secstore from ehg
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/SConn.c b/src/cmd/secstore/SConn.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a8654a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/SConn.c
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <mp.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include "SConn.h"
+extern int verbose;
+typedef struct ConnState {
+	uchar secret[SHA1dlen];
+	ulong seqno;
+	RC4state rc4;
+} ConnState;
+typedef struct SS{
+	int fd;		// file descriptor for read/write of encrypted data
+	int alg;	// if nonzero, "alg sha rc4_128"
+	ConnState in, out;
+} SS;
+static int
+SC_secret(SConn *conn, uchar *sigma, int direction)
+	SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+	int nsigma = conn->secretlen;
+	if(direction != 0){
+		hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"one", 3, ss->out.secret, nil);
+		hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"two", 3, ss->in.secret, nil);
+	}else{
+		hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"two", 3, ss->out.secret, nil);
+		hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"one", 3, ss->in.secret, nil);
+	}
+	setupRC4state(&ss->in.rc4, ss->in.secret, 16); // restrict to 128 bits
+	setupRC4state(&ss->out.rc4, ss->out.secret, 16);
+	ss->alg = 1;
+	return 0;
+static void
+hash(uchar secret[SHA1dlen], uchar *data, int len, int seqno, uchar d[SHA1dlen])
+	DigestState sha;
+	uchar seq[4];
+	seq[0] = seqno>>24;
+	seq[1] = seqno>>16;
+	seq[2] = seqno>>8;
+	seq[3] = seqno;
+	memset(&sha, 0, sizeof sha);
+	sha1(secret, SHA1dlen, nil, &sha);
+	sha1(data, len, nil, &sha);
+	sha1(seq, 4, d, &sha);
+static int
+verify(uchar secret[SHA1dlen], uchar *data, int len, int seqno, uchar d[SHA1dlen])
+	DigestState sha;
+	uchar seq[4];
+	uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+	seq[0] = seqno>>24;
+	seq[1] = seqno>>16;
+	seq[2] = seqno>>8;
+	seq[3] = seqno;
+	memset(&sha, 0, sizeof sha);
+	sha1(secret, SHA1dlen, nil, &sha);
+	sha1(data, len, nil, &sha);
+	sha1(seq, 4, digest, &sha);
+	return memcmp(d, digest, SHA1dlen);
+static int
+SC_read(SConn *conn, uchar *buf, int n)
+	SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+	uchar count[2], digest[SHA1dlen];
+	int len, nr;
+	if(read(ss->fd, count, 2) != 2 || (count[0]&0x80) == 0){
+		snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read invalid count");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	len = (count[0]&0x7f)<<8 | count[1];	// SSL-style count; no pad
+	if(ss->alg){
+		len -= SHA1dlen;
+		if(len <= 0 || readn(ss->fd, digest, SHA1dlen) != SHA1dlen){
+			snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read missing sha1");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		if(len > n || readn(ss->fd, buf, len) != len){
+			snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read missing data");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		rc4(&ss->in.rc4, digest, SHA1dlen);
+		rc4(&ss->in.rc4, buf, len);
+		if(verify(ss->in.secret, buf, len, ss->in.seqno, digest) != 0){
+			snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read integrity check failed");
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}else{
+		if(len <= 0 || len > n){
+			snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read implausible record length");
+			return -1;
+		}
+		if( (nr = readn(ss->fd, buf, len)) != len){
+			snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read expected %d bytes, but got %d", len, nr);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	ss->in.seqno++;
+	return len;
+static int
+SC_write(SConn *conn, uchar *buf, int n)
+	SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+	uchar count[2], digest[SHA1dlen], enc[Maxmsg+1];
+	int len;
+	if(n <= 0 || n > Maxmsg+1){
+		werrstr("!SC_write invalid n %d", n);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	len = n;
+	if(ss->alg)
+		len += SHA1dlen;
+	count[0] = 0x80 | len>>8;
+	count[1] = len;
+	if(write(ss->fd, count, 2) != 2){
+		werrstr("!SC_write invalid count");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(ss->alg){
+		hash(ss->out.secret, buf, n, ss->out.seqno, digest);
+		rc4(&ss->out.rc4, digest, SHA1dlen);
+		memcpy(enc, buf, n);
+		rc4(&ss->out.rc4, enc, n);
+		if(write(ss->fd, digest, SHA1dlen) != SHA1dlen ||
+				write(ss->fd, enc, n) != n){
+			werrstr("!SC_write error on send");
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}else{
+		if(write(ss->fd, buf, n) != n){
+			werrstr("!SC_write error on send");
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	ss->out.seqno++;
+	return n;
+static void
+SC_free(SConn *conn)
+	SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+	close(ss->fd);
+	free(ss);
+	free(conn);
+newSConn(int fd)
+	SS *ss;
+	SConn *conn;
+	if(fd < 0)
+		return nil;
+	ss = (SS*)emalloc(sizeof(*ss));
+	conn = (SConn*)emalloc(sizeof(*conn));
+	ss->fd  = fd;
+	ss->alg = 0;
+	conn->chan = (void*)ss;
+	conn->secretlen = SHA1dlen;
+	conn->free = SC_free;
+	conn->secret = SC_secret;
+	conn->read = SC_read;
+	conn->write = SC_write;
+	return conn;
+writerr(SConn *conn, char *s)
+	char buf[Maxmsg];
+	snprint(buf, Maxmsg, "!%s", s);
+	conn->write(conn, (uchar*)buf, strlen(buf));
+readstr(SConn *conn, char *s)
+	int n;
+	n = conn->read(conn, (uchar*)s, Maxmsg);
+	if(n >= 0){
+		s[n] = 0;
+		if(s[0] == '!'){
+			memmove(s, s+1, n);
+			n = -1;
+		}
+	}else{
+		strcpy(s, "read error");
+	}
+	return n;
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/SConn.h b/src/cmd/secstore/SConn.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a428d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/SConn.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// delimited, authenticated, encrypted connection
