
+ ...
+} VtConn;
+.ta \w'\fLextern int 'u
+VtConn* vtconn(int infd, int outfd)
+VtConn* vtdial(char *addr)
+int vtversion(VtConn *z)
+int vtsend(VtConn *z, Packet *p)
+Packet* vtrecv(VtConn *z)
+void vtrecvproc(void *z)
+void vtsendproc(void *z)
+void vtdebug(VtConn *z, char *fmt, ...)
+void vthangup(VtConn *z)
+void vtfreeconn(VtConn *z)
+extern int chattyventi; /* default 0 */
+.B VtConn
+structure represents a connection to a Venti server
+(when used by a client) or to a client (when used by a server).
+.I Vtconn
+initializes a new connection structure using file descriptors
+.I infd
+.I outfd
+(which may be the same)
+for reading and writing.
+.I Vtdial
+dials the given network address
+.IR dial (3))
+and returns a corresponding connection.
+It returns nil if the connection cannot be established.
+.I Vtversion
+exchanges version information with the remote side
+as described in
+.IR venti (7).
+The negotiated version is stored in
+.IB z -> version \fR.
+.I Vtsend
+writes a packet
+.IR venti-packet (3))
+on the connection
+.IR z .
+The packet
+.IR p
+should be a formatted Venti message as might
+be returned by
+.IR vtfcallpack ;
+.I vtsend
+will add the two-byte length field
+.IR venti (7))
+at the begnning.
+.I Vtsend
+.IR p ,
+even on error.
+.I Vtrecv
+reads a packet from the connection
+.IR z .
+Analogous to
+.IR vtsend ,
+the data read from the connection must start with
+a two-byte length, but the returned packet will omit them.
+By default,
+.I vtsend
+.I vtrecv
+block until the packet can be written or read from the network.
+In a threaded program
+.IR thread (3)),
+this may not be desirable.
+If the caller arranges for
+.IR vtsendproc
+.IR vtrecvproc
+to run in their own procs
+(typically by calling
+.IR proccreate ),
+.I vtsend
+.I vtrecv
+will yield the proc in which they are run
+to other threads when waiting on the network.
+.B void*
+argument to
+.I vtsendproc
+.I vtrecvproc
+must be the connection structure
+.IR z .
+.I Vtdebug
+prints the formatted message to standard error
+.IB z -> debug
+is set. Otherwise it is a no-op.
+.I Vthangup
+hangs up a connection.
+It closes the associated file descriptors
+and shuts down send and receive procs if they have been
+Future calls to
+.IR vtrecv
+.IR vtsend
+will return errors.
+Additional calls to
+.I vthangup
+will have no effect.
+.I Vtfreeconn
+frees the connection structure, hanging it up first
+if necessary.
+If the global variable
+.I chattyventi
+is set, the library prints all Venti RPCs to standard error
+as they are sent or received.
+.B \*9/src/libventi
+.IR venti (1),
+.IR venti (3),
+.IR venti-client (3),
+.IR venti-packet (3),
+.IR venti-server (3),
+.IR venti (7)
+Routines that return pointers return nil on error.
+Routines returning integers return 0 on success, \-1 on error.
+All routines set
+.I errstr
+on error.
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-fcall.3 b/man/man3/venti-fcall.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5bdfa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-fcall.3
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+VtEntry, VtFcall, VtRoot,
+vtscorefmt \- Venti external data representation
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+.ta +\w'\fLxxxx'u
+.ft L
+ VtEntrySize = 40,
+ VtRootSize = 300,
+ VtRootVersion = 2,
+ VtScoreSize = 20,
+.ft L
+typedef struct VtEntry
+ ulong gen; /* generation number */
+ ushort psize; /* pointer block size */
+ ushort dsize; /* data block size */
+ uchar type;
+ uchar flags;
+ uvlong size;
+ uchar score[VtScoreSize];
+} VtEntry;
+.ft L
+typedef struct VtRoot
+ char name[128];
+ char type[128];
+ uchar score[VtScoreSize]; /* to a Dir block */
+ ushort blocksize; /* maximum block size */
+ uchar prev[VtScoreSize]; /* previous root block */
+} VtRoot;
+.ta +\w'\fLPacket* 'u
+void vtentrypack(VtEntry *e, uchar *buf, int index)
+int vtentryunpack(VtEntry *e, uchar *buf, int index)
+Packet* vtfcallpack(VtFcall *f)
+int vtfcallunpack(VtFcall *f, Packet *p)
+void vtfcallclear(VtFcall *f)
+uint vttodisktype(uint type)
+uint vtfromdisktype(uint type)
+int vtputstring(Packet *p, char *s)
+int vtgetstring(Packet *p, char **s)
+void vtrootpack(VtRoot *r, uchar *buf)
+int vtrootunpack(VtRoot *r, uchar *buf)
+int vtparsescore(char *s, char **prefix, uchar score[VtScoreSize])
+int vtfcallfmt(Fmt *fmt)
+int vtscorefmt(Fmt *fmt)
+These routines convert between C representations of Venti
+structures and serialized representations used on disk and
+on the network.
+.I Vtentrypack
+converts a
+.B VtEntry
+structure describing a Venti file
+.IR venti (1))
+into a 40-byte
+.RB ( VtEntrySize )
+structure at
+.IB buf + index *40 \fR.
+does the reverse conversion.
+.I Vtfcallpack
+converts a
+.B VtFcall
+structure describing a Venti protocol message
+.IR venti (7))
+into a packet.
+.I Vtfcallunpack
+does the reverse conversion.
+The fields in a
+.B VtFcall
+are named after the protocol fields described in
+.IR venti (7),
+except that the
+.B type
+field is renamed
+.BR blocktype .
+.B msgtype
+field holds the one-byte message type:
+.BR VtThello ,
+.BR VtRhello ,
+and so on.
+.I Vtfcallclear
+frees the strings
+.IB f ->error \fR,
+.IB f ->version \fR,
+.IB f ->uid \fR,
+.IB f ->sid \fR,
+the buffers
+.I f ->crypto
+.IB f ->codec \fR,
+and the packet
+.IB f ->data \fR.
