new scripts
diff --git a/bin/9ar b/bin/9ar
index 94f99ba..42c6137 100755
--- a/bin/9ar
+++ b/bin/9ar
@@ -6,4 +6,3 @@
 	ranlib -c $2
diff --git a/bin/doctype b/bin/doctype
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df72db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/doctype
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# doctype:  synthesize proper command line for troff
+while(~ $1 -*){
+	switch($1){
+	case -n;
+		troff=nroff
+		eqn=neqn
+		prefer='prefer -n'
+	case -T
+		dev=$1
+	case -*
+		opt=$opt' $1'
+	}
+	shift
+	files=`{echo $*}
+9grep -h '\$LIST|\|reference|^\.(EQ|TS|\[|PS|IS|GS|G1|GD|PP|BM|LP|BP|PI|cstart|begin|TH...)|^\.P$' $* |
+sort -u |
+awk '
+BEGIN	{ files = "'$files'" }
+/\$LIST/ { e++ }
+/^\.PP/	{ ms++ }
+/^\.LP/	{ ms++ }
+/^\.EQ/	{ eqn++ }
+/^\.TS/	{ tbl++ }
+/^\.PS/	{ pic++ }
+/^\.IS/	{ ideal++ }
+/^\.GS/ { tped++ }
+/^\.G1/ { grap++; pic++ }
+/^\.GD/ { dag++; pic++ }
+/^\.\[/	{ refer++ }
+/\|reference/ { prefer++ }
+/^\.cstart/ { chem++; pic++ }
+/^\.begin +dformat/ { dformat++; pic++ }
+/^\.TH.../ { man++ }
+/^\.BM/ { lbits++ }
+/^\.P$/	{ mm++ }
+/^\.BP/	{ pictures++ }
+/^\.PI/	{ pictures++ }
+END {
+	x = ""
+	if (refer) {
+		if (e)	x = "refer -e " files " | "
+		else	x =  "refer " files "| "
+		files = ""
+	}
+	else if (prefer) { x = "cat " files "| '$prefer'| "; files = "" }
+	if (tped)  { x = x "tped " files " | "; files = "" }
+	if (dag)  { x = x "dag " files " | "; files = "" }
+	if (ideal) { x = x "ideal -q " files " | "; files = "" }
+	if (grap)  { x = x "grap " files " | "; files = "" }
+	if (chem)  { x = x "chem " files " | "; files = "" }
+	if (dformat)  { x = x "dformat " files " | "; files = "" }
+	if (pic)   { x = x "pic " files " | "; files = "" }
+	if (tbl)   { x = x "tbl " files " | "; files = "" }
+	if (eqn)   { x = x "'$eqn' '$dev' " files " | "; files = "" }
+	x = x "'$troff' "
+	if (man) x = x "-man"
+	else if (ms) x = x "-ms"
+	else if (mm) x = x "-mm"
+	if (lbits) x = x "-mbits"
+	if (pictures) x = x " -mpictures"
+	x = x " '$opt' '$dev' " files
+	print x
diff --git a/bin/lookman b/bin/lookman
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..57e8d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/lookman
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Usage: lookman key ...
+#	prints out the names of all manual pages containing all the given keywords
+fn sigexit sigint sighup sigterm{
+	rm -f $t1 $t2
+	exit 1
+*=`{echo $*|tr A-Z a-z|tr -dc 'a-z0-9_ \012'}	# fold case, delete funny chars
+if(~ $#* 0){
+	echo Usage: lookman key ... >/fd/2
+	exit 1
+look $1 $index|sed 's/.*	//'|sort -u >$t1
+for(i in $*){
+	look $i $index|sed 's/.*	//'|sort -u|
+		awk 'BEGIN {
+			while (getline < "'$t1'" > 0) table[$0] = 1;
+			}
+			{ if (table[$0]) print }
+			' > $t2
+	mv $t2 $t1
+sort $t1 | sed 's;/usr/local/plan9/man/man[0-9]*/;;
+	s;(.*)\.(.*);man \2 \1 # \1(\2);'
+rm -f $t1 $t2
+exit 0
diff --git a/bin/spell b/bin/spell
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a6b4a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/spell
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+	switch($x){
+	case -[abcvx]
+		spellflags=($spellflags $x)
+	case -f
+		fflag=$x
+	case *
+		if(~ $fflag -f)	{
+			spellflags=($spellflags -f $x)
+			fflag=''
+		}
+		if not		deroffargs=($deroffargs $x)
+	}
+deroff -w $deroffargs | sort -u | sprog $spellflags
diff --git a/bin/start b/bin/start
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..147f387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/start
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+exec /usr/local/plan9/bin/kill -CONT "$@"
diff --git a/bin/stop b/bin/stop
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cbafb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/stop
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+exec /usr/local/plan9/bin/kill -STOP "$@"
diff --git a/bin/wintext b/bin/wintext
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93fe40e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/wintext
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+case "$winid" in
+	9p read acme/$winid/body
+	exit 0
+case "$text9term" in
+	dial -e $text9term </dev/null
+	exit 0
+echo 'no running window found' 2>&1
+exit 1