+enum{ Maxmsg=4096 };	// messages > Maxmsg bytes are truncated
+typedef struct SConn SConn;
+extern SConn* newSConn(int);	// arg is open file descriptor
+struct SConn{
+	void *chan;
+	int secretlen;
+	int (*secret)(SConn*, uchar*, int);// 
+	int (*read)(SConn*, uchar*, int); // <0 if error;  errmess in buffer
+	int (*write)(SConn*, uchar*, int);
+	void (*free)(SConn*);		// also closes file descriptor
+// secret(s,b,dir) sets secret for digest, encrypt, using the secretlen
+//		bytes in b to form keys 	for the two directions;
+//	  set dir=0 in client, dir=1 in server
+// error convention: write !message in-band
+extern void writerr(SConn*, char*);
+extern int readstr(SConn*, char*);  // call with buf of size Maxmsg+1
+	// returns -1 upon error, with error message in buf
+extern void *emalloc(ulong); /* dies on failure; clears memory */
+extern void *erealloc(void *, ulong);
+extern char *estrdup(char *);
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/aescbc.c b/src/cmd/secstore/aescbc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09e7955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/aescbc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+/* encrypt file by writing
+	v2hdr,
+	16byte initialization vector,
+	AES-CBC(key, random | file),
+    HMAC_SHA1(md5(key), AES-CBC(random | file))
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <bio.h>
+#include <mp.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+extern char* getpassm(char*);
+enum{ CHK = 16, BUF = 4096 };
+uchar v2hdr[AESbsize+1] = "AES CBC SHA1  2\n";
+Biobuf bin;
+Biobuf bout;
+safewrite(uchar *buf, int n)
+	int i = Bwrite(&bout, buf, n);
+	if(i == n)
+		return;
+	fprint(2, "write error\n");
+	exits("write error");
+saferead(uchar *buf, int n)
+	int i = Bread(&bin, buf, n);
+	if(i == n)
+		return;
+	fprint(2, "read error\n");
+	exits("read error");
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int encrypt = 0;  /* 0=decrypt, 1=encrypt */
+	int n, nkey, pass_stdin = 0;
+	char *pass;
+	uchar key[AESmaxkey], key2[SHA1dlen];
+	uchar buf[BUF+SHA1dlen];    /* assumption: CHK <= SHA1dlen */
+	AESstate aes;
+	DigestState *dstate;
+	case 'e':
+		encrypt = 1;
+		break;
+	case 'i':
+		pass_stdin = 1;
+		break;
+	if(argc!=0){
+		fprint(2,"usage: %s -d < cipher.aes > clear.txt\n", argv0);
+		fprint(2,"   or: %s -e < clear.txt > cipher.aes\n", argv0);
+		exits("usage");
+	}
+	Binit(&bin, 0, OREAD);
+	Binit(&bout, 1, OWRITE);
+	if(pass_stdin){
+		n = readn(3, buf, (sizeof buf)-1);
+		if(n < 1)
+			exits("usage: echo password |[3=1] auth/aescbc -i ...");
+		buf[n] = 0;
+		while(buf[n-1] == '\n')
+			buf[--n] = 0;
+	}else{
+		pass = getpassm("aescbc key:");
+		n = strlen(pass);
+		if(n >= BUF)
+			exits("key too long");
+		strcpy((char*)buf, pass);
+		memset(pass, 0, n);
+		free(pass);
+	}
+	if(n <= 0){
+		fprint(2,"no key\n");
+		exits("key");
+	}
+	dstate = sha1((uchar*)"aescbc file", 11, nil, nil);
+	sha1(buf, n, key2, dstate);
+	memcpy(key, key2, 16);
+	nkey = 16;
+	md5(key, nkey, key2, 0);  /* so even if HMAC_SHA1 is broken, encryption key is protected */
+	if(encrypt){
+		safewrite(v2hdr, AESbsize);
+		genrandom(buf,2*AESbsize); /* CBC is semantically secure if IV is unpredictable. */
+		setupAESstate(&aes, key, nkey, buf);  /* use first AESbsize bytes as IV */
+		aesCBCencrypt(buf+AESbsize, AESbsize, &aes);  /* use second AESbsize bytes as initial plaintext */
+		safewrite(buf, 2*AESbsize);
+		dstate = hmac_sha1(buf+AESbsize, AESbsize, key2, MD5dlen, 0, 0);
+		while(1){
+			n = Bread(&bin, buf, BUF);
+			if(n < 0){
+				fprint(2,"read error\n");
+				exits("read error");
+			}
+			aesCBCencrypt(buf, n, &aes);
+			safewrite(buf, n);
+			dstate = hmac_sha1(buf, n, key2, MD5dlen, 0, dstate);
+			if(n < BUF)
+				break; /* EOF */
+		}
+		hmac_sha1(0, 0, key2, MD5dlen, buf, dstate);
+		safewrite(buf, SHA1dlen);
+	}else{ /* decrypt */
+		saferead(buf, AESbsize);
+		if(memcmp(buf, v2hdr, AESbsize) == 0){
+			saferead(buf, 2*AESbsize);  /* read IV and random initial plaintext */
+			setupAESstate(&aes, key, nkey, buf);
+			dstate = hmac_sha1(buf+AESbsize, AESbsize, key2, MD5dlen, 0, 0);
+			aesCBCdecrypt(buf+AESbsize, AESbsize, &aes);
+			saferead(buf, SHA1dlen);
+			while((n = Bread(&bin, buf+SHA1dlen, BUF)) > 0){
+				dstate = hmac_sha1(buf, n, key2, MD5dlen, 0, dstate);
+				aesCBCdecrypt(buf, n, &aes);
+				safewrite(buf, n);
+				memmove(buf, buf+n, SHA1dlen);  /* these bytes are not yet decrypted */
+			}
+			hmac_sha1(0, 0, key2, MD5dlen, buf+SHA1dlen, dstate);
+			if(memcmp(buf, buf+SHA1dlen, SHA1dlen) != 0){
+				fprint(2,"decrypted file failed to authenticate\n");
+				exits("decrypted file failed to authenticate");
+			}
+		}else{ /* compatibility with past mistake */
+			// if file was encrypted with bad aescbc use this:
+			//         memset(key, 0, AESmaxkey);
+			//    else assume we're decrypting secstore files
+			setupAESstate(&aes, key, AESbsize, buf);
+			saferead(buf, CHK);
+			aesCBCdecrypt(buf, CHK, &aes);
+			while((n = Bread(&bin, buf+CHK, BUF)) > 0){
+				aesCBCdecrypt(buf+CHK, n, &aes);
+				safewrite(buf, n);
+				memmove(buf, buf+n, CHK);
+			}
+			if(memcmp(buf, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", CHK) != 0){
+				fprint(2,"decrypted file failed to authenticate\n");
+				exits("decrypted file failed to authenticate");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	exits("");
+	return 1;	/* gcc */
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/dirls.c b/src/cmd/secstore/dirls.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0af9c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/dirls.c