+The block type enumeration defined in
+.B <venti.h>
+(presented in
+.IR venti (1))
+differs from the one used on disk and in the network
+The disk and network representation uses different
+constants does not distinguish between
+.BI VtDataType+ n
+.BI VtDirType+ n
+.I Vttodisktype
+converts a
+.B <venti.h>
+enumeration value to the disk value;
+.I vtfromdisktype
+converts a disk value to the enumeration value.
+.B VtFcall
+.B blocktype
+is an enumeration value
+.RI ( vtfcallpack
+.I vtfcallunpack
+convert to and from the disk values used in packets
+so most programs will not need to call these functions.
+.I Vtputstring
+appends the Venti protocol representation of the string
+.I s
+to the packet
+.IR p .
+.I Vtgetstring
+reads a string from the packet, returning a pointer to a copy
+of the string in
+.BI * s \fR.
+The copy must be freed by the caller.
+These functions are used by
+.I vtfcallpack
+.IR vtfcallunpack ;
+most programs will not need to call them directly.
+.I Vtrootpack
+converts a
+.B VtRoot
+structure describing a Venti file tree
+into the 300-byte
+.RB ( VtRootSize )
+buffer pointed to by
+.IR buf .
+.I Vtrootunpack does the reverse conversion.
+.I Vtparsescore
+parses the 40-digit hexadecimal string
+.IR s ,
+writing its value
+.IR score .
+If the hexadecimal string is prefixed with
+a text label followed by a colon, a copy of that
+label is returned in
+.BI * prefix \fR.
+.I prefix
+is nil, the label is ignored.
+.I Vtfcallfmt
+.I vtscorefmt
+.IR print (3)
+formatters to print
+.B VtFcall
+structures and scores.
+.I Vtfcallfmt
+assumes that
+.I vtscorefmt
+is installed as
+.BR %V .
+.B \*9/src/libventi
+.IR venti (1),
+.IR venti (3),
+.IR venti (7)
+.IR Vtentrypack ,
+.IR vtfcallpack ,
+.IR vtrootpack ,
+.I vtfcallclear
+cannot fail.
+.IR Vtentryunpack ,
+.IR vtrootunpack ,
+.IR vtputstring ,
+.IR vtgetstring ,
+.I vtparsescore
+return 0 on success, \-1 on error.
+.I Vtfcallpack
+returns a packet on success, nil on error.
+.I Vttodisktype
+.I vtfromdisktype
+.B VtCorruptType
+when presented with invalid input.
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-file.3 b/man/man3/venti-file.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfb7bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-file.3
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+vtfileremove \- Venti files
+.ta +\w'\fLVtBlock* 'u
+VtFile* vtfilecreateroot(VtCache *c, int psize, int dsize, int type);
+VtFile* vtfileopenroot(VtCache *c, VtEntry *e);
+VtFile* vtfileopen(VtFile *f, u32int n, int mode);
+VtFile* vtfilecreate(VtFile *f, int psize, int dsize, int dir);
+void vtfileincref(VtFile *f);
+void vtfileclose(VtFile *f);
+int vtfileremove(VtFile *f);
+VtBlock* vtfileblock(VtFile *f, u32int n, int mode);
+long vtfileread(VtFile *f, void *buf, long n, vlong offset);
+long vtfilewrite(VtFile *f, void *buf, long n, vlong offset);
+int vtfileflush(VtFile *f);
+int vtfileflushbefore(VtFile *f, vlong offset);
+int vtfiletruncate(VtFile *f);
+uvlong vtfilegetsize(VtFile *f);
+int vtfilesetsize(VtFile *f, vlong size);
+u32int vtfilegetdirsize(VtFile *f);
+int vtfilesetdirsize(VtFile *f, u32int size);
+int vtfilegetentry(VtFile *f, VtEntry *e);
+int vtfilesetentry(VtFile *f, VtEntry *e);
+int vtfileblockscore(VtFile *f, u32int n, uchar score[VtScoreSize]);
+int vtfilelock(VtFile *f, int mode);
+int vtfilelock2(VtFile *f, VtFile *f, int mode);
+void vtfileunlock(VtFile *f);
+These routines provide a simple interface to create and
+manipulate Venti file trees (see
+.IR venti (1)).
+.I Vtfilecreateroot
+creates a new Venti file.
+.I Btype
+must be either
+.B VtDataType
+.BR VtDirType ,
+specifying a data or directory file.
+.I Dsize
+is the block size to use for leaf (data or directory) blocks in the hash tree;
+.I psize
+is the block size to use for intermediate (pointer) blocks.
+.I Vtfileopenroot
+opens an existing Venti file described by
+.IR e .
+.I Vtfileopen
+opens the Venti file described by the
+.IR n th
+entry in the directory
+.IR f .
+.I Mode
+should be one of
+indicating how the returned file is to be used.
+modes can only be used if
+.IR f
+is open with mode
+.I Vtfilecreate
+creates a new file in the directory
+.I f
+with block type
+.I type
+and block sizes
+.I dsize
+.I psize
+.I vtfilecreateroot
+Each file has an associated reference count
+and holds a reference to its parent in the file tree.
+.I Vtfileincref
+increments this reference count.
+.I Vtfileclose
+decrements the reference count.
+If there are no other references,
+.I vtfileclose
+releases the reference to
+.IR f 's
+parent and then frees the in-memory structure
+.IR f .
+The data stored in
+.I f
+is still accessible by reopening it.
+.I Vtfileremove
+removes the file
+.I f
+from its parent directory.
+It also acts as
+.IR vtfileclose ,
+releasing the reference to
+.I f
+and potentially freeing the structure.
+.I Vtfileblock
+returns the
+.IR n th
+block in the file
+.IR f .
+If there are not
+.I n
+blocks in the file and
+.I mode
+.I vtfileblock
+returns nil.
+If the mode is
+.I vtfileblock
+grows the file as needed and then returns the block.
