Add tcs; it compiles in my world, but I haven't tried it in Russ's yet.
diff --git a/src/cmd/tcs/conv_jis.c b/src/cmd/tcs/conv_jis.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18579d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/tcs/conv_jis.c
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+#ifdef	PLAN9
+#include	<u.h>
+#include	<libc.h>
+#include	<bio.h>
+#include	<stdio.h>
+#include	<unistd.h>
+#include	"plan9.h"
+#include	"hdr.h"
+#include	"conv.h"
+#include	"kuten208.h"
+#include	"jis.h"
+	a state machine for interpreting all sorts of encodings
+static void
+alljis(int c, Rune **r, long input_loc)
+	static enum { state0, state1, state2, state3, state4 } state = state0;
+	static int set8 = 0;
+	static int japan646 = 0;
+	static int lastc;
+	int n;
+	long l;
+	switch(state)
+	{
+	case state0:	/* idle state */
+		if(c == ESC){ state = state1; return; }
+		if(c < 0) return;
+		if(!set8 && (c < 128)){
+			if(japan646){
+				switch(c)
+				{
+				case '\\':	emit(0xA5); return;	/* yen */
+				case '~':	emit(0xAF); return;	/* spacing macron */
+				default:	emit(c); return;
+				}
+			} else {
+				emit(c);
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		if(c < 0x21){	/* guard against bogus characters in JIS mode */
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: non-JIS character %02x in %s near byte %ld\n", argv0, c, file, input_loc);
+			emit(c);
+			return;
+		}
+		lastc = c; state = state4; return;
+	case state1:	/* seen an escape */
+		if(c == '$'){ state = state2; return; }
+		if(c == '('){ state = state3; return; }
+		emit(ESC); state = state0; goto again;
+	case state2:	/* may be shifting into JIS */
+		if((c == '@') || (c == 'B')){
+			set8 = 1; state = state0; return;
+		}
+		emit(ESC); emit('$'); state = state0; goto again;
+	case state3:	/* may be shifting out of JIS */
+		if((c == 'J') || (c == 'H') || (c == 'B')){
+			japan646 = (c == 'J');
+			set8 = 0; state = state0; return;
+		}
+		emit(ESC); emit('('); state = state0; goto again;
+	case state4:	/* two part char */
+		if(c < 0){
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unexpected EOF in %s\n", argv0, file);
+			c = 0x21 | (lastc&0x80);
+		}
+		if(CANS2J(lastc, c)){	/* ms dos sjis */
+			int hi = lastc, lo = c;
+			S2J(hi, lo);			/* convert to 208 */
+			n = hi*100 + lo - 3232;		/* convert to kuten208 */
+		} else
+			n = (lastc&0x7F)*100 + (c&0x7f) - 3232;	/* kuten208 */
+		if((n >= KUTEN208MAX) || ((l = tabkuten208[n]) == -1)){
+			nerrors++;
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unknown kuten208 %d (from 0x%x,0x%x) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, n, lastc, c, input_loc, file);
+			if(!clean)
+				emit(BADMAP);
+		} else {
+			if(l < 0){
+				l = -l;
+				if(squawk)
+					EPR "%s: ambiguous kuten208 %d (mapped to 0x%lx) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, n, l, input_loc, file);
+			}
+			emit(l);
+		}
+		state = state0;
+	}
+	a state machine for interpreting ms-kanji == shift-jis.
+static void
+ms(int c, Rune **r, long input_loc)
+	static enum { state0, state1, state2, state3, state4 } state = state0;
+	static int set8 = 0;
+	static int japan646 = 0;
+	static int lastc;
+	int n;
+	long l;
+	switch(state)
+	{
+	case state0:	/* idle state */
+		if(c == ESC){ state = state1; return; }
+		if(c < 0) return;
+		if(!set8 && (c < 128)){
+			if(japan646){
+				switch(c)
+				{
+				case '\\':	emit(0xA5); return;	/* yen */
+				case '~':	emit(0xAF); return;	/* spacing macron */
+				default:	emit(c); return;
+				}
+			} else {
+				emit(c);
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		lastc = c; state = state4; return;
+	case state1:	/* seen an escape */
+		if(c == '$'){ state = state2; return; }
+		if(c == '('){ state = state3; return; }
+		emit(ESC); state = state0; goto again;
+	case state2:	/* may be shifting into JIS */
+		if((c == '@') || (c == 'B')){
+			set8 = 1; state = state0; return;
+		}
+		emit(ESC); emit('$'); state = state0; goto again;
+	case state3:	/* may be shifting out of JIS */
+		if((c == 'J') || (c == 'H') || (c == 'B')){
+			japan646 = (c == 'J');