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <mp.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include "SConn.h"
+static long
+ls(char *p, Dir **dirbuf)
+	int fd;
+	long n;
+	Dir *db;
+	if((db = dirstat(p)) == nil ||
+		!(db->qid.type & QTDIR) ||
+		(fd = open(p, OREAD)) < 0 )
+		return -1;
+	free(db);
+	n = dirreadall(fd, dirbuf);
+	close(fd);
+	return n;
+static uchar*
+sha1file(char *pfx, char *nm)
+	int n, fd, len;
+	char *tmp;
+	uchar buf[8192];
+	static uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+	DigestState *s;
+	len = strlen(pfx)+1+strlen(nm)+1;
+	tmp = emalloc(len);
+	snprint(tmp, len, "%s/%s", pfx, nm);
+	if((fd = open(tmp, OREAD)) < 0){
+		free(tmp);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	free(tmp);
+	s = nil;
+	while((n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0)
+		s = sha1(buf, n, nil, s);
+	close(fd);
+	sha1(nil, 0, digest, s);
+	return digest;
+static int
+compare(Dir *a, Dir *b)
+	return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
+/* list the (name mtime size sum) of regular, readable files in path */
+char *
+dirls(char *path)
+	char *list, *date, dig[30], buf[128];
+	int m, nmwid, lenwid;
+	long i, n, ndir, len;
+	Dir *dirbuf;
+	if(path==nil || (ndir = ls(path, &dirbuf)) < 0)
+		return nil;
+	qsort(dirbuf, ndir, sizeof dirbuf[0], (int (*)(void *, void *))compare);
+	for(nmwid=lenwid=i=0; i<ndir; i++){
+		if((m = strlen(dirbuf[i].name)) > nmwid)
+			nmwid = m;
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ulld", dirbuf[i].length);
+		if((m = strlen(buf)) > lenwid)
+			lenwid = m;
+	}
+	for(list=nil, len=0, i=0; i<ndir; i++){
+		date = ctime(dirbuf[i].mtime);
+		date[28] = 0;  // trim newline
+		n = snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%*ulld %s", lenwid, dirbuf[i].length, date+4);
+		n += enc64(dig, sizeof dig, sha1file(path, dirbuf[i].name), SHA1dlen);
+		n += nmwid+3+strlen(dirbuf[i].name);
+		list = erealloc(list, len+n+1);
+		len += snprint(list+len, n+1, "%-*s\t%s %s\n", nmwid, dirbuf[i].name, buf, dig);
+	}
+	free(dirbuf);
+	return list;
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/mkfile b/src/cmd/secstore/mkfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f439846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/mkfile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+	SConn.h\
+	secstore.h\
+	pak.$O\
+	password.$O\
+	SConn.$O\
+	util.$O\
+TARG=aescbc secstore
+SHORTLIB=sec mp regexp9 thread bio 9
+$O.aescbc:	aescbc.$O util.$O  $LIB ${SHORTLIB:%=$LIBDIR/lib%.a}
+	$LD -o $target $prereq $LDFLAGS
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/pak.c b/src/cmd/secstore/pak.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb008e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/pak.c
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+// PAK is an encrypted key exchange protocol designed by Philip MacKenzie et al.
+// It is patented and use outside Plan 9 requires you get a license.
+// (All other EKE protocols are patented as well, by Lucent or others.)
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <mp.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include "SConn.h"
+#include "secstore.h"
+extern int verbose;
+char VERSION[] = "secstore";
+static char *feedback[] = {"alpha","bravo","charlie","delta","echo","foxtrot","golf","hotel"};
+typedef struct PAKparams{
+	mpint *q, *p, *r, *g;
+} PAKparams;
+static PAKparams *pak;
+// from seed EB7B6E35F7CD37B511D96C67D6688CC4DD440E1E
+static void
+	if(pak)
+		return;
+	pak = (PAKparams*)emalloc(sizeof(*pak));
+	pak->q = strtomp("E0F0EF284E10796C5A2A511E94748BA03C795C13", nil, 16, nil);
+	pak->p = strtomp("C41CFBE4D4846F67A3DF7DE9921A49D3B42DC33728427AB159CEC8CBB"
+		"DB12B5F0C244F1A734AEB9840804EA3C25036AD1B61AFF3ABBC247CD4B384224567A86"
+		"3A6F020E7EE9795554BCD08ABAD7321AF27E1E92E3DB1C6E7E94FAAE590AE9C48F96D9"
+		"3D178E809401ABE8A534A1EC44359733475A36A70C7B425125062B1142D",
+		nil, 16, nil);
+	pak->r = strtomp("DF310F4E54A5FEC5D86D3E14863921E834113E060F90052AD332B3241"
+		"CEF2497EFA0303D6344F7C819691A0F9C4A773815AF8EAECFB7EC1D98F039F17A32A7E"
+		"887D97251A927D093F44A55577F4D70444AEBD06B9B45695EC23962B175F266895C67D"
+		"21C4656848614D888A4", nil, 16, nil);
+	pak->g = strtomp("2F1C308DC46B9A44B52DF7DACCE1208CCEF72F69C743ADD4D23271734"
+		"44ED6E65E074694246E07F9FD4AE26E0FDDD9F54F813C40CB9BCD4338EA6F242AB94CD"
+		"410E676C290368A16B1A3594877437E516C53A6EEE5493A038A017E955E218E7819734"
+		"E3E2A6E0BAE08B14258F8C03CC1B30E0DDADFCF7CEDF0727684D3D255F1",
+		nil, 16, nil);
+// H = (sha(ver,C,sha(passphrase)))^r mod p,
+// a hash function expensive to attack by brute force.
+static void
+longhash(char *ver, char *C, uchar *passwd, mpint *H)
+	uchar *Cp;
+	int i, n, nver, nC;
+	uchar buf[140], key[1];
+	nver = strlen(ver);
+	nC = strlen(C);
+	n = nver + nC + SHA1dlen;
+	Cp = (uchar*)emalloc(n);
+	memmove(Cp, ver, nver);
+	memmove(Cp+nver, C, nC);
+	memmove(Cp+nver+nC, passwd, SHA1dlen);
+	for(i = 0; i < 7; i++){
+		key[0] = 'A'+i;
+		hmac_sha1(Cp, n, key, sizeof key, buf+i*SHA1dlen, nil);
+	}
+	memset(Cp, 0, n);
+	free(Cp);
+	betomp(buf, sizeof buf, H);
+	mpmod(H, pak->p, H);
+	mpexp(H, pak->r, pak->p, H);
+// Hi = H^-1 mod p
+char *
+PAK_Hi(char *C, char *passphrase, mpint *H, mpint *Hi)
+	uchar passhash[SHA1dlen];
+	sha1((uchar *)passphrase, strlen(passphrase), passhash, nil);
+	initPAKparams();
+	longhash(VERSION, C, passhash, H);
+	mpinvert(H, pak->p, Hi);
+	return mptoa(Hi, 64, nil, 0);
+// another, faster, hash function for each party to
+// confirm that the other has the right secrets.