+.I Vtfileread
+reads at most
+.I n
+bytes at offset
+.I offset
+.I f
+into memory at
+.IR buf .
+It returns the number of bytes read.
+.I Vtfilewrite
+writes the
+.I n
+bytes in memory at
+.I buf
+into the file
+.I f
+at offset
+.IR n .
+It returns the number of bytes written,
+or \-1 on error.
+Writing fewer bytes than requested will only happen
+if an error is encountered.
+.I Vtfilewrite
+writes to an in-memory copy of the data blocks
+.IR venti-cache (3))
+instead of writing directly to Venti.
+.I Vtfileflush
+writes all copied blocks associated with
+.I f
+to the Venti server.
+.I Vtfileflushbefore
+flushes only those blocks corresponding to data in the file before
+.IR offset .
+Loops that
+.I vtfilewrite
+should call
+.I vtfileflushbefore
+regularly to avoid filling the block cache with dirty blocks.
+.I Vtfiletruncate
+changes the file
+.I f
+to have zero length.
+.I Vtfilegetsize
+returns the length (in bytes) of file
+.IR f .
+.I Vtfilesetsize
+sets the length (in bytes) of file
+.IR f .
+.I Vtfilegetdirsize
+returns the length (in directory entries)
+of the directory
+.IR f .
+.I Vtfilesetdirsize
+sets the length (in directory entries)
+of the directory
+.IR f .
+.I Vtfilegetentry
+.I e
+with an entry that can be passed to
+.IR vtfileopenroot
+to reopen
+.I f
+at a later time.
+.I Vtfilesetentry
+sets the entry associated with
+.I f
+to be
+.IR e .
+.I Vtfileblockscore
+returns in
+.I score
+the score of the
+.I n th
+block in the file
+.IR f .
+Venti files are locked and unlocked
+.I vtfilelock
+.I vtfileunlock
+to moderate concurrent access.
+Only one thread at a time\(emthe one that has the file locked\(emcan
+read or modify the file.
+The functions that return files
+.RI ( vtfilecreateroot ,
+.IR vtfileopenroot ,
+.IR vtfilecreate ,
+.IR vtfileopen )
+return them unlocked.
+When files are passed to any of the functions documented in
+this manual page, it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that
+they are already locked.
+Internally, a file is locked by locking the
+block that contains its directory entry.
+When two files in the same
+directory both need to be locked,
+.I vtfilelock2
+must be used.
+It locks both its arguments, taking special care
+not to deadlock if their entries are stored
+in the same directory block.
+.B \*9/src/libventi/file.c
+.IR venti (1),
+.IR venti-cache (3),
+.IR venti-conn (3),
+.IR venti-client (3)
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-log.3 b/man/man3/venti-log.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc4efe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-log.3
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ventilogging \- Venti logs
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+.ta +\w'\fLVtLog* 'u
+VtLog* vtlogopen(char *name, uint size);
+void vtlogprint(VtLog *log, char *fmt, ...);
+void vtlogclose(VtLog *log);
+void vtlog(char *name, char *fmt, ...);
+void vtlogremove(char *name);
+char** vtlognames(int *n);
+void vtlogdump(int fd, VtLog *log);
+extern int ventilogging; /* default 0 */
+extern char *VtServerLog; /* "libventi/server" */
+These routines provide an in-memory circular log
+structure used by the Venti library and the Venti server
+to record events for debugging purposes.
+The logs have textual names represented as UTF strings.
+.I Vtlogopen
+returns a reference to the log named
+.I name .
+If a log with that name does not exist and
+.I size
+is non-zero, a new log capable of holding at
+.I size
+bytes is allocated and returned.
+.I Vtlogclose
+releases the reference returned by
+.IR vtlogopen .
+.I Vtlogprint
+writes to
+.IR log ,
+which must be open.
+.I Vtlog
+is a convenient packaging of
+.I vtlogopen
+followed by
+.I vtlogprint
+.IR vtlogclose .
+.I Vtlogremove
+removes the log with the given
+.IR name ,
+freeing any associated storage.
+.I Vtlognames
+returns a list of the names of all the logs.
+The length of the list is returned in
+.BI * n \fR.
+The list
+should be freed
+by calling
+.I vtfree
+on the returned pointer.
+The strings in the list will be freed by this call as well.
+(It is an error to call
+.I vtfree
+on any of the strings in the list.)
+.I Vtlogdump
+.IR log ,
+which must be open, to the file descriptor
+.IR fd .
+.I ventilogging
+is set to zero (the default),
+.I vtlognames
+.I vtlogdump
+can inspect existing logs, but
+.I vtlogopen
+always returns nil
+.I vtlog
+is a no-op.
+The other functions are no-ops when
+passed nil log structures.
+The server library
+.IR venti-conn (3)
+.IR venti-server (3))
+writes debugging information to the log named
+.IR VtServerLog ,
+which defaults to the string
+.LR libventi/server .
+.B \*9/src/libventi
+.IR venti (3)
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-mem.3 b/man/man3/venti-mem.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46b2bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-mem.3
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+vtfree \- error-checking memory allocators
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+.ta +\w'\fLvoid* 'u
+void* vtbrk(int size)
+void* vtmalloc(int size)
+void* vtmallocz(int size)
+void* vtrealloc(void *ptr, int size)
+char* vtstrdup(char *s)
+void vtfree(void *ptr)
+These routines allocate and free memory.
+On failure, they print an error message and call
+.IR sysfatal (3).
+They do not return.
+.I Vtbrk
+returns a pointer to a new block of at least
+.I size
+The block cannot be freed.
+.IR Vtmalloc ,
+.IR vtrealloc ,
+.I vtstrdup
+are like
+.IR malloc ,
+.IR realloc ,
+.IR strdup ,
+but, as noted above, do not return on error.
+.I Vtmallocz
+is like
+.I vtmalloc
+but zeros the block before returning it.
+Memory allocated with all four should be freed with
+.I vtfree
+when no longer needed.