+			set8 = 0; state = state0; return;
+		}
+		emit(ESC); emit('('); state = state0; goto again;
+	case state4:	/* two part char */
+		if(c < 0){
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unexpected EOF in %s\n", argv0, file);
+			c = 0x21 | (lastc&0x80);
+		}
+		if(CANS2J(lastc, c)){	/* ms dos sjis */
+			int hi = lastc, lo = c;
+			S2J(hi, lo);			/* convert to 208 */
+			n = hi*100 + lo - 3232;		/* convert to kuten208 */
+		} else {
+			nerrors++;
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: illegal byte pair (0x%x,0x%x) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, lastc, c, input_loc, file);
+			if(!clean)
+				emit(BADMAP);
+			state = state0;
+			goto again;
+		}
+		if((n >= KUTEN208MAX) || ((l = tabkuten208[n]) == -1)){
+			nerrors++;
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unknown kuten208 %d (from 0x%x,0x%x) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, n, lastc, c, input_loc, file);
+			if(!clean)
+				emit(BADMAP);
+		} else {
+			if(l < 0){
+				l = -l;
+				if(squawk)
+					EPR "%s: ambiguous kuten208 %d (mapped to 0x%lx) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, n, l, input_loc, file);
+			}
+			emit(l);
+		}
+		state = state0;
+	}
+	a state machine for interpreting ujis == EUC
+static void
+ujis(int c, Rune **r, long input_loc)
+	static enum { state0, state1 } state = state0;
+	static int lastc;
+	int n;
+	long l;
+	switch(state)
+	{
+	case state0:	/* idle state */
+		if(c < 0) return;
+		if(c < 128){
+			emit(c);
+			return;
+		}
+		if(c == 0x8e){	/* codeset 2 */
+			nerrors++;
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unknown codeset 2 near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, input_loc, file);
+			if(!clean)
+				emit(BADMAP);
+			return;
+		}
+		if(c == 0x8f){	/* codeset 3 */
+			nerrors++;
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unknown codeset 3 near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, input_loc, file);
+			if(!clean)
+				emit(BADMAP);
+			return;
+		}
+		lastc = c;
+		state = state1;
+		return;
+	case state1:	/* two part char */
+		if(c < 0){
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unexpected EOF in %s\n", argv0, file);
+			c = 0xA1;
+		}
+		n = (lastc&0x7F)*100 + (c&0x7F) - 3232;	/* kuten208 */
+		if((n >= KUTEN208MAX) || ((l = tabkuten208[n]) == -1)){
+			nerrors++;
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unknown kuten208 %d (from 0x%x,0x%x) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, n, lastc, c, input_loc, file);
+			if(!clean)
+				emit(BADMAP);
+		} else {
+			if(l < 0){
+				l = -l;
+				if(squawk)
+					EPR "%s: ambiguous kuten208 %d (mapped to 0x%lx) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, n, l, input_loc, file);
+			}
+			emit(l);
+		}
+		state = state0;
+	}
+	a state machine for interpreting jis-kanji == 2022-JP
+static void
+jis(int c, Rune **r, long input_loc)
+	static enum { state0, state1, state2, state3, state4 } state = state0;
+	static int set8 = 0;
+	static int japan646 = 0;
+	static int lastc;
+	int n;
+	long l;
+	switch(state)
+	{
+	case state0:	/* idle state */
+		if(c == ESC){ state = state1; return; }
+		if(c < 0) return;
+		if(!set8 && (c < 128)){
+			if(japan646){
+				switch(c)
+				{
+				case '\\':	emit(0xA5); return;	/* yen */
+				case '~':	emit(0xAF); return;	/* spacing macron */
+				default:	emit(c); return;
+				}
+			} else {
+				emit(c);
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		lastc = c; state = state4; return;
+	case state1:	/* seen an escape */
+		if(c == '$'){ state = state2; return; }
+		if(c == '('){ state = state3; return; }
+		emit(ESC); state = state0; goto again;
+	case state2:	/* may be shifting into JIS */
+		if((c == '@') || (c == 'B')){
+			set8 = 1; state = state0; return;
+		}
+		emit(ESC); emit('$'); state = state0; goto again;
+	case state3:	/* may be shifting out of JIS */
+		if((c == 'J') || (c == 'H') || (c == 'B')){
+			japan646 = (c == 'J');
+			set8 = 0; state = state0; return;
+		}
+		emit(ESC); emit('('); state = state0; goto again;
+	case state4:	/* two part char */
+		if(c < 0){