+static void
+shorthash(char *mess, char *C, char *S, char *m, char *mu, char *sigma, char *Hi, uchar *digest)
+	SHA1state *state;
+	state = sha1((uchar*)mess, strlen(mess), 0, 0);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)C, strlen(C), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)S, strlen(S), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)m, strlen(m), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)mu, strlen(mu), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)sigma, strlen(sigma), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)Hi, strlen(Hi), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)mess, strlen(mess), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)C, strlen(C), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)S, strlen(S), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)m, strlen(m), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)mu, strlen(mu), 0, state);
+	state = sha1((uchar*)sigma, strlen(sigma), 0, state);
+	sha1((uchar*)Hi, strlen(Hi), digest, state);
+// On input, conn provides an open channel to the server;
+//	C is the name this client calls itself;
+//	pass is the user's passphrase
+// On output, session secret has been set in conn
+//	(unless return code is negative, which means failure).
+//    If pS is not nil, it is set to the (alloc'd) name the server calls itself.
+PAKclient(SConn *conn, char *C, char *pass, char **pS)
+	char *mess, *mess2, *eol, *S, *hexmu, *ks, *hexm, *hexsigma = nil, *hexHi;
+	char kc[2*SHA1dlen+1];
+	uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+	int rc = -1, n;
+	mpint *x, *m = mpnew(0), *mu = mpnew(0), *sigma = mpnew(0);
+	mpint *H = mpnew(0), *Hi = mpnew(0);
+	hexHi = PAK_Hi(C, pass, H, Hi);
+	if(verbose)
+		fprint(2,"%s\n", feedback[H->p[0]&0x7]);  // provide a clue to catch typos
+	// random 1<=x<=q-1; send C, m=g**x H
+	x = mprand(240, genrandom, nil);
+	mpmod(x, pak->q, x);
+	if(mpcmp(x, mpzero) == 0)
+		mpassign(mpone, x);
+	mpexp(pak->g, x, pak->p, m);
+	mpmul(m, H, m);
+	mpmod(m, pak->p, m);
+	hexm = mptoa(m, 64, nil, 0);
+	mess = (char*)emalloc(2*Maxmsg+2);
+	mess2 = mess+Maxmsg+1;
+	snprint(mess, Maxmsg, "%s\tPAK\nC=%s\nm=%s\n", VERSION, C, hexm);
+	conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess, strlen(mess));
+	// recv g**y, S, check hash1(g**xy)
+	if(readstr(conn, mess) < 0){
+		fprint(2, "error: %s\n", mess);
+		writerr(conn, "couldn't read g**y");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	eol = strchr(mess, '\n');
+	if(strncmp("mu=", mess, 3) != 0 || !eol || strncmp("\nk=", eol, 3) != 0){
+		writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	hexmu = mess+3;
+	*eol = 0;
+	ks = eol+3;
+	eol = strchr(ks, '\n');
+	if(!eol || strncmp("\nS=", eol, 3) != 0){
+		writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error for secstore 1.0");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	*eol = 0;
+	S = eol+3;
+	eol = strchr(S, '\n');
+	if(!eol){
+		writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error for secstore 1.0");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	*eol = 0;
+	if(pS)
+		*pS = estrdup(S);
+	strtomp(hexmu, nil, 64, mu);
+	mpexp(mu, x, pak->p, sigma);
+	hexsigma = mptoa(sigma, 64, nil, 0);
+	shorthash("server", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+	enc64(kc, sizeof kc, digest, SHA1dlen);
+	if(strcmp(ks, kc) != 0){
+		writerr(conn, "verifier didn't match");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	// send hash2(g**xy)
+	shorthash("client", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+	enc64(kc, sizeof kc, digest, SHA1dlen);
+	snprint(mess2, Maxmsg, "k'=%s\n", kc);
+	conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess2, strlen(mess2));
+	// set session key
+	shorthash("session", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+	memset(hexsigma, 0, strlen(hexsigma));
+	n = conn->secret(conn, digest, 0);
+	memset(digest, 0, SHA1dlen);
+	if(n < 0){
+		writerr(conn, "can't set secret");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	rc = 0;
+	mpfree(x);
+	mpfree(sigma);
+	mpfree(mu);
+	mpfree(m);
+	mpfree(Hi);
+	mpfree(H);
+	free(hexsigma);
+	free(hexHi);
+	free(hexm);
+	free(mess);
+	return rc;
+// On input,
+//	mess contains first message;
+//	name is name this server should call itself.
+// On output, session secret has been set in conn;
+//	if pw!=nil, then *pw points to PW struct for authenticated user.