+.B \*9/src/libventi
+.IR venti (3)
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-packet.3 b/man/man3/venti-packet.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d5a518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-packet.3
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+Packet, packetalloc, packetfree, packetforeign, packetdup,
+packetsplit, packetconsume, packettrim, packetheader,
+packettrailer, packetprefix, packetappend, packetconcat,
+packetpeek, packetcopy, packetfragments,
+packetsize, packetasize, packetcompact, packetcmp,
+packetstats, packetsha1 \- zero-copy network buffers
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+.ta +\w'\fLPacket* 'u +\w'\fLxxxx'u
+Packet* packetalloc(void);
+void packetfree(Packet *p)
+Packet* packetforeign(uchar *buf, int n,
+ void (*free)(void *a), void *a)
+Packet* packetdup(Packet *p, int offset, int n)
+Packet* packetsplit(Packet *p, int n)
+int packetconsume(Packet *p, uchar *buf, int n)
+int packettrim(Packet *p, int offset, int n)
+uchar* packetheader(Packet *p, int n)
+uchar* packettrailer(Packet *p, int n)
+void packetprefix(Packet *p, uchar *buf, int n)
+void packetappend(Packet *p, uchar *buf, int n)
+void packetconcat(Packet *p, Packet *q)
+uchar* packetpeek(Packet *p, uchar *buf, int offset, int n)
+int packetcopy(Packet *p, uchar *buf, int offset, int n)
+int packetfragments(Packet *p, IOchunk *io, int nio,
+ int offset)
+uint packetsize(Packet *p)
+uint packetasize(Packet *p)
+int packetcmp(Packet *p, Packet *q)
+void packetstats(void)
+void packetsha1(Packet *p, uchar sha1[20])
+.B Packet
+is a list of blocks of data.
+Each block is contiguous in memory, but the entire packet
+may not be.
+This representation helps avoid unnecessary memory copies.
+.I Packetalloc
+allocates an empty packet.
+.I Packetappend
+appends the
+.I n
+bytes at
+.I buf
+to the end of
+.IR p .
+.I Packetasize
+returns the number of data bytes allocated to
+.IR p .
+This may be larger than the number of bytes stored
+.IR p
+because individual fragments may not be filled.
+.I Packetcmp
+compares the data sections of two packets as
+.I memcmp
+.IR memory (3))
+.I Packetconcat
+removes all data from
+.IR q ,
+appending it to
+.IR p .
+.I Packetconsume
+.I n
+bytes from the beginning of
+.IR p ,
+storing them into
+.IR buf .
+.I Packetcopy
+.I n
+bytes at
+.I offset
+.I p
+.IR buf .
+.I Packetdup
+creates a new packet initialized with
+.I n
+bytes from
+.I offset
+.IR p .
+.I Packetforeign
+allocates a packet containing `foreign' data: the
+.I n
+bytes pointed to by
+.IR buf .
+Once the bytes are no longer needed, they are freed by calling
+.IB free ( a )\fR.
+.I Packetfragments
+initializes up to
+.I nio
+of the
+.I io
+structures with pointers to the data in
+.IR p ,
+starting at
+.IR offset .
+It returns the total number of bytes represented
+by the returned structures.
+.I Packetfragments
+initializes any unused
+.I io
+structures with nil pointer and zero length.
+.I Packetfree
+frees the packet
+.IR p .
+.I Packetheader
+returns a pointer to the first
+.I n
+bytes of
+.IR p ,
+making them contiguous in memory
+if necessary.
+.I Packetpeek
+returns a pointer to the
+.I n
+bytes at
+.I offset
+.IR p .
+If the requested bytes are already stored contiguously in memory,
+the returned pointer points at the internal data storage for
+.IR p .
+Otherwise, the bytes are copied into
+.IR buf ,
+.I packetpeek
+.IR buf .
+.I Packetprefix
+inserts a copy of the
+.I n
+bytes at
+.I buf
+at the beginning of
+.IR p .
+.I Packetsha1
+computes the SHA1 hash of the data contained in
+.IR p .
+.I Packetsize
+returns the number of bytes of data contained in
+.IR p .
+.I Packetsplit
+returns a new packet initialized with
+.I n
+bytes removed from the beginning of
+.IR p .
+.I Packetstats
+prints run-time statistics to standard output.
+.I Packettrailer
+returns a pointer to the last
+.I n
+bytes of
+.IR p ,
+making them contiguous in memory
+if necessary.
+.I Packettrim
+.I n
+bytes at offset
+.I offset
+from packet
+.IR p .
+.B \*9/src/libventi
+.IR venti (3)
+These functions return errors only when passed
+invalid inputs,
+.IR e.g. ,
+requests for data at negative offsets or beyond the end of a packet.
+Functions returning pointers return nil on error;
+functions returning integers return \-1 on error.
+Most functions returning integers return 0 on success.
+The exceptions are
+.I packetfragments
+.IR packetcmp ,
+whose return values are described above.
+When these functions run out of memory, they
+print error messages and call
+.IR sysfatal .
+They do not return.
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-server.3 b/man/man3/venti-server.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dd6f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-server.3
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+vtsrvhello, vtlisten, vtgetreq, vtrespond \- Venti server
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+.ta +\w'\fLVtReq* 'u
+.ft L
+typedef struct VtReq
+ VtFcall tx;
+ VtFcall rx;
+ ...
+} VtReq;
+int vtsrvhello(VtConn *z)
+VtSrv* vtlisten(char *addr)
+VtReq* vtgetreq(VtSrv *srv)
+void vtrespond(VtReq *req)
+These routines execute the server side of the
+.IR venti (7)
+.I Vtsrvhello
+executes the server side of the initial
+.B hello
+It sets
+.IB z -> uid
+with the user name claimed by the other side.
+Each new connection must be initialized by running
+.I vtversion
+and then
+.IR vtsrvhello .
+The framework below takes care of this detail automatically;
+.I vtsrvhello
+is provided for programs that do not use the functions below.