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unexpected EOF in %s\n", argv0, file);
+			c = 0x21 | (lastc&0x80);
+		}
+		if((lastc&0x80) != (c&0x80)){	/* guard against latin1 in jis */
+			emit(lastc);
+			state = state0;
+			goto again;
+		}
+		n = (lastc&0x7F)*100 + (c&0x7f) - 3232;	/* kuten208 */
+		if((n >= KUTEN208MAX) || ((l = tabkuten208[n]) == -1)){
+			nerrors++;
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: unknown kuten208 %d (from 0x%x,0x%x) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, n, lastc, c, input_loc, file);
+			if(!clean)
+				emit(BADMAP);
+		} else {
+			if(l < 0){
+				l = -l;
+				if(squawk)
+					EPR "%s: ambiguous kuten208 %d (mapped to 0x%lx) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, n, l, input_loc, file);
+			}
+			emit(l);
+		}
+		state = state0;
+	}
+static void
+do_in(int fd, void (*procfn)(int, Rune **, long), struct convert *out)
+	Rune ob[N];
+	Rune *r, *re;
+	uchar ibuf[N];
+	int n, i;
+	long nin;
+	r = ob;
+	re = ob+N-3;
+	nin = 0;
+	while((n = read(fd, ibuf, sizeof ibuf)) > 0){
+		for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
+			(*procfn)(ibuf[i], &r, nin++);
+			if(r >= re){
+				OUT(out, ob, r-ob);
+				r = ob;
+			}
+		}
+		if(r > ob){
+			OUT(out, ob, r-ob);
+			r = ob;
+		}
+	}
+	(*procfn)(-1, &r, nin);
+	if(r > ob)
+		OUT(out, ob, r-ob);
+jis_in(int fd, long *notused, struct convert *out)
+	USED(notused);
+	do_in(fd, alljis, out);
+ujis_in(int fd, long *notused, struct convert *out)
+	USED(notused);
+	do_in(fd, ujis, out);
+msjis_in(int fd, long *notused, struct convert *out)
+	USED(notused);
+	do_in(fd, ms, out);
+jisjis_in(int fd, long *notused, struct convert *out)
+	USED(notused);
+	do_in(fd, jis, out);
+static int first = 1;
+static void
+	int i;
+	long l;
+	first = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < NRUNE; i++)
+		tab[i] = -1;
+	for(i = 0; i < KUTEN208MAX; i++)
+		if((l = tabkuten208[i]) != -1){
+			if(l < 0)
+				tab[-l] = i;
+			else
+				tab[l] = i;
+		}
+/*	jis-kanji, or ISO 2022-JP	*/
+jisjis_out(Rune *base, int n, long *notused)
+	char *p;
+	int i;
+	Rune r;
+	static enum { ascii, japan646, jp2022 } state = ascii;
+	USED(notused);
+	if(first)
+		tab_init();
+	nrunes += n;
+	p = obuf;
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
+		r = base[i];
+		if(r < 128){
+			if(state == jp2022){
+				*p++ = ESC; *p++ = '('; *p++ = 'B';
+				state = ascii;
+			}
+			*p++ = r;
+		} else {
+			if(tab[r] != -1){
+				if(state != jp2022){
+					*p++ = ESC; *p++ = '$'; *p++ = 'B';
+					state = jp2022;
+				}
+				*p++ = tab[r]/100 + ' ';
+				*p++ = tab[r]%100 + ' ';
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: rune 0x%x not in output cs\n", argv0, r);
+			nerrors++;
+			if(clean)
+				continue;
+			*p++ = BYTEBADMAP;
+		}
+	}
+	noutput += p-obuf;
+	if(p > obuf)
+		write(1, obuf, p-obuf);
+/*	ms-kanji, or Shift-JIS	*/
+msjis_out(Rune *base, int n, long *notused)
+	char *p;
+	int i, hi, lo;
+	Rune r;
+	USED(notused);
+	if(first)
+		tab_init();
+	nrunes += n;
+	p = obuf;
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
+		r = base[i];
+		if(r < 128)
+			*p++ = r;
+		else {
+			if(tab[r] != -1){
+				hi = tab[r]/100 + ' ';
+				lo = tab[r]%100 + ' ';
+				J2S(hi, lo);
+				*p++ = hi;
+				*p++ = lo;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: rune 0x%x not in output cs\n", argv0, r);
+			nerrors++;
+			if(clean)
+				continue;
+			*p++ = BYTEBADMAP;
+		}
+	}
+	noutput += p-obuf;
+	if(p > obuf)
+		write(1, obuf, p-obuf);
+/*	ujis, or EUC	*/
+ujis_out(Rune *base, int n, long *notused)
+	char *p;
+	int i;
+	Rune r;
+	USED(notused);
+	if(first)
+		tab_init();
+	nrunes += n;
+	p = obuf;
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
+		r = base[i];
+		if(r < 128)
+			*p++ = r;
+		else {
+			if(tab[r] != -1){
+				*p++ = 0x80 | (tab[r]/100 + ' ');
+				*p++ = 0x80 | (tab[r]%100 + ' ');
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(squawk)
+				EPR "%s: rune 0x%x not in output cs\n", argv0, r);
+			nerrors++;
+			if(clean)
+				continue;
+			*p++ = BYTEBADMAP;
+		}
+	}
+	noutput += p-obuf;
+	if(p > obuf)
+		write(1, obuf, p-obuf);