+//	returns -1 if error
+PAKserver(SConn *conn, char *S, char *mess, PW **pwp)
+	int rc = -1, n;
+	char mess2[Maxmsg+1], *eol;
+	char *C, ks[41], *kc, *hexm, *hexmu = nil, *hexsigma = nil, *hexHi = nil;
+	uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+	mpint *H = mpnew(0), *Hi = mpnew(0);
+	mpint *y = nil, *m = mpnew(0), *mu = mpnew(0), *sigma = mpnew(0);
+	PW *pw = nil;
+	// secstore version and algorithm
+	snprint(mess2,Maxmsg,"%s\tPAK\n", VERSION);
+	n = strlen(mess2);
+	if(strncmp(mess,mess2,n) != 0){
+		writerr(conn, "protocol should start with ver alg");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	mess += n;
+	initPAKparams();
+	// parse first message into C, m
+	eol = strchr(mess, '\n');
+	if(strncmp("C=", mess, 2) != 0 || !eol){
+		fprint(2,"mess[1]=%s\n", mess);
+		writerr(conn, "PAK version mismatch");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	C = mess+2;
+	*eol = 0;
+	hexm = eol+3;
+	eol = strchr(hexm, '\n');
+	if(strncmp("m=", hexm-2, 2) != 0 || !eol){
+		writerr(conn, "PAK version mismatch");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	*eol = 0;
+	strtomp(hexm, nil, 64, m);
+	mpmod(m, pak->p, m);
+	// lookup client
+	if((pw = getPW(C,0)) == nil) {
+		snprint(mess2, sizeof mess2, "%r");
+		writerr(conn, mess2);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	if(mpcmp(m, mpzero) == 0) {
+		writerr(conn, "account exists");
+		freePW(pw);
+		pw = nil;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	hexHi = mptoa(pw->Hi, 64, nil, 0);
+	// random y, mu=g**y, sigma=g**xy
+	y = mprand(240, genrandom, nil);
+	mpmod(y, pak->q, y);
+	if(mpcmp(y, mpzero) == 0){
+		mpassign(mpone, y);
+	}
+	mpexp(pak->g, y, pak->p, mu);
+	mpmul(m, pw->Hi, m);
+	mpmod(m, pak->p, m);
+	mpexp(m, y, pak->p, sigma);
+	// send g**y, hash1(g**xy)
+	hexmu = mptoa(mu, 64, nil, 0);
+	hexsigma = mptoa(sigma, 64, nil, 0);
+	shorthash("server", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+	enc64(ks, sizeof ks, digest, SHA1dlen);
+	snprint(mess2, sizeof mess2, "mu=%s\nk=%s\nS=%s\n", hexmu, ks, S);
+	conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess2, strlen(mess2));
+	// recv hash2(g**xy)
+	if(readstr(conn, mess2) < 0){
+		writerr(conn, "couldn't read verifier");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	eol = strchr(mess2, '\n');
+	if(strncmp("k'=", mess2, 3) != 0 || !eol){
+		writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	kc = mess2+3;
+	*eol = 0;
+	shorthash("client", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+	enc64(ks, sizeof ks, digest, SHA1dlen);
+	if(strcmp(ks, kc) != 0) {
+		rc = -2;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	// set session key
+	shorthash("session", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+	n = conn->secret(conn, digest, 1);
+	if(n < 0){
+		writerr(conn, "can't set secret");
+		goto done;
+	}
+	rc = 0;
+	if(rc<0 && pw){
+		pw->failed++;
+		putPW(pw);
+	}
+	if(rc==0 && pw && pw->failed>0){
+		pw->failed = 0;
+		putPW(pw);
+	}
+	if(pwp)
+		*pwp = pw;
+	else
+		freePW(pw);
+	free(hexsigma);
+	free(hexHi);
+	free(hexmu);
+	mpfree(y);
+	mpfree(sigma);
+	mpfree(mu);
+	mpfree(m);
+	mpfree(Hi);
+	mpfree(H);
+	return rc;
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/password.c b/src/cmd/secstore/password.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aacadd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/password.c
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+/* password.c */
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <bio.h>
+#include <mp.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include "SConn.h"
+#include "secstore.h"
+static Biobuf*
+openPW(char *id, int mode)
+	Biobuf *b;
+	int nfn = strlen(SECSTORE_DIR)+strlen(id)+20;
+	char *fn = emalloc(nfn);
+	snprint(fn, nfn, "%s/who/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id);
+	b = Bopen(fn, mode);
+	free(fn);
+	return b;
+static ulong
+mtimePW(char *id)
+	Dir *d;
+	int nfn = strlen(SECSTORE_DIR)+strlen(id)+20;
+	char *fn = emalloc(nfn);
+	ulong mt;
+	snprint(fn, nfn, "%s/who/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id);
+	d = dirstat(fn);
+	free(fn);
+	mt = d->mtime;
+	free(d);
+	return mt;
+PW *
+getPW(char *id, int dead_or_alive)
+	uint now = time(0);
+	Biobuf *bin;
+	PW *pw;
+	char *f1, *f2; // fields 1, 2 = attribute, value
+	if((bin = openPW(id, OREAD)) == 0){
+		id = "FICTITIOUS";
+		if((bin = openPW(id, OREAD)) == 0){
+			werrstr("account does not exist");
+			return nil;
+		}
+	}
+	pw = emalloc(sizeof(*pw));
+	pw->id = estrdup(id);
+	pw->status |= Enabled;
+	while( (f1 = Brdline(bin, '\n')) != 0){
+		f1[Blinelen(bin)-1] = 0;
+		for(f2 = f1; *f2 && (*f2!=' ') && (*f2!='\t'); f2++){}
+		if(*f2)
+			for(*f2++ = 0; *f2 && (*f2==' ' || *f2=='\t'); f2++){}
+		if(strcmp(f1, "exp") == 0){
+			pw->expire = strtoul(f2, 0, 10);
+		}else if(strcmp(f1, "DISABLED") == 0){
+			pw->status &= ~Enabled;
+		}else if(strcmp(f1, "STA") == 0){
+			pw->status |= STA;
+		}else if(strcmp(f1, "failed") == 0){
+			pw->failed = strtoul(f2, 0, 10);
+		}else if(strcmp(f1, "other") == 0){
+			pw->other = estrdup(f2);
+		}else if(strcmp(f1, "PAK-Hi") == 0){
+			pw->Hi = strtomp(f2, nil, 64, nil);
+		}
+	}
+	Bterm(bin);
+	if(dead_or_alive)
+		return pw;  // return PW entry for editing, whether currently valid or not
+	if(pw->expire <= now){
+		werrstr("account expired");
+		freePW(pw);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	if((pw->status & Enabled) == 0){
+		werrstr("account disabled");
+		freePW(pw);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	if(pw->failed < 10)