+.IR Vtlisten ,
+.IR vtgetreq ,
+.I vtrespond
+provide a simple framework for writing Venti servers.
+.I Vtlisten
+announces at the network address
+.IR addr ,
+returning a fresh
+.B VtSrv
+structure representing the service.
+.I Vtgetreq
+waits for and returns
+the next
+.BR read ,
+.BR write ,
+.BR sync ,
+.B ping
+request from any client connected to
+the service
+.IR srv .
+.B Hello
+.B goodbye
+messages are handled internally and not returned to the client.
+The interface does not distinguish between the
+different clients that may be connected at any given time.
+The request can be found in the
+.I tx
+field of the returned
+.BR VtReq .
+Once a request has been served and a response stored in
+.IB r ->rx \fR,
+the server should call
+.IR vtrespond
+to send the response to the client.
+.I Vtrespond
+frees the structure
+.I r
+as well as the packets
+.IB r ->
+.IB r -> \fR.
+.B \*9/src/venti/cmd
+contains two simple Venti servers
+.B ro.c
+.B devnull.c
+written using these routines.
+.I Ro
+is a read-only Venti proxy (it rejects
+.B write
+.I Devnull
+is a write-only Venti server: it discards all
+blocks written to it and returns error on all reads.
+.B \*9/src/libventi
+.IR venti (1),
+.IR venti (3),
+.IR venti-conn (3),
+.IR venti-packet (3)
diff --git a/man/man3/venti-zero.3 b/man/man3/venti-zero.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c163b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti-zero.3
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+vtzerotruncate, vtzeroextend, vtzeroscore \- Venti block truncation
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+.ta +\w'\fLuint 'u
+uint vtzerotruncate(int type, uchar *buf, uint size)
+void vtzeroextend(int type, uchar *buf, uint size, uint newsize)
+extern uchar vtzeroscore[VtScoreSize];
+These utility functions compute how to truncate or replace
+trailing zeros (for data blocks) or trailing zero scores
+(for pointer blocks) to canonicalize the blocks before
+storing them to Venti.
+.I Vtzerotruncate
+returns the size of the
+.IR size -byte
+buffer pointed to by
+.I buf
+ignoring trailing zeros or zero scores,
+according to the block type
+.IR type .
+.I Vtzeroextend
+.I buf
+with zeros or zero scores,
+according to the block type
+.IR type ,
+to grow it from
+.I size
+bytes to
+.I newsize
+.I Vtzeroscore
+is the score of the zero-length block.
+.B \*9/src/libventi/zero.c
+.B \*9/src/libventi/zeroscore.c
+.IR venti (1),
+.IR venti (3)
diff --git a/man/man3/venti.3 b/man/man3/venti.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2581e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man3/venti.3
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+xxx \- Venti storage server
+.ft L
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <venti.h>
+The Venti library provides support for writing Venti servers and clients.
+This manual page describes general utility functions.
+Other manual pages describe the library functions in detail.
+.IR Venti-cache (3)
+describes a simple in-memory block cache to help clients.
+.IR Venti-conn (3)
+describes routines for manipulating network connections
+between Venti clients and servers.
+.IR Venti-client (3)
+.IR venti-server (3)
+describe routines for writing clients
+and servers on top of these.
+.IR Venti-fcall (3)
+describes the in-memory representation of Venti protocol messages
+and data structures.
+It also describes routines that convert between the C representation
+and the network and disk representations.
+.IR Venti-file (3)
+describes routines for writing clients that manipulate
+Venti file trees
+.IR venti (1)).
+.IR Venti-log (3)
+describes routines to access in-memory log buffers
+as well as the logging that is done automatically by
+the library.
+.IR Venti-mem (3)
+describes wrappers around the canonical
+.IR malloc (3)
+routines that abort on error.
+.IR Venti-packet (3)
+describes routines for
+efficiently manipulating chains of
+data buffers.
+.IR Venti-zero (3)
+describes routines to zero truncate and zero extend blocks
+.IR venti (1)).
+.B \*9/src/libventi
+.IR venti (1),
+.IR venti-cache (3),
+.IR venti-client (3),
+.IR venti-fcall (3),
+.IR venti-file (3)
+.IR venti-log (3),
+.IR venti-mem (3),
+.IR venti-packet (3),
+.IR venti-server (3),
+.IR venti-zero (3),
+.IR venti (7),
+.IR venti (8)
diff --git a/man/man7/venti.7 b/man/man7/venti.7
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efab4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man7/venti.7
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+venti \- archival storage server
+Venti is a block storage server intended for archival data.
+In a Venti server, the SHA1 hash of a block's contents acts
+as the block identifier for read and write operations.
+This approach enforces a write-once policy, preventing
+accidental or malicious destruction of data. In addition,
+duplicate copies of a block are coalesced, reducing the
+consumption of storage and simplifying the implementation
+of clients.
+This manual page documents the basic concepts of
+block storage using Venti as well as the Venti network protocol.
+.IR Venti (1)
+documents some simple clients.
+.IR Vac (1),
+.IR vbackup (1),
+.IR vacfs (4),
+.IR vnfs (4)
+are more complex clients.
+.IR Venti (3)
+describes a C library interface for accessing
+Venti servers and manipulating Venti data structures.
+.IR Venti.conf (7)
+describes the Venti server configuration file.
+.IR Venti (8)
+describes the programs used to run a Venti server.
+.SS "Scores
+The SHA1 hash that identifies a block is called its
+.IR score .
+The score of the zero-length block is called the
+.IR "zero score" .
+Scores may have an optional
+.IB label :
+prefix, typically used to
+describe the format of the data.
+For example,
+.IR vac (1)
+uses a
+.B vac:
+prefix, while
+.IR vbackup (1)
+uses prefixes corresponding to the file system
+.BR ext2: ,
+.BR ffs: ,
+and so on.
+.SS "Files and Directories
+Venti accepts blocks up to 56 kilobytes in size.
+By convention, Venti clients use hash trees of blocks to
+represent arbitrary-size data
+.IR files .