+		return pw;  // success
+	if(now < mtimePW(id)+300){
+		werrstr("too many failures; try again in five minutes");
+		freePW(pw);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	pw->failed = 0;
+	putPW(pw);  // reset failed-login-counter after five minutes
+	return pw;
+putPW(PW *pw)
+	Biobuf *bout;
+	char *hexHi;
+	if((bout = openPW(pw->id, OWRITE|OTRUNC)) ==0){
+		werrstr("can't open PW file");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	Bprint(bout, "exp	%lud\n", pw->expire);
+	if(!(pw->status & Enabled))
+		Bprint(bout, "DISABLED\n");
+	if(pw->status & STA)
+		Bprint(bout, "STA\n");
+	if(pw->failed)
+		Bprint(bout, "failed\t%d\n", pw->failed);
+	if(pw->other)
+		Bprint(bout,"other\t%s\n", pw->other);
+	hexHi = mptoa(pw->Hi, 64, nil, 0);
+	Bprint(bout, "PAK-Hi\t%s\n", hexHi);
+	free(hexHi);
+	return 0;
+freePW(PW *pw)
+	if(pw == nil)
+		return;
+	free(pw->id);
+	free(pw->other);
+	mpfree(pw->Hi);
+	free(pw);
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.c b/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a361c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.c
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+/* network login client */
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <mp.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include <authsrv.h>
+#include "SConn.h"
+#include "secstore.h"
+enum{ CHK = 16, MAXFILES = 100 };
+typedef struct AuthConn{
+	SConn *conn;
+	char pass[64];
+	int passlen;
+} AuthConn;
+int verbose;
+Nvrsafe nvr;
+	fprint(2, "usage: secstore [-cin] [-g getfile] [-p putfile] [-r rmfile] [-s tcp!server!5356] [-u user] [-v]\n");
+	exits("usage");
+static int
+getfile(SConn *conn, char *gf, uchar **buf, ulong *buflen, uchar *key, int nkey)
+	int fd = -1;
+	int i, n, nr, nw, len;
+	char s[Maxmsg+1];
+	uchar skey[SHA1dlen], ib[Maxmsg+CHK], *ibr, *ibw, *bufw, *bufe;
+	AESstate aes;
+	DigestState *sha;
+	if(strchr(gf, '/')){
+		fprint(2, "simple filenames, not paths like %s\n", gf);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	memset(&aes, 0, sizeof aes);
+	snprint(s, Maxmsg, "GET %s\n", gf);
+	conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+	/* get file size */
+	s[0] = '\0';
+	bufw = bufe = nil;
+	if(readstr(conn, s) < 0){
+		fprint(2, "remote: %s\n", s);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	len = atoi(s);
+	if(len == -1){
+		fprint(2, "remote file %s does not exist\n", gf);
+		return -1;
+	}else if(len == -3){
+		fprint(2, "implausible filesize for %s\n", gf);
+		return -1;
+	}else if(len < 0){
+		fprint(2, "GET refused for %s\n", gf);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(buf != nil){
+		*buflen = len - AESbsize - CHK;
+		*buf = bufw = emalloc(len);
+		bufe = bufw + len;
+	}
+	/* directory listing */
+	if(strcmp(gf,".")==0){
+		if(buf != nil)
+			*buflen = len;
+		for(i=0; i < len; i += n){
+			if((n = conn->read(conn, (uchar*)s, Maxmsg)) <= 0){
+				fprint(2, "empty file chunk\n");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			if(buf == nil)
+				write(1, s, n);
+			else
+				memmove((*buf)+i, s, n);
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* conn is already encrypted against wiretappers, 
+		but gf is also encrypted against server breakin. */
+	if(buf == nil && (fd =create(gf, OWRITE, 0600)) < 0){
+		fprint(2, "can't open %s: %r\n", gf);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	ibr = ibw = ib;
+	for(nr=0; nr < len;){
+		if((n = conn->read(conn, ibw, Maxmsg)) <= 0){
+			fprint(2, "empty file chunk n=%d nr=%d len=%d: %r\n", n, nr, len);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		nr += n;
+		ibw += n;
+		if(!aes.setup){ /* first time, read 16 byte IV */
+			if(n < AESbsize){
+				fprint(2, "no IV in file\n");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			sha = sha1((uchar*)"aescbc file", 11, nil, nil);
+			sha1(key, nkey, skey, sha);
+			setupAESstate(&aes, skey, AESbsize, ibr);
+			memset(skey, 0, sizeof skey);
+			ibr += AESbsize;
+			n -= AESbsize;
+		}
+		aesCBCdecrypt(ibw-n, n, &aes);
+		n = ibw-ibr-CHK;
+		if(n > 0){
+			if(buf == nil){
+				nw = write(fd, ibr, n);
+				if(nw != n){
+					fprint(2, "write error on %s", gf);
+					return -1;
+				}
+			}else{
+				assert(bufw+n <= bufe);
+				memmove(bufw, ibr, n);
+				bufw += n;
+			}
+			ibr += n;
+		}
+		memmove(ib, ibr, ibw-ibr);
+		ibw = ib + (ibw-ibr);
+		ibr = ib;
+	}
+	if(buf == nil)
+		close(fd);
+	n = ibw-ibr;
+	if((n != CHK) || (memcmp(ib, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", CHK) != 0)){
+			fprint(2,"decrypted file failed to authenticate!\n");
+			return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+// This sends a file to the secstore disk that can, in an emergency, be
+// decrypted by the program aescbc.c.
+static int
+putfile(SConn *conn, char *pf, uchar *buf, ulong len, uchar *key, int nkey)
+	int i, n, fd, ivo, bufi, done;
+	char s[Maxmsg];
+	uchar  skey[SHA1dlen], b[CHK+Maxmsg], IV[AESbsize];
+	AESstate aes;
+	DigestState *sha;
+	/* create initialization vector */
+	srand(time(0));  /* doesn't need to be unpredictable */
+	for(i=0; i<AESbsize; i++)
+		IV[i] = 0xff & rand();
+	sha = sha1((uchar*)"aescbc file", 11, nil, nil);
+	sha1(key, nkey, skey, sha);
+	setupAESstate(&aes, skey, AESbsize, IV);
+	memset(skey, 0, sizeof skey);
+	snprint(s, Maxmsg, "PUT %s\n", pf);
+	conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+	if(buf == nil){
+		/* get file size */
+		if((fd = open(pf, OREAD)) < 0){
+			fprint(2, "can't open %s: %r\n", pf);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		len = seek(fd, 0, 2);
+		seek(fd, 0, 0);
+	} else {
+		fd = -1;
+	}
+	if(len > MAXFILESIZE){
+		fprint(2, "implausible filesize %ld for %s\n", len, pf);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* send file size */
+	snprint(s, Maxmsg, "%ld", len+AESbsize+CHK);
+	conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+	/* send IV and file+XXXXX in Maxmsg chunks */
+	ivo = AESbsize;
+	bufi = 0;
+	memcpy(b, IV, ivo);
+	for(done = 0; !done; ){
+		if(buf == nil){
+			n = read(fd, b+ivo, Maxmsg-ivo);
+			if(n < 0){
+				fprint(2, "read error on %s: %r\n", pf);
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}else{
+			if((n = len - bufi) > Maxmsg-ivo)	
+				n = Maxmsg-ivo;
+			memcpy(b+ivo, buf+bufi, n);
+			bufi += n;
+		}
+		n += ivo;
+		ivo = 0;
+		if(n < Maxmsg){ /* EOF on input; append XX... */
+			memset(b+n, 'X', CHK);
+			n += CHK; // might push n>Maxmsg
+			done = 1;
+		}
+		aesCBCencrypt(b, n, &aes);
+		if(n > Maxmsg){
+			assert(done==1);
+			conn->write(conn, b, Maxmsg);
+			n -= Maxmsg;
+			memmove(b, b+Maxmsg, n);
+		}
+		conn->write(conn, b, n);
+	}
+	if(buf == nil)
+		close(fd);
+	fprint(2, "saved %ld bytes\n", len);
+	return 0;
+static int
+removefile(SConn *conn, char *rf)
+	char buf[Maxmsg];
+	if(strchr(rf, '/')){
+		fprint(2, "simple filenames, not paths like %s\n", rf);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	snprint(buf, Maxmsg, "RM %s\n", rf);
+	conn->write(conn, (uchar*)buf, strlen(buf));
+	return 0;
+static int
+cmd(AuthConn *c, char **gf, int *Gflag, char **pf, char **rf)
+	ulong len;
+	int rv = -1;
+	uchar *memfile, *memcur, *memnext;
+	while(*gf != nil){
+		if(verbose)
+			fprint(2, "get %s\n", *gf);
+		if(getfile(c->conn, *gf, *Gflag ? &memfile : nil, &len, (uchar*)c->pass, c->passlen) < 0)
+			goto Out;
+		if(*Gflag){
+			// write one line at a time, as required by /mnt/factotum/ctl
+			memcur = memfile;
+			while(len>0){
+				memnext = (uchar*)strchr((char*)memcur, '\n');
+				if(memnext){
+					write(1, memcur, memnext-memcur+1);
+					len -= memnext-memcur+1;
+					memcur = memnext+1;
+				}else{
+					write(1, memcur, len);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			free(memfile);
+		}
+		gf++;
+		Gflag++;
+	}
+	while(*pf != nil){
+		if(verbose)
+			fprint(2, "put %s\n", *pf);
+		if(putfile(c->conn, *pf, nil, 0, (uchar*)c->pass, c->passlen) < 0)
+			goto Out;
+		pf++;
+	}
+	while(*rf != nil){
+		if(verbose)
+			fprint(2, "rm  %s\n", *rf);
+		if(removefile(c->conn, *rf) < 0)
+			goto Out;
+		rf++;
+	}
+	c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)"BYE", 3);
+	rv = 0;
+	c->conn->free(c->conn);
+	return rv;
+static int
+chpasswd(AuthConn *c, char *id)
+	ulong len;
+	int rv = -1, newpasslen = 0;
+	mpint *H, *Hi;
+	uchar *memfile;
+	char *newpass, *passck;
+	char *list, *cur, *next, *hexHi;
+	char *f[8], prompt[128];
+	H = mpnew(0);
+	Hi = mpnew(0);
+	// changing our password is vulnerable to connection failure
+	for(;;){
+		snprint(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "new password for %s: ", id);
+		newpass = getpassm(prompt);
+		if(newpass == nil)
+			goto Out;
+		if(strlen(newpass) >= 7)
+			break;
+		else if(strlen(newpass) == 0){
+			fprint(2, "!password change aborted\n");
+			goto Out;
+		}
+		print("!password must be at least 7 characters\n");
+	}
+	newpasslen = strlen(newpass);
+	snprint(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "retype password: ");
+	passck = getpassm(prompt);
+	if(passck == nil){
+		fprint(2, "getpassmwd failed\n");
+		goto Out;
+	}
+	if(strcmp(passck, newpass) != 0){
+		fprint(2, "passwords didn't match\n");
+		goto Out;
+	}
+	c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)"CHPASS", strlen("CHPASS"));
+	hexHi = PAK_Hi(id, newpass, H, Hi);
+	c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)hexHi, strlen(hexHi));
+	free(hexHi);
+	mpfree(H);
+	mpfree(Hi);
+	if(getfile(c->conn, ".", (uchar **)(void*)&list, &len, nil, 0) < 0){
+		fprint(2, "directory listing failed.\n");
+		goto Out;
+	}
+	/* Loop over files and reencrypt them; try to keep going after error */
+	for(cur=list; (next=strchr(cur, '\n')) != nil; cur=next+1){
+		*next = '\0';
+		if(tokenize(cur, f, nelem(f))< 1)
+			break;
+		fprint(2, "reencrypting '%s'\n", f[0]);
+		if(getfile(c->conn, f[0], &memfile, &len, (uchar*)c->pass, c->passlen) < 0){
+			fprint(2, "getfile of '%s' failed\n", f[0]);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(putfile(c->conn, f[0], memfile, len, (uchar*)newpass, newpasslen) < 0)
+			fprint(2, "putfile of '%s' failed\n", f[0]);
+		free(memfile);
+	}
+	free(list);
+	c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)"BYE", 3);
+	rv = 0;
+	if(newpass != nil){
+		memset(newpass, 0, newpasslen);
+		free(newpass);
+	}
+	c->conn->free(c->conn);
+	return rv;
+static AuthConn*
+login(char *id, char *dest, int pass_stdin, int pass_nvram)
+	AuthConn *c;
+	int fd, n, ntry = 0;
+	char *S, *PINSTA = nil, *nl, s[Maxmsg+1], *pass;
+	if(dest == nil){
+		fprint(2, "tried to login with nil dest\n");
+		exits("nil dest");
+	}
+	c = emalloc(sizeof(*c));
+	if(pass_nvram){
+		/* if(readnvram(&nvr, 0) < 0) */
+			exits("readnvram: %r");
+		strecpy(c->pass, c->pass+sizeof c->pass, nvr.config);
+	}
+	if(pass_stdin){
+		n = readn(0, s, Maxmsg-2);  // so len(PINSTA)<Maxmsg-3
+		if(n < 1)
+			exits("no password on standard input");
+		s[n] = 0;
+		nl = strchr(s, '\n');
+		if(nl){
+			*nl++ = 0;
+			PINSTA = estrdup(nl);
+			nl = strchr(PINSTA, '\n');
+			if(nl)
+				*nl = 0;
+		}
+		strecpy(c->pass, c->pass+sizeof c->pass, s);
+	}
+	while(1){
+		if(verbose)
+			fprint(2, "dialing %s\n", dest);
+		if((fd = dial(dest, nil, nil, nil)) < 0){