+The data to be stored is split into fixed-size
+blocks and written to the server, producing a list
+of scores.
+The resulting list of scores is split into fixed-size pointer
+blocks (using only an integral number of scores per block)
+and written to the server, producing a smaller list
+of scores.
+The process continues, eventually ending with the
+score for the hash tree's top-most block.
+Each file stored this way is summarized by
+.B VtEntry
+structure recording the top-most score, the depth
+of the tree, the data block size, and the pointer block size.
+One or more
+.B VtEntry
+structures can be concatenated
+and stored as a special file called a
+.IR directory .
+In this
+manner, arbitrary trees of files can be constructed
+and stored.
+Scores passed between programs conventionally refer
+.B VtRoot
+blocks, which contain descriptive information
+as well as the score of a block containing a small number
+.B VtEntries .
+.SS "Block Types
+To allow programs to traverse these structures without
+needing to understand their higher-level meanings,
+Venti tags each block with a type. The types are:
+.ft L
+ VtDataType 000 \f1data\fL
+ VtDataType+1 001 \fRscores of \fPVtDataType\fR blocks\fL
+ VtDataType+2 002 \fRscores of \fPVtDataType+1\fR blocks\fL
+ \fR\&...\fL
+ VtDirType 010 VtEntry\fR structures\fL
+ VtDirType+1 011 \fRscores of \fLVtDirType\fR blocks\fL
+ VtDirType+2 012 \fRscores of \fLVtDirType+1\fR blocks\fL
+ \fR\&...\fL
+ VtRootType 020 VtRoot\fR structure\fL
+The octal numbers listed are the type numbers used
+by the commands below.
+(For historical reasons, the type numbers used on
+disk and on the wire are different from the above.
+They do not distinguish
+.BI VtDataType+ n
+blocks from
+.BI VtDirType+ n
+.SS "Zero Truncation
+To avoid storing the same short data blocks padded with
+differing numbers of zeros, Venti clients working with fixed-size
+blocks conventionally
+`zero truncate' the blocks before writing them to the server.
+For example, if a 1024-byte data block contains the
+11-byte string
+.RB ` hello " " world '
+followed by 1013 zero bytes,
+a client would store only the 11-byte block.
+When the client later read the block from the server,
+it would append zeros to the end as necessary to
+reach the expected size.
+When truncating pointer blocks
+.RB ( VtDataType+ \fIn
+.BI VtDirType+ n
+trailing zero scores are removed
+instead of trailing zero bytes.
+Because of the truncation convention,
+any file consisting entirely of zero bytes,
+no matter what the length, will be represented by the zero score:
+the data blocks contain all zeros and are thus truncated
+to the empty block, and the pointer blocks contain all zero scores
+and are thus also truncated to the empty block,
+and so on up the hash tree.
+A Venti session begins when a
+.I client
+connects to the network address served by a Venti
+.IR server ;
+the conventional address is
+.BI tcp! server !venti
+.B venti
+port is 17034).
+Both client and server begin by sending a version
+string of the form
+.BI venti- versions - comment \en \fR.
+.I versions
+field is a list of acceptable versions separated by
+The protocol described here is version
+.B 02 .
+The client is responsible for choosing a common
+version and sending it in the
+.B VtThello
+message, described below.
+After the initial version exchange, the client transmits
+.I requests
+.RI ( T-messages )
+to the server, which subsequently returns
+.I replies
+.RI ( R-messages )
+to the client.
+The combined act of transmitting (receiving) a request
+of a particular type, and receiving (transmitting) its reply
+is called a
+.I transaction
+of that type.
+Each message consists of a sequence of bytes.
+Two-byte fields hold unsigned integers represented
+in big-endian order (most significant byte first).
+Data items of variable lengths are represented by
+a one-byte field specifying a count,
+.IR n ,
+followed by
+.I n
+bytes of data.
+Text strings are represented similarly,
+using a two-byte count with
+the text itself stored as a UTF-8 encoded sequence
+of Unicode characters (see
+.IR utf (7)).
+Text strings are not
+.SM NUL\c
+.I n
+counts the bytes of UTF-8 data, which include no final
+zero byte.
+character is illegal in text strings in the Venti protocol.
+The maximum string length in Venti is 1024 bytes.
+Each Venti message begins with a two-byte size field
+specifying the length in bytes of the message,
+not including the length field itself.
+The next byte is the message type, one of the constants
+in the enumeration in the include file
+.BR <venti.h> .
+The next byte is an identifying
+.IR tag ,
+used to match responses with requests.
+The remaining bytes are parameters of different sizes.
+In the message descriptions, the number of bytes in a field
+is given in brackets after the field name.
+The notation
+.IR parameter [ n ]
+.I n
+is not a constant represents a variable-length parameter:
+.IR n [1]
+followed by
+.I n
+bytes of data forming the
+.IR parameter .
+The notation
+.IR string [ s ]
+(using a literal
+.I s
+is shorthand for
+.IR s [2]
+followed by
+.I s
+bytes of UTF-8 text.
+The notation
+.IR parameter []
+.I parameter
+is the last field in the message represents a
+variable-length field that comprises all remaining
+bytes in the message.
+All Venti RPC messages are prefixed with a field
+.IR size [2]
+giving the length of the message that follows
+(not including the
+.I size
+field itself).
+The message bodies are:
+.ta \w'\fLVtTgoodbye 'u
+.IP 2v
+.B VtThello
+.IR tag [1]
+.IR version [ s ]
+.IR uid [ s ]
+.IR strength [1]
+.IR crypto [ n ]
+.IR codec [ n ]
+.B VtRhello
+.IR tag [1]
+.IR sid [ s ]
+.IR rcrypto [1]
+.IR rcodec [1]
+.IP 2v
+.B VtTping
+.IR tag [1]
+.B VtRping
+.IR tag [1]
+.IP 2v
+.B VtTread
+.IR tag [1]
+.IR score [20]
+.IR type [1]
+.IR pad [1]
+.IR count [2]
+.B VtRead
+.IR tag [1]
+.IR data []
+.IP 2v
+.B VtTwrite
+.IR tag [1]
+.IR type [1]
+.IR pad [3]
+.IR data []
+.B VtRwrite
+.IR tag [1]
+.IR score [20]
+.IP 2v
+.B VtTsync
+.IR tag [1]
+.B VtRsync
+.IR tag [1]
+.IP 2v
+.B VtRerror
+.IR tag [1]
+.IR error [ s ]
+.IP 2v
+.B VtTgoodbye
+.IR tag [1]
+Each T-message has a one-byte
+.I tag
+field, chosen and used by the client to identify the message.