+			fprint(2, "can't dial %s\n", dest);
+			free(c);
+			return nil;
+		}
+		if((c->conn = newSConn(fd)) == nil){
+			free(c);
+			return nil;
+		}
+		ntry++;
+		if(!pass_stdin && !pass_nvram){
+			pass = getpassm("secstore password: ");
+			if(strlen(pass) >= sizeof c->pass){
+				fprint(2, "password too long, skipping secstore login\n");
+				exits("password too long");
+			}
+			strcpy(c->pass, pass);
+			memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass));
+			free(pass);
+		}
+		if(c->pass[0]==0){
+			fprint(2, "null password, skipping secstore login\n");
+			exits("no password");
+		}
+		if(PAKclient(c->conn, id, c->pass, &S) >= 0)
+			break;
+		c->conn->free(c->conn);
+		if(pass_stdin)
+			exits("invalid password on standard input");
+		if(pass_nvram)
+			exits("invalid password in nvram");
+		// and let user try retyping the password
+		if(ntry==3)
+			fprint(2, "Enter an empty password to quit.\n");
+	}
+	c->passlen = strlen(c->pass);
+	fprint(2, "%s\n", S);
+	free(S);
+	if(readstr(c->conn, s) < 0){
+		c->conn->free(c->conn);
+		free(c);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	if(strcmp(s, "STA") == 0){
+		long sn;
+		if(pass_stdin){
+			if(PINSTA)
+				strncpy(s+3, PINSTA, (sizeof s)-3);
+			else
+				exits("missing PIN+SecureID on standard input");
+			free(PINSTA);
+		}else{
+			pass = getpassm("STA PIN+SecureID: ");
+			strncpy(s+3, pass, (sizeof s)-4);
+			memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass));
+			free(pass);
+		}
+		sn = strlen(s+3);
+		if(verbose)
+			fprint(2, "%ld\n", sn);
+		c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)s, sn+3);
+		readstr(c->conn, s);
+	}
+	if(strcmp(s, "OK") != 0){
+		fprint(2, "%s\n", s);
+		c->conn->free(c->conn);
+		free(c);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	return c;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int chpass = 0, pass_stdin = 0, pass_nvram = 0, rc;
+	int ngfile = 0, npfile = 0, nrfile = 0, Gflag[MAXFILES+1];
+	char *gfile[MAXFILES], *pfile[MAXFILES], *rfile[MAXFILES];
+	char *serve, *tcpserve, *user;
+	AuthConn *c;
+	serve = "$auth";
+	user = getenv("USER");
+	memset(Gflag, 0, sizeof Gflag);
+	fmtinstall('B', mpfmt);
+	fmtinstall('H', encodefmt);
+	case 'c':
+		chpass = 1;
+		break;
+	case 'G':
+		Gflag[ngfile]++;
+		/* fall through */
+	case 'g':
+		if(ngfile >= MAXFILES)
+			exits("too many gfiles");
+		gfile[ngfile++] = ARGF();
+		if(gfile[ngfile-1] == nil)
+			usage();
+		break;
+	case 'i':
+		pass_stdin = 1;
+		break;
+	case 'n':
+		pass_nvram = 1;
+		break;
+	case 'p':
+		if(npfile >= MAXFILES)
+			exits("too many pfiles");
+		pfile[npfile++] = ARGF();
+		if(pfile[npfile-1] == nil)
+			usage();
+		break;
+	case 'r':
+		if(nrfile >= MAXFILES)
+			exits("too many rfiles");
+		rfile[nrfile++] = ARGF();
+		if(rfile[nrfile-1] == nil)
+			usage();
+		break;
+	case 's':
+		serve = EARGF(usage());
+		break;
+	case 'u':
+		user = EARGF(usage());
+		break;
+	case 'v':
+		verbose++;
+		break;
+	default:
+		usage();
+		break;
+	gfile[ngfile] = nil;
+	pfile[npfile] = nil;
+	rfile[nrfile] = nil;
+	if(argc!=0 || user==nil)
+		usage();
+	if(chpass && (ngfile || npfile || nrfile)){
+		fprint(2, "Get, put, and remove invalid with password change.\n");
+		exits("usage");
+	}
+	rc = strlen(serve)+sizeof("tcp!!99990");
+	tcpserve = emalloc(rc);
+	if(strchr(serve,'!'))
+		strcpy(tcpserve, serve);
+	else
+		snprint(tcpserve, rc, "tcp!%s!5356", serve);
+	c = login(user, tcpserve, pass_stdin, pass_nvram);
+	free(tcpserve);
+	if(c == nil){
+		fprint(2, "secstore authentication failed\n");
+		exits("secstore authentication failed");
+	}
+	if(chpass)
+		rc = chpasswd(c, user);
+	else
+		rc = cmd(c, gfile, Gflag, pfile, rfile);
+	if(rc < 0){
+		fprint(2, "secstore cmd failed\n");
+		exits("secstore cmd failed");
+	}
+	exits("");
+	return 0;
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.h b/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d6d6d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/secstore.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+enum{ MAXFILESIZE = 10*1024*1024 };
+enum{// PW status bits
+	Enabled 	= (1<<0),
+	STA 		= (1<<1),	// extra SecurID step
+typedef struct PW {
+	char *id;		// user id
+	ulong expire;	// expiration time (epoch seconds)
+	ushort status;	// Enabled, STA, ...
+	ushort failed;	// number of failed login attempts
+	char *other;	// other information, e.g. sponsor
+	mpint *Hi;  	// H(passphrase)^-1 mod p
+} PW;
+PW *getPW(char *, int);
+int putPW(PW *);
+void freePW(PW *);
+char* getpassm(const char*);
+// *client: SConn, client name, passphrase
+// *server: SConn, (partial) 1st msg, PW entry
+// *setpass: Username, hashed passphrase, PW entry
+int PAKclient(SConn *, char *, char *, char **);
+int PAKserver(SConn *, char *, char *, PW **);
+char *PAK_Hi(char *, char *, mpint *, mpint *);
+#define LOG "secstore"
+#define SECSTORE_DIR	"/adm/secstore"
diff --git a/src/cmd/secstore/util.c b/src/cmd/secstore/util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d791bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/secstore/util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+void *
+emalloc(ulong n)
+	void *p = malloc(n);
+	if(p == nil)
+		sysfatal("emalloc");
+	memset(p, 0, n);
+	return p;
+void *
+erealloc(void *p, ulong n)
+	if ((p = realloc(p, n)) == nil)
+		sysfatal("erealloc");
+	return p;
+char *
+estrdup(char *s)
+	if ((s = strdup(s)) == nil)
+		sysfatal("estrdup");
+	return s;
+char *
+getpassm(char *prompt)
+	char *p = getpass(prompt);
+	if(p == nil || (p = strdup(p)) == nil)
+		sysfatal("getpassm");
+	return p;