+The server will echo the request's
+.I tag
+field in the reply.
+Clients should arrange that no two outstanding
+messages have the same tag field so that responses
+can be distinguished.
+The type of an R-message will either be one greater than
+the type of the corresponding T-message or
+.BR Rerror ,
+indicating that the request failed.
+In the latter case, the
+.I error
+field contains a string describing the reason for failure.
+Venti connections must begin with a
+.B hello
+.B VtThello
+message contains the protocol
+.I version
+that the client has chosen to use.
+The fields
+.IR strength ,
+.IR crypto ,
+.IR codec
+could be used to add authentication, encryption,
+and compression to the Venti session
+but are currently ignored.
+.IR rcrypto ,
+.I rcodec
+fields in the
+.B VtRhello
+response are similarly ignored.
+.IR uid
+.IR sid
+fields are intended to be the identity
+of the client and server but, given the lack of
+authentication, should be treated only as advisory.
+The initial
+.B hello
+should be the only
+.B hello
+transaction during the session.
+.B ping
+message has no effect and
+is used mainly for debugging.
+Servers should respond immediately to pings.
+.B read
+message requests a block with the given
+.I score
+.I type .
+.I vttodisktype
+.I vtfromdisktype
+.IR venti (3))
+to convert a block type enumeration value
+.RB ( VtDataType ,
+to the
+.I type
+used on disk and in the protocol.
+.I count
+field specifies the maximum expected size
+of the block.
+.I data
+in the reply is the block's contents.
+.B write
+message writes a new block of the given
+.I type
+with contents
+.I data
+to the server.
+The response includes the
+.I score
+to use to read the block,
+which should be the SHA1 hash of
+.IR data .
+The Venti server may buffer written blocks in memory,
+waiting until after responding to the
+.B write
+message before writing them to
+permanent storage.
+The server will delay the response to a
+.B sync
+message until after all blocks in earlier
+.B write
+messages have been written to permanent storage.
+.B goodbye
+message ends a session. There is no
+.BR VtRgoodbye :
+upon receiving the
+.BR VtTgoodbye
+message, the server terminates up the connection.
+.IR venti (1),
+.IR venti (3)
diff --git a/man/man7/venti.conf.7 b/man/man7/venti.conf.7
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..000d8aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man7/venti.conf.7
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+venti.conf \- venti configuration
+Venti is a SHA1-addressed archival storage server.
+.IR venti (7)
+for a full introduction to the system.
+This page documents the structure and operation of the server.
+A venti server requires multiple disks or disk partitions,
+each of which must be properly formatted before the server
+can be run.
+.SS Disk
+The venti server maintains three disk structures, typically
+stored on raw disk partitions:
+the append-only
+.IR "data log" ,
+which holds, in sequential order,
+the contents of every block written to the server;
+.IR index ,
+which helps locate a block in the data log given its score;
+and optionally the
+.IR "bloom filter" ,
+a concise summary of which scores are present in the index.
+The data log is the primary storage.
+To improve the robustness, it should be stored on
+a device that provides RAID functionality.
+The index and the bloom filter are optimizations
+employed to access the data log efficiently and can be rebuilt
+if lost or damaged.
+The data log is logically split into sections called
+.IR arenas ,
+typically sized for easy offline backup
+(e.g., 500MB).
+A data log may comprise many disks, each storing
+one or more arenas.
+Such disks are called
+.IR "arena partitions" .
+Arena partitions are filled in the order given in the configuration.
+The index is logically split into block-sized pieces called
+.IR buckets ,
+each of which is responsible for a particular range of scores.
+An index may be split across many disks, each storing many buckets.
+Such disks are called
+.IR "index sections" .
+The index must be sized so that no bucket is full.
+When a bucket fills, the server must be shut down and
+the index made larger.
+Since scores appear random, each bucket will contain
+approximately the same number of entries.
+Index entries are 40 bytes long. Assuming that a typical block
+being written to the server is 8192 bytes and compresses to 4096
+bytes, the active index is expected to be about 1% of
+the active data log.
+Storing smaller blocks increases the relative index footprint;
+storing larger blocks decreases it.
+To allow variation in both block size and the random distribution
+of scores to buckets, the suggested index size is 5% of
+the active data log.
+The (optional) bloom filter is a large bitmap that is stored on disk but
+also kept completely in memory while the venti server runs.
+It helps the venti server efficiently detect scores that are
+.I not
+already stored in the index.
+The bloom filter starts out zeroed.
+Each score recorded in the bloom filter is hashed to choose
+.I nhash
+bits to set in the bloom filter.
+A score is definitely not stored in the index of any of its
+.I nhash
+bits are not set.
+The bloom filter thus has two parameters:
+.I nhash
+(maximum 32)
+and the total bitmap size
+(maximum 512MB, 2\s-2\u32\d\s+2 bits).
+The bloom filter should be sized so that
+.I nhash
+.I nblock
+0.7 \(ti
+.IR b ,
+.I nblock
+is the expected number of blocks stored on the server
+.I b
+is the bitmap size in bits.
+The false positive rate of the bloom filter when sized
+this way is approximately 2\s-2\u\-\fInblock\fR\d\s+2.
+.I Nhash
+less than 10 are not very useful;
+.I nhash
+greater than 24 are probably a waste of memory.
+.I Fmtbloom
+.IR venti-fmt (8))
+can be given either
+.I nhash
+.IR nblock ;
+if given
+.IR nblock ,
+it will derive an appropriate
+.IR nhash .
+.SS Memory
+Venti can make effective use of large amounts of memory
+for various caches.
+.I "lump cache
+holds recently-accessed venti data blocks, which the server refers to as
+.IR lumps .
+The lump cache should be at least 1MB but can profitably be much larger.
+The lump cache can be thought of as the level-1 cache:
+read requests handled by the lump cache can
+be served instantly.
+.I "block cache
+holds recently-accessed
+.I disk
+blocks from the arena partitions.
+The block cache needs to be able to simultaneously hold two blocks
+from each arena plus four blocks for the currently-filling arena.
+The block cache can be thought of as the level-2 cache:
+read requests handled by the block cache are slower than those
+handled by the lump cache, since the lump data must be extracted
+from the raw disk blocks and possibly decompressed, but no
+disk accesses are necessary.
+.I "index cache
+holds recently-accessed or prefetched
+index entries.
+The index cache needs to be able to hold index entries
+for three or four arenas, at least, in order for prefetching
+to work properly. Each index entry is 50 bytes.
+Assuming 500MB arenas of
+128,000 blocks that are 4096 bytes each after compression,
+the minimum index cache size is about 6MB.
+The index cache can be thought of as the level-3 cache:
+read requests handled by the index cache must still go
+to disk to fetch the arena blocks, but the costly random
+access to the index is avoided.
+The size of the index cache determines how long venti
+can sustain its `burst' write throughput, during which time
+the only disk accesses on the critical path
+are sequential writes to the arena partitions.
+For example, if you want to be able to sustain 10MB/s
+for an hour, you need enough index cache to hold entries
+for 36GB of blocks. Assuming 8192-byte blocks,
+you need room for almost five million index entries.
+Since index entries are 50 bytes each, you need 250MB
+of index cache.
+If the background index update process can make a single
+pass through the index in an hour, which is possible,
+then you can sustain the 10MB/s indefinitely (at least until
+the arenas are all filled).
+.I "bloom filter
+requires memory equal to its size on disk,
+as discussed above.
+A reasonable starting allocation is to
+divide memory equally (in thirds) between
+the bloom filter, the index cache, and the lump and block caches;
+the third of memory allocated to the lump and block caches
+should be split unevenly, with more (say, two thirds)
+going to the block cache.
+.SS Network
+The venti server announces two network services, one
+(conventionally TCP port
+.BR venti ,
+17034) serving
+the venti protocol as described in
+.IR venti (7),
+and one serving HTTP
+(conventionally TCP port
+.BR venti ,
+The venti web server provides the following
+URLs for accessing status information:
+.B /index
+A summary of the usage of the arenas and index sections.
+.B /xindex
+An XML version of
+.BR /index .
+.B /storage
+Brief storage totals.
+.BI /set/ variable
+The current integer value of
+.IR variable .
+Variables are:
+.BR compress ,
+whether or not to compress blocks
+(for debugging);
+.BR logging ,
+whether to write entries to the debugging logs;
+.BR stats ,
+whether to collect run-time statistics;
+.BR icachesleeptime ,
+the time in milliseconds between successive updates
+of megabytes of the index cache;
+.BR arenasumsleeptime ,
+the time in milliseconds between reads while
+checksumming an arena in the background.
+The two sleep times should be (but are not) managed by venti;
+they exist to provide more experience with their effects.
+The other variables exist only for debugging and
+performance measurement.
+.BI /set/ variable / value
+.I variable
+.IR value .
+.BI /graph/ name / param / param / \fR...
+A PNG image graphing the named run-time statistic over time.
+The details of names and parameters are undocumented;
+.B httpd.c
+in the venti sources.
+.B /log
+A list of all debugging logs present in the server's memory.
+.BI /log/ name
+The contents of the debugging log with the given
+.IR name .
+.B /flushicache
+Force venti to begin flushing the index cache to disk.
+The request response will not be sent until the flush
+has completed.
+.B /flushdcache
+Force venti to begin flushing the arena block cache to disk.
+The request response will not be sent until the flush
+has completed.
+Requests for other files are served by consulting a
+directory named in the configuration file
+.B webroot
+.SS Configuration File
+A venti configuration file
+enumerates the various index sections and
+arenas that constitute a venti system.
+The components are indicated by the name of the file, typically
+a disk partition, in which they reside. The configuration
+file is the only location that file names are used. Internally,
+venti uses the names assigned when the components were formatted
+.I fmtarenas
+.I fmtisect
+.IR venti-fmt (8)).
+In particular, only the configuration needs to be
+changed if a component is moved to a different file.
+The configuration file consists of lines in the form described below.
+Lines starting with
+.B #
+are comments.
+.BI index " name
+Names the index for the system.
+.BI arenas " file
+.I File
+is an arena partition, formatted using
+.IR fmtarenas .
+.BI isect " file
+.I File
+is an index section, formatted using
+.IR fmtisect .
+After formatting a venti system using
+.IR fmtindex ,
+the order of arenas and index sections should not be changed.
+Additional arenas can be appended to the configuration;
+.I fmtindex
+with the
+.B -a
+flag to update the index.
+The configuration file also holds configuration parameters
+for the venti server itself.
+These are:
+.TF httpaddr netaddr
+.BI mem " size
+lump cache size
+.BI bcmem " size
+block cache size
+.BI icmem " size
+index cache size
+.BI addr " netaddr
+network address to announce venti service
+.BR tcp!*!venti )
+.BI httpaddr " netaddr
+network address to announce HTTP service
+.BR tcp!*!http )
+.B queuewrites
+queue writes in memory
+(default is not to queue)
+See the server description in
+.IR venti (8)
+for explanations of these variables.
+index main
+isect /tmp/disks/isect0
+isect /tmp/disks/isect1
+arenas /tmp/disks/arenas
+mem 10M
+bcmem 20M
+icmem 30M
+.IR venti (8),
+.IR venti-fmt (8)
+Setting up a venti server is too complicated.
+Venti should not require the user to decide how to
+partition its memory usage.